October 28, 2012

Spending your money

I can't even remember why I have this picture or why we would ever have this much cash when I normally carry about $5 in my purse.   But I figured it was worth sharing for this post. 

We all know that I am pretty careful with my money and will only buy something if it is a good deal. 
You may even call me cheap. 

Which is why when I choose to sponsor a blog I want to make sure it is well worth my money!
And I have some great blogs lined up to sponsor the next two months. 

and I'm pretty convinced that sponsoring my blog
for November or December will be well worth your money too. 

Current Stats:

Followers via GFC: 1,025+
Daily page views during the week: 600
Monthly page views: 16,000

X-large spots available for $15 (individual post and giveaway)
Large spots for $10 (group feature post and group giveaway).
and medium spots for only $5 (group giveaway). 

Email me at katiejvale@yahoo.com to save your spot for November or December! 


  1. Cute pic! It's ok to be cheap. I am the same way. It has to be on sale or a really good deal in order for me to buy it. That's why I get in trouble during sale times! Black Friday is my favorite day of the year!!
    Rare Nonsense

  2. What a fun picture! You are so cute! I wonder if this is from your honeymoon and that's all wedding money

  3. funny pic!!! girl i am so cheap!!!


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