October 4, 2012

High Five for Friday

top, jeans, booties: target  scarf: OmMadeWIthLove

1. One of my best friends recently opened an Etsy shop.  
She is beyond talented.  And she is extremely generous and lets me benefit from her talents by letting my wear her gorgeous scarves!
Check out her shop here.

2.  Here are my other favorites:

                                                 button scarf                              multicolored cowl

3.  Loving this verse lately and clinging to it's truth.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness. 
2 Corinthians 12:3 

4.  I'm adding this sweater to my birthday wishlist: 
(Which is less than a month away!)

5.  I read this interesting article the other day about the amount of money being spent on beauty, from products to procedures.  It was definitely interesting and you should check it out here.

Chris and I are leaving tonight to spend three days in Wisconsin thanks to a great deal we found on groupon.  I can't even tell you how excited I am to spend some quality time together.  
Life has been challenging and stressful lately and it is so easy to let that take over your daily life. 
I'm excited to spend a few days away from life's distractions and busyness.

Hope you have a great weekend!  


  1. your beautiful. I hope you have a great weekend!!

  2. I hope you have a very relaxing and romantic weekend!

  3. You make those scarfs look so good, love it.

  4. I love your outfit, as always!!

    Enjoy your weekend! You deserve it!!

  5. Have fun in Wisconsin! It is so nice to just get away sometimes. The scarves are cute, I love the button one!

  6. Hope you have an awesome weekend away with your hubby! :)
    I love your cozy fall look - I have that top in black and it is one of my faves!

  7. Loooove that scarf! I can't wait to hear all about your weekend and how fabulous it was :)

  8. Love that scarf! Your friend is super talented.

    Have a GREAT time!! Relax and enjoy your time with your hubby.

  9. wow that scarf is amazing!!! you look gorgeous <3 and i hope you have SUCH a great time on your mini-vacay! you deserve it, girl <3

  10. Aww I hope you two have a wonderful time this weekend!! :)

  11. Oooh I love the whole outfit especially the boots. Yay fall!

  12. You look adorable, as usual. Have fun in Wisconsin!

  13. Such a pretty scarf! Have a great time away!!:)

  14. You look adorable!! :) Love that outfit & those scarves are gorgeous! Have the best weekend with your love :)

  15. Love the scarf...and I hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend with your hubby!

  16. I love that scarf! I hope y'all have a great relaxing long weekend!!!

  17. I love your scarf!!! Have an amazing time in Wisconsin!


  18. LOVE the cowl!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  19. Happy Early Birthday! I am loving that scarf on you, especially with that genius shirt/shoe color coordination :) Have fun in Wisconsin!


  20. Uh oh... I'm pretty sure I'll die if I don't add that scarf to my wardrobe... :/

  21. Those scarves are adorable! She is super talented. That button scarf is so unique and pretty - I really want it! Have a great weekend :)

  22. The scarf and the horse print top are both so cute! I hope you have a wonderful time with Chris on your weekend getaway!

    The Tiny Heart
    Chicnova Giveaway!

  23. What beautiful scarves! And I love that horse print sweater too, it's just so cute. Have so much fun on your weekend getaway! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  24. Hi! New follower!

    Those scarfs are so cute and perfect for fall!

    I found your blog from Erin at Living in Yellow - in particular your infertility posts were what made me click on your links. We've got that in common right now, and it always helps to have someone who knows exactly what you're going thru around. So, just letting you know that i'll be following along and keeping you in my prayers!

  25. I am a new follower!! Love those scarfs!!!

    Looking forward to reading more and learning more about you!! So far we have golden retrievers in common!!

    Feel free to pop by and say hello sometime!

  26. I have had my eye on the Target booties. I think they may need to come home with me this weekend!

  27. love today's outfit! have a wonderful time in wisconsin!

  28. I really want that sweater too! I used to have rainboots with horses on them (I think maybe J Crew?) and then one of them ripped and I had to toss them. Saddest day ever.

  29. Love all the scarves , but that button one is AMAZING!!! Have so much fun on your well deserved trip!!

  30. Happy Birthday soon! Since it's in less than a month, I think you can officially start celebrating! That works, right? A birthday month??

    Have fun in Wisconsin! I love the scarves!

  31. Enjoy your weekend away! My boyfriend and I are having ours next week and I can't wait to get away for a few days. I checked out your friend's etsy shop and love it...the scarves are perfect for this time of year and are still heavy enough for winter. Love your outfit!


  32. love the scarf!
    have fun on your mini vaca!!!!


  33. love the button scarf. super cute :)

    have a great weekend!

    xoxo, Amy @ Interpret As You May

  34. I love that verse too! It pulls me through each day. I hope your time is relaxing and you come back feeling rejuvenated!!

  35. gee whiz I need to check out Groupon more often! I keep hearing from everyone how many awesome deals they have. I hope you have a blast! I love that cowl neck scarf look. so trendy and gorgeous. And we must have similar birthdays cause mine is about a month away! :)

    The House of Shoes

  36. Very very cute scarves. Love love love it all...
    I'd love to have that multicolored cowl!!!
    Came here blog hopping and liked your blog!
    Do drop by my blog sometime.
    And do follow via GFC & FB, if you like and let me know with a comment! :)

  37. I do loves scarfs for fall, they are one of my favorites accessories when it gets cold! Especially love large warm knitted ones.


  38. newest follower here! Great outfit post, I love it!

  39. Love those booties! And cute scarves :) Darling little blog you have here <3



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