October 3, 2012


shirt: AE (high school old)  skirt: old navy  scarf: gap

I confess this is my first attempt at pattern mixing and I feel like I pretty much failed.
I kind of feel like a homeless person in this outfit.  Not sure if it's the extreme tired Monday face or what. 

(I confess that I'm pretty sure this was actually a Thursday.)

I wasn't even going to post this outfit but it is crucial to the next part of my post.  

I confess the day I wore this outfit to school I wore my shirt backwards.

Thankfully it was only 9:00 when one of my students told me there was a pocket on the back of my shirt and that I must have my shirt on backwards. 
and thankfully they are only 8 year olds that saw.  Still embarrassing.  8 year olds can be brutal.

I confess that my bedroom used to be decked out in everything Mickey Mouse. 
Wallpaper, bedspread, figurines, pillow, even my pajamas. 

As a matter of a fact this was my Christmas loot one year. 
Maybe I was a little too obsessive.  

I confess that I that I've pretty much failed another year in a row at growing a successful garden.
This year I produced one pepper.

It better taste delicious. 

Congratulations to Sarah C. who won the September giveaway!  An email has been sent your way!


  1. I hope you're joking saying you look like a homeless person...you are adorable with your pattern mixing.

    8 year olds can be brutal...but it's good that they told you....teenagers would notice but joke on you all day...right?! hah!

  2. You always look styled and put together. Love the mix. Nice work on dressing yourself!! ;)

  3. So funny! Nothing like realizing your clothes are on wrong. Or having someone else notice for you. My son is 8 and he would have told me but I would never hear the end of it!

  4. I seriously just laughed out loud. Thank you. Thank you.

  5. I don't think you failed at all - I love the printed scarf with the striped top and that skirt is one of my faves. :)

  6. To me, you are styling, as always.

  7. hahaha backwards shirt, done that before, oh and inside out. good stuff.
    love mickey.
    and i love your outfit.


  8. the most pattern mixing I do is a patterned shirt and a scarf, so you got ne there. You look beautiful! Would it be okay if I said I laughed put loud about the shirt comment/mickey mouse obsession? I'm not that mean, I promise! My little brother wore his pants backwards twice last week. and no one told.him until I noticed after school. His friends must reeeeeeeally like his personality!
    I confess that I haven't posted on the blog in two weeks and I should be doing my chem homework, and that I haven't studied for tomorrows math test, and I have 50 pages left to annotate. I'm right there with you, Katie! Life is crazy sometimes, but there is always an upside (ahem HOMECOMING WEEK?!)
    I haven't talked to you in waaaay too long!


  9. No way! You look super cute! Definitely not like a homeless person! Very funny that you wore your shirt backwards, though. Oh gracious! And I sure hope your pepper is FABULOUS! I'm sure it will be! :)

  10. This post made me smile and laugh. Not at you, but at your humor. Love the last line...it better taste delicious.:)

  11. I think the pattern mixing looks great! Love that you are wearing a shirt from high school!!

  12. I totally still have AE stuff from high school. I lived in a small town, so it was as fancy as it got and I still treasure them!

  13. I love the outfit, you definitely didn't fail. And that pepper looks juicy!

    Just found your blog through the HUGE giveaway! I am excited to be your newest follower. Would love for you to stop by and follow along if you'd like :)


  14. Awww the lone pepper! Haha! I think you did a great job of pattern mixing...even if your shirt was backwards :).

  15. WOW I have never seen that much Disney paraphernalia in one place that's not Disneyland hahaha. Lucky you! (I bet that made you easy to shop for hehe) and I love your pattern mixing! such a versatile shirt.

    The House of Shoes

  16. You definitely do NOT look anything like a homeless person! I've worn shirts backwards before too. I guess that's what happens when you get dressed in the dark and you're half asleep :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Chicnova Giveaway!

  17. Haha, we all have those days. I once forgot to wear a bra and left the house.. that was a day full of awkwardness. I think you did great with your first try at pattern mixing! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. lol to the pepper. i hope it's tasty! and eh, the backwards shirt thing happens to us all!

  19. I remember having Mickey Mouse pillowcases growing up. Your pajamas are too cute! And you do not look homeless! I LOVE the mixed prints - I think your outfit looks great!

  20. hahaha love the mickey picture :D
    and ur skirt :D


  21. No way!!! You did not fail with the mixing...you are taking baby steps and you rocked it! :) Stripes and dots are the perfect beginning! ;) And girl, you don't know how many times I have worn my shirt backwards! LOL! And I think your email is blocked from my computer! :( I can't find your first email anywhere???? So, weird!

  22. My garden was a total flop this year, too. I blame it on being the first year at this house and the stupid drought. Still, it makes me mad.

  23. Girl! I think the mixed print looks great! But I understand what you are saying, I am no good at mixing either.
    And you with Mickey Mouse - me it was Holly Hobby and New Kids.


  24. Definitely not a failed outfit and definitely not a homeless person. I really love the patterned scarf with the stripes! I Don't think I've really tried pattern mixing yet either... you've inspired me to try.

    What about mixing a Mickey Mouse print shirt with a Donald Duck scarf? I'm sure you would feel super confident in that!

  25. Ha, I love that you wore your skirt backwards to school. That's something that would happen to me. You are too funny, girl!
    xo TJ

  26. Haha you're hilarious! You definitely don't look like a homeless person in that outfit even if you felt like one. Good job on the pepper :)

  27. I love this post! Guess what I'm getting you for your birthday! ;)

  28. Nice looks on your lovely blog =)
    Hey what about following each other? Visit my blog and let me know, it would be great to keep in touch!

  29. So pretty! Really love that shade of blue! Stunning!:)

    ox from NYC!


  30. Aw, I think you look cute..the scarf is adorable!

  31. Well that is one stylish homeless person then cause I think you look fine! I had to giggle about the backwards t-shirt.....man have we all had those embarassing moments in life. My husband went to work on his first week of his new job with one of those size stickers down the leg of his new pants ALL day! No one told him and then he gets home and I see it and laughed probably the whole night about it.

  32. LOVE this! Too funny! And I realllllly love that blue skirt!

    It's an Easy Life

  33. I really like your outfit!
    Wow! You were a big fan of Mickey Mouse, I was a big fan of Minnie Mouse :)

  34. you look GORGEOUS! your subtle pattern mixing is gorgeous, katie!! you crack me up!


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