October 25, 2012

High Five for Friday

dress: steve & barry's   boots: dsw 

 1.   Have any of you ever been to Steve & Barry's? It's not a huge surprise that they went out of business because nothing in their store was over $9.  I got this dress for $2 when they were going out of business.  They had a line by Sarah Jessica Parker and their stuff was so cute - wish it was still around!

2. I'm really proud of myself because I've actually made real dinner this week.  Twice!
It makes it a whole lot easier that both were in the crock pot.

                     Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup                                           Cashew Chicken

3. And one of the best desserts I've made in awhile. 

and I'm currently eating these straight out of the pan at this moment. Bad idea.

4. I apologize for the recent overload of instagram pictures of the bottom half of me.
I can't stop taking them and I think it's because it makes my legs look about 10 times smaller than they really are.  

5. I'm really excited that this happened this week too. Thank you so much for following along!

Bonus number:
I have a few large ad spaces available for November for only $10 and lots of medium spaces for $5.
Email me if you're interested in sponsoring my blog this next month!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I definitely wish Steve and Barry's was still around! SJP's line was so cute!!! And congrats on the 1000+, I'll be there someday!

  2. I remember Steve & Barry's. I feel like when I noticed it, a month later it was going out of business.

    New to your blog via the giveaway!

  3. i just sent my mom that caramel cheesecake recipe and told her she should make those for me when i come home :) brat much? haha

    and i made real dinner twice this week too...yay us!

  4. I LOVED Steve & Barry's! I have a pair of SJP jeans they sold and I LOVE LOVE them!!!

    I have got to make those caramel apple cheesecake bars! YUM!

    Happy Friday!!

  5. We used to have a Steve & Barry's for hot second :) Looks like you had a fine week my dear, cheers to the weekend!

  6. It looks so warm and sunny in the picture! I can't believe I live in California and it's cold enough for jackets every day already :) Not that our definition of cold, as anything less than 70 degrees, has anything to do with it!
    You're literally the best money-saver/couponer/deal-finder ever. Teach me. Those boots on Instagram? They were a birthday gift, that the fact that they were $50 is pretty scary to me. I could have gotten riding boots AND combat boots for the same price!
    I love that picture of the chicken! Artsy :) And congrats on the 1000! You definitely deserve it!


  7. All of that food looks TOO GOOD.
    I really need to bust out my crock pot...I've never used it!

    I love those boots, by the way :)

  8. I was so bummed when Steve&Barry's closed! It was the best place for college hoodies!

  9. I went to Steve & Barry's once before it closed, but I wasn't impressed.
    Congrats on topping 1000!!

  10. There was a Steve and Barry's in the town I went to college but I never went it there. I wish I had known they had Sarah Jessica Parker clothes! That dress you have on is so cute, I love the vintage look it has to it. And those cheesecake bars? YUM!

  11. I love using the crock pot! I made some split pea soup this week as well. It's so nice walking into a home that smells like delicious food! Hope you have a great weekend!

  12. What?!? That is my kind of store. I love that dress. I wanna sponsor. Hook me up. How do I pay?! I'm new. ;) ok. Good work on those meals. Those bars look amaze. I want my spoon in there!!

  13. Pinning that cashew chicken! I love good crockpot recipes (that actually work). I've made one too many not-good things in the crockpot.
    Love a dress that is cheap without looking cheap :)

  14. Steve & Barrys!! We used to have it in the local mall but it closed down a long time ago! They did have some really cute stuff though - score on that dress.

    And that cashew chicken looks amazingggg! Kudos for cooking :)

  15. How come I never find awesome stores/deals like this.. gosh. I'm comin over your way!
    Those cheesecake bars look delicious!
    & woo hoo for cooking twice! .. I'm not even sure if I did that this week =/

    Happy Friday!!

  16. What a cute $2 dress!! I too loved Steve and Barry's and was sad to see it go :(. You have been cooking some YUMMY things, little lady! I want to try it all!!

  17. hi Katie!!! yummy food you have here!!
    you're really a deal finder eh!
    lovely blog

  18. Love the outfit! I remember hearing about Steve & Barry's on Project Runway forever ago when Sarah Jessica Parker was on.

    I need to start taking pictures downways. My legs are short...

    Have a good weekend!

  19. YUM! That cashew chicken looks amazing. Love your boots too.

  20. That dress is adorable on you! That's too bad they went out of business. And oh my gosh, the caramel apple cheesecake bars... YUM! Hope you have a great weekend! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. Oh my goodness that dessert looks amazing!

  22. first of all, love that dress so much.
    second, real dinners, yay!

    and love all of your outfits.
    so glad its the weekend


  23. That dessert looks sooo yummy! I love the instagram pics of your bottom half - you are always so stylish! And CONGRATULATIONS on 1000+ followers!!!!!!!

  24. I love how nice the weather looks there!
    I can't believe you got that dress for $2 - what a great deal. And it's super cute.

  25. Wow $2.00 now THAT is a score!

    Ali of:


  26. Never heard of Steve & Barry's, but that dress for $2...wow! Reminds me of an Anthropologie dress :) Love how you styled it with the rugged knee high boots...fab look!


  27. Your outfit is so cute. That dessert looks yummy.

  28. Girl, I would be eating those caramel apple thingys out of the pan too!! ;) And I take way to many IG pictures of my bottom half too...but I do it for skinnier legs also! LOL!!!!

  29. In no particular order - Congrats! Adorable dress (and two bucks!!!)! And holy cow those cheesecake bars look divine. I will not be making them or I would eat all of them.by.my.self. Yum.

  30. Cashe chicken is my go to meal...pretty much anything in a crock pot!:) yay for so many followers, love your blog!! Happy Friday!

  31. Hi Katie, such a pretty look! Love this colour on you!
    Zoe xxx

  32. I like pics ofthe bottom half of you ;) Good for you on being so domestic this week!

  33. I love taking those outfit pics in Instagram too!

    I remember Steve and Barry's. I was sad when they went out of business too.

    I am so making that soup!!

    Congrats on 1000+ followers! That is amazing!!

  34. both the cashew cicken and the cheesecake are winking at me like crazy! love your dress too!

  35. I got that exact same dress! I bought it in a local outlet some years back, with the label cut off, so I had no idea what brand it was. too bad they closed, I bet they had a bunch of other great clothes.

  36. thanks for the comment and congrats on the 1000!
    that soup made my mouth water instantly, looks so delicious.
    love your blog, can't wait to look around!

  37. thanks for the comment and congrats on the 1000!
    that soup made my mouth water instantly, looks so delicious.
    love your blog, can't wait to look around!

  38. those caramel apple cheesecake bars look AMAZING!! and congrats on 1000!! that's amazing!!!!!


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