October 14, 2012

Instagram Love

dress: old navy (similar)  socks: target   boots: kohls (similar)

I'm quite excited that it is time to wear socks under boots again.  It took me a little while to feel confident wearing them like this, but I'm ready to take advantage of Fall weather and wear them often!

Like I'm sure the majority of you are, I am in love with instagram.
It amazes me that I can take a picture of my dessert, food or shoes and they amazingly look 100 times cooler when I put a filter on them and post them in square collage on my phone. 
Somewhat deceptive and not accurate of real life. But I love it. 

If you follow me on instagram this will all be repetitive - sorry about that. 
But here's some pictures from the last week or so.  

We spent this last weekend in Galena with Chris' family.  It was the cutest town ever and we loved it!

I've started taking classes at the gym and am really enjoying it.  My favorite so far is kickboxing and a strength and conditioning class.   I should probably dedicate a whole post on my thoughts on group workouts.

My sister texted me this picture yesterday of my nephew wearing the sweatshirt I gave him. I miss that boy so much! 

I bought this shirt at Target for $6 a week or so ago and I love it.  If I had a better phone or was more talented I'd take a picture of the back because it has a cute zipper on top. 

I may have successfully attempted pattern mixing last week.  Outfit post to come. 

Today I got to be part of this sweet boy's baptism.  I felt quite honored to become a godmother.

Want to follow me on instagram?

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Sunday Style  steppin' out
YOLO Monday


  1. I love how you were asked to be the godmother!!! So adorable.

    I do love a good Instagram filter!!!

  2. Cute outfit! Love the socks and boots -so cute. :)
    And the baby - adorable!

  3. Okay I seriously can't wait for your pattern mixing post! That dress is ADORABLE!!

  4. Yes! I love kickboxing. Such a great workout. And the socks look cute! I haven't actually gotten up my courage to wear them like that, but I plan to. Actually, I want to try crocheting some cute tops I can wear. I saw a picture on Pinterest I thought was cute.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kickboxing is super addictive!
    I have one instructor here that I just love and now I'm all spoiled and refuse to go to other classes.
    I should probably pull out my boot socks too...I haven't worn them over leggings yet this year.

  7. I love your boots!! They are awesome :)

  8. Now following you on instagram @lifeasiknow09

    Cute dress!!

  9. Girlfriend, you can pull just about anything and everything off. I'm quite jealous!! Love the pattern mixing :) I need to raid your closet! :) have a wonderful Monday!! XO

  10. Love the stripped dress! Please showcase again :) and socks with boots are my current obsession! They are just so cuddly

  11. Love the boots and socks combo!

  12. You are too cute! And, what a blessing to be a Godmother!! So adorable.

  13. I was obsessed with kickboxing for awhile.....I loved it! Sounds like you're having fun :-)

  14. boot socks and cute baby boy pictures... you just officially gave me warm fuzzies!

  15. you have such a cute little blog dear! i love the outfit on the first photograph.

    lindsey louise


  16. LOVE the pattern mixes. I've been digging them lately and you definitely pull it off!

  17. Such a cute outfit and loving the boots! After living in a very hilly area + having 37 steps to get to my apartment my calves have gotten massive and I can no longer wear boots, it's so depressing. xo

  18. I love that dress! And total SWOON over the little baby photo asking you to be his godmother :)


  19. What a cute way to ask someone to be a godmother!

    And I am loving that mixed pattern outfit!

  20. taking classes at the gym is such a great way to mix things up!


  21. Instagram is awesome! I am excited to see your pattern mixing!

  22. I love the way socks and boots look too! Congrats on becoming a godmother!

    The Tiny Heart
    Bubble Necklace Giveaway!

  23. great post!
    really nice blog.
    wanna follow each other???
    Join my CHANEL GIVEAWAY!!!

  24. oh my gosh that last little face of will you be my godmother is so precious!! congrats on being his godmother! love the outfits katie

  25. Your first outfit is super cute, love the boots and socks. And that last picture... oh my goodness, SO precious!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  26. So cute! I loved kickboxing when I took it :) Way to go!

  27. Wow! Great post! New follower here.


  28. I just started doing Zumba classes and they are SO much fun! Dance and exercise together? OK! :)
    Sounds like you've been having fun!

  29. I am obsessed with IG too...it's my favorite social media site by far!! And I can't WAIT to see the pattern mixing post...I love it already!!!

  30. I LOVE that plaid dress Katie - so cute! And group classes are my fave. Can't wait to see your pattern mixing post...looks fabulous from what I can see :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  31. The boots are perfect with your adorable dress!

  32. Oh my gosh, what adorable pictures! I'll let the Cubs sweater slide though, I'm a sox fan ;)


  33. Oh gosh, congrats on being a godmother, girl! What a huge honor!!! :)
    xo TJ

  34. Cute cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!! And I've always wanted to be a godmother!!!

  35. First off i love your boots! I really enjoyed looking at your pics! Your outfit you wore in Galena is put very well together, way cute.
    Congrats on being a Godmother to a cute little baby




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