November 12, 2012


top: loft  necklace: carolineg  pants: target   shoes: ? (old)

Currently loving that these Target pants cost me $12.  

Currently can't stop listening to Mumford and Sons and continue to listen to them over and over.

Currently feeling like watching holiday movies already, like these:

Currently excited about getting our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.
My favorite day of the year. 

Currently thankful for these sweet ladies this month.

First is Alison from Life and Times of Alison and Justin

To say that Alison has become a blogging friend would be an understatement.  I consider her one of the greatest blessings from starting this blog.  Alison is one of the sweetest girls I've met through blogging, and shares her day to day life from her love for her husband and  her sweet dog, as well as some pretty amazing DIY projects and outfits.  It is really too bad that Canada is so far away.  1600 miles far away.
I looked it up.  

blog // instagram @ajessie

Next is Bethany from Still in St. Louis

Bethany is one of those woman that you don't read about to often.  It is so evident that she has an amazing heart for others.  Bethany is a doula, has an etsy shop, helps teach immigrant women how to make jewelry, a mom of two adorable boys and she used to be a missionary in Malawi.  Its no wonder she has lots to share on her blog.  From ways to love and serve orphans, to her daily life as a mom and everything in between!

blog // shop

Meet Kelly from Sparkles and Shoes

Kelly has such a fun blog where she shares about her life in New York City.  She blogs about things she loves like her perfect tourist day in the city or getting to dress up for different events.   And I love that every Friday she posts about a favorite pair of shoes or hers and other fashion trends.

blog // facebook // twitter

And last is Chelsea from Yours Truly.

Chelsea is one of the first bloggers I got to know!  Since than her blog has grown like crazy, and it's no surprise because she is sweet, has adorable style, writes funny and honest posts, and is an incredibly talented graphic designer.  She actually helped me when I redesigned my blog, and made my links and titles in my header and sidebar.

blog //  facebook // bloglovin 

These are definitely some ladies that you should get to know!

Linking up to: Look what I got


  1. Oh I love the Holiday! I want to watch it so bad now!

  2. Fabulous steal on those burgundy pants! Thanks for the intro to these great blogger girls :)

  3. I love the holidays too. Those pants are awesome.

  4. The hubs and I are completely addicted to Mumford and Sons -- SO good!
    Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

  5. LOVE those pants. LOVE mumford and sons. LOVE Christmas. i'm so excited about getting our first tree, too!!

  6. We get our tree the day after thanksgiving too!! LOVE fall :)

  7. Love The Holiday..i've seen it too many times haha. and PS I love you ;) semi-irrelevant, but yeah. thanks for the shout out sweet pea!

  8. can't wait to get hooked on some new blogs! thanks for the intro :)

    oh, and you always inspire me to hit up the Target clearance section!!

  9. I love the holiday!! I also love meeting new bloggers, thanks for sharing!

  10. love the family stone and the holiday! cute outfit!

    C's Evolution of Style

  11. looooove the family stone, i cry every time
    Xo Megan

  12. I'm so excited to watch Christmas movies!! I'm so excited to decorate! I love your pants! Such a great find!

  13. Time for me to go to Target! I watched my first Christmas movie tonight!

  14. you look so cute in your carolineg bauble!! and YAY for decorating for Christmas... I have to remind myself to be patient so it preserves how special that time truly is... I love seeing all the Christmas stuff, but hate that it looses it's luster come Dec :(

  15. I LOVE The Holiday! I haven't seen The Family Stone, but if you put it next to The Holiday then it makes me want to watch it!

  16. I have those pants too :) They are the best! They look amazing with your green necklace.


  17. Yes, yes, yes on Mumford & Sons! They totally keep me sane during my commute!

  18. Believe it or not, I have never seen the Holiday! I'm sure I would love it. Those pants are too cute! Great find with those! Thanks for sharing those blogs, can't wait to get to know them too! Hope you had a great weekend and that your Monday wasn't too bad : )

  19. We're still not sure how we feel about Mumford and Sons. Which songs do you recommend??
    I'm putting up Christmas decor this weekend!

  20. Love the color of your pants! Now I want to watch The Holiday :)

  21. Mumford and Sons are my new BFF's on Pandora, I listen to that station all of the time. There is just something about it that helps me to calm down and relax.

  22. Love this post. I can't get enough on Mumford & Sons either, they played in LA tonight and I couldn't make it. Depressed about it!

    xo, Megan
    indie flower

  23. I love this! It's so fun to read about other people and their lives. Love it that you have met good friends blogging. I have too and it's so cool.

  24. I LOVE your burgundy pants! I think another trip to my Target clearance rack is in order :)

    The Tiny Heart

  25. Love your necklace and trousers in the first pic... :)
    And thanks for introducing these wonderful bloggers...
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Do follow by GFC, FB, Bloglovin' Twitter if you like! :)

  26. I've never watched The Holiday...but it's on my list to see this year. :)

  27. My favorite holiday movies are:
    Bridget Jones Diary and the Family Man.

  28. Love this highlight of friends and your outfit missy! The maroon is rocking... annnd you should turn The Holiday on right now.. :)

    It’s An Easy Life

  29. You are the sweetest. Thank you so much for this. I feel the EXACT same way. WHY are we so far away from each other!? It just isn't fair. And I love that you looked it up!! :) Hope you have a GREAT day girl. XO

  30. I love Mumford and sons! Their new album is amazing. As well as both of those Christmas movies... I can't wait to start all the festivities! I've already sort of cheated by listening to Christmas music! oops #sorryimnotsorry

  31. Hi Katie, I am a new follower and new to blogging. I love your outfit. Also I am glad that I am not the only one that feels like watching holiday movies already!!!


  32. I looovve the Holiday and the Family Stone. <3

    xo Ashley

  33. I love that you guys get a real tree...we are such "fakes" in our house!! LOL! My tree will be going up next week! EEEK!! I can hardly believe it!!

  34. Love your plum jeans! You look adorable as usual. :)

  35. Mumford and sons, holiday movies, and burgundy pants. Great post.
    xo Annie

  36. I really love your necklace! And watching holiday movies sounds like a great plan:)

    Kisses, Lucy:)

  37. I love those 2 holiday movies!!!!! Hmm,, I might need to watch them this weekend! :)


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