October 11, 2012

High Five for Friday

sweater: jcpenny (really old)  leggings: target   boots: dsw  

1.  This is my ideal weekend outfit.
Leggings, long sweatshirt, scarf and boots.

2. Today in school I asked a student if he had an assignment in his desk.
"I'm 100% sure I don't have it and 50% sure I do."
Shoot.  We really need to work on our math.

3. I made these snickerdoodle brownies this week and thought they were really good. 
I told Chris I was also going to make beer bread that night for our small group.

I gave a brownie to Chris to taste and after he ate it, he said, 
 "Oh, is this the beer bread?"

"Um. Really? Did it taste like beer? because those are brownies."

"Oh.  So what goes on top of this? Frosting?"

"Nope. That is it."

So if you want something that apparently can be mistaken for beer bread, or that feels like it is lacking even more sugar, make these.  

BUT I at least thought they were really good. 

4.  If you haven't done so yet, you should enter to win one of these beautiful nursing covers.
One of my sponsors and friend Jen is giving away one to a lucky reader.
Enter here!

5.  I can't believe I forgot to share this last Friday.

Two weekends ago we went downtown to visit some good friends of ours and they live in a condo right by Navy Pier and Lake Michigan.  While we were there we got to see a movie being filmed and there were motorcycle chases, helicopters and a man dangling from one right outside their window. 
It was really cool to watch!

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. That's my ideal outfit, too!
    bahahahaha. Love that your student said that!
    Those brownies look delish!
    And that's awesome about the movie being filmed outside their window!

  2. Ha! So I seriously laughed so hard that I blew snot out my nose when I read the parts about your student and the part about the brownies/beer bread. My husband thought I was crazy... Maybe that too much information, but thats the hardest I have laughed all week!!!

  3. You look so cute and cozy! Great fall weekend look. Snickerdoodle brownies sound amazing!

  4. Wow! That movie scene is awesome! Love this outfit! The boots and scarf are awesome!

  5. That quote from your student was amazing. One of my favorite things about being a teacher is the funny things they say.

  6. Oh what a comfy outfit! Those are the best! I love your scarf! And that's awesome you got to see a movie being filmed, I wonder what it was? Those brownies look yummy!

  7. love your outfit. it looks so comfortable and you look so great in it :)

  8. Love that weekend outfit! So cozy comfy :)

  9. Love those boots! What a perfect relaxing/weekend outfit :)

    and I literally laughed aloud w/ your comment about working on the math issue (and the beer bread debacle) have a happy Friday!

  10. Cute outfit!!
    I wonder what movie was being shot?? I was at a girlfriend's apartment last night in Lakeview and we saw a ton of movie trailers -- I wonder if it was the same movie??
    Isn’t That Charming.

  11. That outfit looks so cozy!! How fun to see a movie in the making! Happy Friday!:)

  12. I don't think there's anything better than boots and leggings. Happy (almost) weekend!

  13. Darn kids losing their assignments!!!!! Haha!

  14. I am loving the scarf! Goes perfect with the boots!



  15. I love your outfit, and those brownies look yummy.

  16. the perfect fall outfit. i was essentially wearing the same exact thing today :)

  17. Aw.. I went to the Navy Pier when my boyfriend graduated boot camp out there. Memories!

  18. Oh no!! The brownies look really good! Guys are so funny! That is so cool that you got to see a movie being filmed, and I love your outfit! It's so fall!!!

  19. so you look fabulous, those snickerdoodle brownies look SO good, and HOLY MOLY that filming looks AWESOME!!!!! what a cool think to watch!

  20. Wow I can't believe they can fly that helicopter so close to the building. Yikes! I totally understand about the brownies. My 13 yr olds say stuff like that all the time. Are these blueberry muffins? Do they LOOK like blueberry muffins? (They were cinnamon streusel.)

  21. Cute weekend look! Love that scarf.

    That is so awesome that you saw a movie being filmed - what a cool picture. Do you know what the move is?

    Have a great weekend!

  22. I love the whole outfit, but especially the boots! So cute! And I think it's so cool that you got to see a movie being filmed!

  23. Loving your scarf!! And how cool that you guys got to see part of a movie being filmed!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  24. Our ideal weekend outfits are verrrry similar :)
    And those brownies look DELICIOUS! I am such a sucker for snicker doodle!

    Happy weekend, girl!

  25. totally pinned the blondies link to pinterest. i will HAVE to make these!

  26. You look really cute, Katie! A scarf and boots is my fall weekend outfit too :) That's pretty hilarious that Chris thought the brownies were beer bread, oops.

    The Tiny Heart
    Bubble Necklace Giveaway!

  27. Very cute outfit!! I love the colorful plaid scarf. You look comfy and yet chic. Waoooo, you got to see a movie being filmed!! So cool!! Oh, so sorry about the brownies... like you said, at least you liked them ;)


  28. Seriously, what a great outfit! I love it! And it sounds like that student needs to go back to first grade! ha! Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  29. That is SO COOL. Wonder what movie was being filmed?? It would be cool to go and see it on the big screen!

  30. That is SO COOL. Wonder what movie was being filmed?? It would be cool to go and see it on the big screen!

  31. That really is the perfect fall outfit, I love it!

    Newest follower :)


  32. You look so pretty and I love your scarf! Omg, I totally chuckled at #2... oh kids. And #3, haha, men. Have a great weekend!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  33. love the look! so funny about the 100% and 50% ... lol ...

  34. I would have been the creeper trying to get IN the movie!! hhah!! Do you know what movie it was?

  35. Girl! That is my ideal outfit ANYDAY. I love a good long sweatshirt and leggings {if only my legs weren't HUGE - haha}
    Love it - have a great weekend!!!!


  36. That is so cool that you saw a movie being filmed!! I looove your outfit, so comfy and fall-ish :) Have a great weekend!

  37. Cute outfit! I love leggings,, they're so comfy! :) have a wonderful weekend. And thanks for all your encouragement this week! :)

  38. Hi Katie, I'm Connie at http://hotflashncraftn.blogspot.com/, a new GFC friend. I would love if you stop by and be mine, too.
    Looks like you are set the weekend, enjoy!

  39. Haha, that is TOTALLY something my husband would say about brownies vs. beer bread. Made me snicker. The brownies look fabulous and I'm sure need no more sugar

  40. Haha, that is TOTALLY something my husband would say about brownies vs. beer bread. Made me snicker. The brownies look fabulous and I'm sure need no more sugar

  41. What an eventful week! I'm so looking forward to fall and seeing you in your scarf, leggings, and boots just got me that much more excited! I can't wait for this Florida sun to officially hibernate so we can experience some of that chilly breeze! Can't wait to whip out my Fall Wardrobe! Thanks for sharing! Stay beautiful!


  42. Love the outfit! Very nice and casual. :)

    Would love it if you have time to check out my blog and maybe follow?

    xo - Sheila


  43. so fun about seeing the movie being filmed! they have been filming a couple in my area, too and i've seen them shooting a couple shots. so cool!

    and loveeee your outfit!

  44. DUDE! Cute outfit!

    1. I've been thinking of you because I went BUCK WILD this week and bought a freaking ton of new skinnies... pictures to come.
    2. I snagged your button. It's official. We're BFFs. BOOM!

    Have a good one!

  45. oh my gosh you got to see a movie being filmed?!! That is so completely awesome that you got to see those stunts too and not just a boring movie haha. I saw I Am Legend being filmed while I was in new york and all I could think was how huge Will Smith's ears are! lol. You look very autumny! love it!

    The House of Shoes

  46. Snickerdoodle brownies sound amazing! And I am loving your outfit- looks so comfy!

  47. Those brownies look delicious!
    And the student answer was funny ;)
    Love the scarf!

  48. that is totally my ideal weekend too! and OMG 150% hahaha i love it!! that is VERY certain ;)

    hope you had a good weekend lady!

  49. I LOVE big scarves and I really love yours!



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