October 28, 2012

Crabby McGee

Two posts in one day?  I couldn't possibly leave you with just this post from earlier, so here's another:

jacket: old navy (similar)   dress: francesca's (similar)     boots: dsw (similar)   scarf: made my my sister

Want to know a way to NOT turn your spouse's bad attitude around?
Call them Crabby McGee. 
or Crabby McCrabster. 

On occasion Chris would call me that when he is joking around about my bad attitude and it can go one of two ways. 
I may just laugh and it could slightly improve my mood. 
or it may have a high possibility of making me even more crabby. 

Either way I have to say that last week I just may have won an award for being ultra crabby at home and at school.  
The fact that it was dress up each day last week (crazy hair = crazy kids) and we had a power out and one half day of school.  That my friends, is a recipe for a crabby teacher.  

However, I am well aware that I am in control of my attitude and sometimes I wish that wasn't true.
It is much easier to be crabby and annoyed than choose to not let those things get to you.

So this week I'm working on putting away the Crabby McGee and having a better attitude! 

Hope you have a good start to the week!

If you haven't entered my October group giveaway yet, go HERE!

Linking up to YOLO Monday  Monday Mingle


  1. We all have those days or weeks! Here's to a better week!!

  2. Such a cute outfit! Must have been in the air last week.

  3. I love this outfit! And I love you, crabby or not! Remember, you on a crabby day is still way more delightful than some people on their best day : )

  4. Love that outfit. I'm so glad you are gonna have a better week!! It's gonna be a GREAT week!!! I know it. Stay positive. And no crazy hair days so its gotta be better!! ;) hugs.

  5. SO cute! Love your red scarf...it adds the perfect touch. And I was Miss McCrabster yesterday...it happens!

  6. Oh my goodness - I had a Crabby McCrabberson last week as well - it had to have been the theme days at school. Here's to a better week!

  7. I've been in a crabby mood this weekend :( Glad to know I'm not alone!

    Love your cutie outfit!

  8. I'm the same way when it comes to being notified of my bad mood. It's either funny or sooooo not funny. It happens to us all. The great thing is- youre determined to have a different week!

  9. HAAA! I say "grumpy mcgee" all the time!

  10. I am not looking forward to Halloween at school, with it being in the middle of the week and a full day of school. I should dress up as a crab!

  11. When Dane makes fun of me while I'm angry it goes one way...south. I immediately get more irritated even though he's only joking around!

  12. Yeah making fun of an angry person is not helpful! But it's fun to talk about later!

  13. lol. I'm pretty sure that would make me more angry, too! It's easier just to ignore bad moods than to point them out.
    Hope your week is great!!

  14. Love this outfit! I want a scarf like that!


  15. Katie, I hope you have a better week! And I love your outfit as always. :)

  16. I would get even more crabby too but I hope you have a good week too! I love this outfit, the dress is so pretty and those pants are awesome :)

  17. Love this! Sending love from New York City, hope you are well. Please follow me! & like me on Facebook! If you have bloglovin, we should follow each other!

  18. I love your orange snood- so warm and chic at the same time! xx

  19. haha crazy hair = crazy kids
    I love it!
    you look cute

  20. You look adorable in this outfit! And my husband does the same thing. He calls me Grumpy and he always says "you need to relax". We all know that telling someone to relax only makes them more agitated! Haha, so don't worry, I am right here with you! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. I like your entire outfit. Especially,the fact that your sister made you the scarf.

  22. Hope you have a better week this week! Very cute outfit, perfect colours for fall :)

  23. I get the "Miss Crabalicious!" Cheers to a better week! And by the way, you look fantastic in this outfit. Cheer up!

    Stopping by from the link ups! Happy Halloween!
    Understated Classics

  24. Love your boots and it must have been in the air last week because I was definitely crabby all week. xx

  25. Here's hoping your positivity is enough for both of us :)
    I like the scarf.

  26. I get called crabby pants sometimes :) and I'm loving your dress with jean jacket & cozy scarf!

  27. everyone is entitled to a bad day :)

    I like to sing " who lives in a pineapple under the sea...( insert name here) cranky pants!? ) nobody thinks it is funny but me :)

  28. you look so gorgeous, katie!! and don't worry - everyone has their crabby moments :) <3

  29. stunning - love your boots. we all have our days right :)

  30. Aw...well hope this week is a little better for you! You look really cute in that outfit so it's a great way to start :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  31. I hope this week is much better! But there is NO WAY you could be crabby in this outfit!! Katie, it's hands down one of my faves!!! Chin up, okay!?!

  32. I am with you- super crabby lately! On the bright side- you look great! Love everything about this outfit!

  33. i know how that feels, my fiance always pokes fun at me when im mad, and it can go either way! love that scarf with your outfit :)

    C's Evolution of Style

  34. Sweet blog! I notimated you with an blogger award on my blog! Click 'here' to check it out! I hope you like it! You may also notimate up to 7 bloggers (or an many as you like). Have a great one!

  35. Love that dress! And when my husband tells me I'm being crabby I kind of want to throw things at him!
    Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

  36. Aww. My boyfriend always make me laugh when I'm upset. I do think upset is different than crabby though!

  37. i definitely have those days and seriously it just takes my husband to call me out on it to realize how bad my attitude is. good for you for committing to change this week!

  38. such cute boots! and i didn't mind the money post giveaway! haha

  39. I totally understand how a hubby's teasing could lead one of two ways when you're crabby! I've scared myself sometimes;) Hope you feel in a better mood soon!

  40. Oh how I know what you mean! Our hubby's can put us in a better mood or simply make it worse depending on what spot we are in. I am happy that when I was crabby this morning, the hubby was super supportive and made it all better.

  41. You always have the cutest dresses! Jealous!

  42. I know how those days can be. I love that outfit.

  43. We all have those days!! Loving your outfit!!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  44. Words of wisdom and truth! Cute outfit:)

  45. I love this look!! Denim jackets are my favorite and I love chunky knit scarf!

    <3 Denise


  46. Look at you, you over achiever ;) I always think if I post more than once a day people won't see the first one, but I've read you should post 50/month... Don't know if I have the time for that though. I love the red and denim, it's super cute!!


  47. I get into the same moods. We call it Hangry at my house. It's a lot about blood sugar levels for me.

  48. This is adorable! I've been wanting a chunky red infinity scarf like that. Love it!

  49. love the combination.
    So practical and yet chic and put together.

    Visiting from Monday Mingle.



  50. This cute post here has me seriously contemplating melting down into a I want Fall pout... oh the life of a girl in paradise. I'll just have to pop in here regularly to drool over your seasonal wear.

    Just stopping by from The Wiegand's, sweet Casey's blog, to personally invite you to join me for An Aloha Affair; a sort of end of week gathering and mingling and growing together. I'd love to have ya, stop by anytime...


  51. Oh I love this outfit on you! That dress is too cute! xo


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