October 7, 2012

Leaving a Legacy

dress: kohls  boots: dsw  sweater: ?

It has been almost a year since my grandpa passed away.  
Two years ago in October my grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Soon after he was diagnosed my family flew down to Texas to say goodbye, as we weren't sure how long he would have left.
Thankfully, God allowed him to live another year which was such a blessing. 

It was such a blessing to be able to have a year that we didn't think we would have. 
To have a year to make it a point to call him and talk to him more often. 
To have a year to write him a letter telling him how much I loved him and how lucky I was to have him as a grandpa.  

My grandpa was an amazing man.  One of the greatest things that I admire about him was that he was a man of prayer.  My dad spend a lot of time with him during his last year and was able to spend many nights with him. 
I learned that each night my grandpa would spend time praying for every member of his family. 
And not just listing names, but praying for our specific needs and struggles we were going through. 
He knew what we were going through and knew that one of the best ways to love us was to lift us up in prayer. 

About a year and a half ago, Chris and I started praying together every night.  We too lift up our families, friends and our own needs and struggles.  We have yet to miss a night of praying together.

Part of me is sad that my grandpa isn't here for me to tell him when I do get pregnant, as I know that he prayed that for us every night.  But I know one of his prayers is being answered, that Chris and I continue to grow in our marriage and grow closer to God.  

I think of my grandpa all the time and am so thankful for the example and legacy that he left. 
And I'm so thankful for that extra year we had with him so I could tell him that.
I'm so thankful that I have no doubts that right now he talking to God face to face.  

I know he would be so proud of Chris and the man of prayer that he has become.  


  1. you've just encouraged me to pray as a family...it's always me praying by myself or my husband praying by himself...occasionally we pray together but not every night like you and your husbabnd. thats really cool

  2. This is a sweet post! I bet he is very proud of you both have become!
    Also, I LOVE that white dress!!

  3. So sorry for your pain :(
    I'm sorta in the process of losing my gram.. She's had 3 different kinds of cancer for the past year :( each day she gets worse.

    It's so difficult watching a grandparent slip away.
    Praying for you sweet friend.
    Love you!
    && I hope your weekend away was wonderful :)

  4. This is so sweet.

    Scott and I used to do this. But the Army always intervened and it got away from us. Once you stop doing something everyday (hello, gym), it's hard to get started again. *sigh*
    Thanks for sharing such a sweet story. :)
    And what brand is that dress?
    I've spent hoursss in Kohl's looking at Lauren Conrad clearance and I can never find my size.

  5. What a blessing - thanks so much for sharing. :)
    As usual, I love your cute look today. Have a wonderful week!

  6. oh what a sweet post! what an amazing man.

    ps - love that dress! :)

  7. Thank you for sharing such sweet memories of your Grandpa. One of my grandpa's died unexpectedly when I was 11 and I miss him so much. It is a special bond a little girl has with her grandpa! I need to call my (other set of) grandparents more often: anytime we see them when we are in town, I try to soak it up and treasure that time as much as I can! Have a great week!

  8. What a great grandpa :). My grandpa passed away a year ago as well and it has been so hard. What a blessing that your husband is getting stronger in Christ and you guys can live out the influence he had on you.

  9. This is such a sweet post, your grandpa sounds like a really amazing person. I miss my grandpa too.

  10. Such a sweet post Katie - your grandpa sounds like an amazing man :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  11. Such a precious tribute to your grandfather, bless you. Bless him for leaving such a wonderful legacy of prayer behind. He would be very proud of the prayer warriors that you, and your husband have become.

  12. He would be so proud of both of you!!

    I love that he prayed for you guys individually...that's a faithful man!

  13. I think that is one of the most intimate things a couple can do together: pray. We need to do it more often, thank you for reminding me of that. And God Bless your Grandpa, he seemed like wonderful man. You should be so proud!

  14. So sweet! Sorry for your loss but grateful for your insight and wisdom and reminding me of the importance of praying with your spouse... we always say we should... we just need to make it a habit. Great post for a MOnday morning. Hugs!

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss, Katie. I think it's wonderful though that you were able to learn so much from your grandpa.

    The Tiny Heart
    Chicnova giveaway!

  16. I am going to be hoest with you, I read the most amazing and honest post I ever had. it is just so touching and sincere that brought me to tears and made me think a lot. My grandma passed away and she prayed for all of us, and I often feel like crap becuase I just do not believe as much as I would like in God. I have tried to do that before but when she passed away I was furious with God taking her away from me and it is hard to overcome that anger.
    Could you please consier following each other? www.shineonbyandrea.blogspot.com Twitter:@shineonbyandrea

  17. Sounds like your grandpa was a great man :) That is amazing that he lived another year after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. My friend recently lost her father to pancreatic cancer, and he passed away only 5 months after being diagnosed. It's nice that you had time to say goodbye and let him know how much he meant to you :)

  18. Very sweet and thoughtful post...and I love your boots!
    xo Annie

  19. a sweet tribute to your gpa and a great thing to do with your hubby!

  20. This is so sweet Katie. Your grandpa would not only be proud of Chris but he'd be proud of YOU. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. Such a lovely post dear, thank you for sharing with us :)


  22. Wow. He sounds like someone I'd like to meet. Maybe in Heaven:)
    Thanks for sharing!

  23. my great granny passed almost a year ago and i'm dreading the holidays. but then again i'm so very happy and at peace because she's in Heaven and not in pain. bittersweet indeed.

  24. Your dress is adorable.

    I love this post, really sweet :)

  25. Just an inspiring post!!!

    {visiting from www.blendedwithlove.net}

  26. Cute look and what a sweet post about your grandpa :)


  27. Love your dress!!!

    What a beautiful post :) Crazy how they continue to touch our lives, whether here with us, or watching down on us ;)

  28. What a sweet post to your Grandfather. He is very proud of you! I can only imagine!


  29. Such a beautiful post! I lost my grandpa two years ago this December and I miss him terribly. They are definitely precious.

  30. Such a sweet and heartfelt post Katie. I often think of how my grandparents won't be around to see my children either and it saddens me. Your grandfather sounds like he was an amazing man!

  31. Lovely pics!
    Thanks for the comment =)

  32. Such a touching post. Grandparents are special! Sounds like he was amazing!


  33. wow this is so timely. we're going through a sermon series at church called "The Circle Maker" all about prayer. and this is something my husband and i are trying to do nightly - is PRAY. i have been pretty good at praying on my own - but prayer with my husband has not come easy for some reason. but we're really working on it and it's so true how it draws you closer to God!

  34. I love this post. So timely for us. We were at church and the importance of prayer in marriage was discussed. We are trying to incorporate it more and more...and most importantly, together. Thank you for this reminder. Your grandfather sounded like an amazing man.

  35. You are a true gift to all of us! Your genuine soul and God loving heart is hard to find these days. I have so much respect and love for you, katie! Your Grandpa is looking down smiling. It sounds like you have a lot of him inside you!

  36. That is amazing that your grandpa was such an example to you and Chris. He is probably so excited up in heaven that you and Chris are walking in the Lord and continuing on his habit of prayer every evening. What a way to honor God and to honor your grandpa!

  37. What a beautiful legacy of prayer your grandpa left you!

    It is awesome that you had a year to say goodbye.

  38. That is so beautiful...I bet he's up there smiling right now!

  39. Awww! I am so sorry for your loss. This brought a tear to my eye. My grandma has been gone for 9 years and I miss her everyday. She had Parkinson's sp like you, we knew it was coming so it and time to say goodbye. Your grandpa sounds like a great person.


  40. Losing loved ones is always so hard, but I'm sure your Grandpa is looking down on you, so proud of the woman you are. Thank you for linking up to Sunday Style, but more importantly thank you for sharing this special story :)
    Modern Modest Beauty


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