October 17, 2012

The little things and a giveaway

I know I shouldn't be surprised any more, but I still am when I meet other women that I feel like I form a real friendship with.  And today I get to share yet another one of them with you! 
I have loved getting to know Ashley and today she is talking about finding happiness in little things. 
(I'm sure you know that mine are Target, Dunkin Donuts and candy of any kind.)
And she has a great giveaway that will make you pretty happy too!

Hi!!  I'm Ashley from Dancing With Ashley.

  I've realized that people can find happiness in little, every day things. Here is a list, according to Ashley, on how to make that happen.  {With a few links to some of my older posts}

1.  Take care of yourself!  Take time for YOU and do things that lift your spirits.   

2.  Wear things that make you feel pretty!  Um...hello!!  This dress in particular always does the job for me.  

3.  Be around people who make you laugh.  There can't be anything better than this...there just can't be.  My siblings do this for me.

4.  Do something for someone else.  When you're in a funk or feeling low, show someone else some kindness.  

5.  Find success in the little things.  Every sock has a match in a load of laundry?  That's success to me!!!

And, going along with #2, I would love for you to win this bracelet!

This is definitely something that would make me happy!  
Thank you Ashley for great giveaway!
Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted after the 22nd. 


  1. Give me anything chocolate and it'll instantly put a smile on my face.

  2. Pumpkin spice lattes. And weekends.

  3. Hot tea!!

    And I love you two ladies! Such a great giveaway :)


  4. All the tiny things my hubby does for me. They'll be small, fleeting things... but I appreciate those tiny things so much!

  5. A little thing that makes me happy - getting a letter in the mail that isn't a bill or junk mail! :o) That's always a happy surprise!!

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I'm already following both of you ladies!!

  6. My dog makes me happy. He is such a blessing to me and every morning I see him and hug him makes me smile. <3


  7. Reading - it's my little escape and helps me relax!

  8. Magazines, doggy snuggles, Starbucks White Chocolate Mochas

  9. Seeing my dogs SO happy to see me when I walk in the door after a long day :)

  10. Putting together puzzles with my hubby and watching our favorite TV shows together!

  11. Aww, I love Ashley! She's so cute!

  12. Ashley makes me happy! She is such a sweetheart and I am so happy everyone else gets to know that now too :)

  13. My son when I pick him up at pre-school. Best. smile. ever.


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