November 11, 2012

In the Moment

dress: old navy   tights: kohls  boots: target 

One of my favorite things about Chris is that he lives in the moment.
He knows how to enjoy what he is doing.

If he is eating a meal, there is a really good chance that it is "the best meal he's ever had."
If he is watching a movie there is a good possibility it is the funniest thing he's ever seen.
If he is enjoying a dessert, there's a good chance it is the "best dessert he's ever tasted."
If we're going out of town for a weekend he counts on it being the best vacation he's ever had.

I feel as though I fail to live in the moment and am always looking ahead to what is next.
In daily little things or big life things.

Lately I've felt like my life is just standing still as I watch my friends get pregnant and have babies.
As if everyone else gets to run into their next phase of life and I'm not even crawling into it.
I am stuck here waiting for it to be my turn.

I had mentioned this book in an earlier post and wanted to share something else that really challenged me. 

"My life is passing, day by day, and I am waiting for it to start. I am waiting for that time, that person, that event when my life will finally begin."

This is me. On so many days.  Just waiting for God to give me what I've been asking for, for so long.

"Today is your big moment. The life you've been waiting for is happening all around you.  Your life, right now, today, is exploding with energy and power and detail and dimension.  You have stories worth telling, memories worth remembering, dreams worth working toward, a body worth feeding, a soul worth tending, and beyond that, the God of the universe dwells within you."

"You are more than dust and bones.
You are spirit and power and image of God.
And you have been given Today."

So I'm working on living in these moments, taking advantage of the today that God has given me.  


  1. I think it's kind of hard to live in the now...Cause today will be gone tomorrow. I'm trying to do that too...
    And your dress is so cute!

  2. You and I have so much in common! I feel this way alot, as though I am just waiting on certain things to happen so that my life can move on. As of right now our lives seem like they are on hold due to Garrett not being able to find the kind of job we thought he would. It is super hard to remember that while you are waiting on all of these things to happen, that your life is going by at the same time! You are such a sweet girl, I know God has great plans for you. Just remember to live your life in the meantime and I'll try to do the same! : )

  3. I love those quotes! I was having a mini pity party the day before my birthday since another year had passed without a baby. And then a song by Rascal Flatts came on Pandora (I'm Movin' On) and there's one line that says, "There comes a time in everyone's life when all you can see are the years passing by. And I have made up my mind that those days are gone." I knew I needed to hear that line that day! It's so easy to look forward to what is next, especially when it feels like you have been waiting FOREVER! But I'm glad God provides so many blessings in every day! I'm working on savoring them instead of missing them! Thanks for posting this, I love it :-)

  4. I need this book. I'm so sorry you have to watch your friends get pregnant and it's like all you o is wait. :( some days I feel like we're never going to have a baby. Other days the pain seems manageable. I'm here if you need to talk or anything. Love you friend. Praying for you tonight! XO

  5. Love that dress! I know what you mean about taking advantage of the is a challenge, but definitely one full of blessings.

  6. Love this outfit. The jean jacket really adds a lot. =) I like how you paired it with the tights too. I think it would look good with some skinny jeans too.

  7. Oh my goodness Katie. I said these exact words today to my husband "I feel like I'm stuck." Another one of my friends told me they were pregnant today...and while I am so happy for them, I can't help but feel like my heart is breaking a bit each time I get 'left behind.' So, THANK YOU for this reminder...I need to start taking advantage of each and every day. And live in the here and now.

  8. I know EXACTLY what you mean Katie. I feel like I've spent the last 2 years stuck. Sometimes it's hard not to wallow in our sorrows. The sad thing is while were throwing ourselves a pity party we're not even enjoying the other wonderful things life has brought us! Your husband has a good view on life!

  9. I am the exact same way! It seems as if all the celebratory events happen to other people and never to me. It seems that everyone else has the better life with better friends, greater marriages, bigger and newer homes, incredible jobs make more money and the list goes on. I am feeling like Eeyore today a little anyway and really needed to read this post! Hope you have a great week!!

  10. Cute dress Katie, I love brown and navy! It has been a hard week for a lot of people I know and I have a feeling that this next week will be much better for all of us. I hope you get what you wish for, I really do, I can tell you are going to be the best little momma!

  11. Living in the moment is always a good way to live! Your time will come : )

  12. Sounds about right.

    I'm looking to find more inspiration through the Bible. I have to get back to where I was/the faith I had a year ago. I don't even know where to start.

    On the upside, that's a cute dress and your husband sounds like a great role model for you :)

  13. You are rocking those cowboy boots, I just saw a pair at a thrift store and wished they had fit me. Following you on gfc, feel free to stop by my blog.
    Also, through my blog I sell new & recycled high-end fashion at great starting prices, all the way from Philadelphia!
    Abigail K

  14. I love love your outfit. The dress is so pretty on you.

    What you said about life and waiting reminds me of "P.S. I love You" (the movie). Where she is waiting for life to happen. Her husband responds "It's happening right now, love. Life is all around you". And it is. But I believe we need both people to make the world complete. If we all were moment livers there would be no one to reminds there is more. Or if we were all rushed to get to the next phase, no one would stop them to see the beauty before them. So I think it's okay to be that way.

    I know that wasn't much help but I wanted you to read what I thought.

    Cody @Solemn Sound

  15. You look so cute! Our weather is supposed to be getting cooler this week... my fingers are CROSSED that it stays so I can wear boots without getting a strange look! Ha! Have a good week ma'am!

  16. Katie! Love this outfit and this message! You're so so right... and we're all at fault so thank you for the reminder!

    Ps. Had a great time catching up on your blog! Been missing my daily reading :)

    It's an Easy Life

  17. Such a beautiful post. I like to post about the importance of living in the moment too. I think, blogging helps me to do that a little better, do you? I feel like it makes me look more closely at my life while I'm living it.

  18. it is so easy to think about what you don't have and not cherish what you do have. to some i have it all with a great hubby and my two beautiful babies, but i often find myself daydreaming of life before motherhood, and feeling jealous twangs when i talk to my career-driven girlfriends with all of their free time, and perfect homes. i love my children and wouldn't change a thing, but i guess you always wonder about the what ifs in life, and fantasize about how it would be if you went in another direction. thank-you for sharing that!

  19. It makes me so sad to hear about girls wanting so badly to get pregnant and it not happening (yet!) and then hearing about girls aborting their babies or not appreciating them. I pray you will get your wish soon, pretty girl! Love your outfit!

  20. Well. This is definitely what I needed to read a few minutes after getting my period. Sigh. No bebe this month. Onto the next big step. Thank you, dear. You do such a beautiful job of sharing your heart. I relate to what you're going through. And appreciate you being so open.

  21. Oh I just love you. Your posts always call out to me. You are amazing.

  22. Your time will come, I just know it! Isn't it the hardest to trust, and not be in control? I struggle with it constantly!


  23. Ohhh girl, it's got to be tough to keep wondering when it's your turn, but you'll get there! God has a reason for everything, and once it happens for you you'll realize why it did when it did. In the meantime, I love that in the meantime you are going to try and live in the moment! Make the best out of everything. You're a good person and all good things will come your way :)

  24. First off, absolutely adorable outfit! LOVE IT

    Secondly, I know exactly what you mean. My husband tells me all the time that I'm always waiting on the next big thing. It's so true though, these days are our life and we should learn to live and enjoy each moment for what it is. Easier said than done, I know!

  25. It can be hard to live in the moment while you're waiting for other things to happen, but this is a great reminder that life is going to happen either way so you might as well try to enjoy it!

    And love your adorable bird dress!

    The Tiny Heart

  26. You are so right and this is so important. I feel like my hubs is better at that than I am as well.

  27. It's very important to live today, here and now and never be afraid to make the first step outside the comfort zone instead of waiting for the right moment to come. Create them yourself and it will make you feel so happy at the end.

    Have a beautiful day!


  28. You always have the best outfits ever! You must have a dreamy closet. xx

  29. first, yes what a great reminder to cherish our little lives. and secondly I can't beleive that dress is old navy?!

  30. Love that bird dress! And my husband is definitely the one in our relationship that lives in the moment, which I love because he's constantly reminding me that I need to do the same :)

  31. amen friend! something i needed to hear today!

  32. The print of that dress is so cute and I LOVE the boots!

  33. My husband is the exact same as Chris... and I am the exact same as you! I'm working on living in the moment too!

    Meanwhile, your dress is adorable! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  34. I want that dress! I found you via the Modern Modest Beauty linkup! Just wanted to let you know that I'm doing a Heylee B. Boutique Giveaway! I thought you might be interested.


  35. I am always in awe of people who can just live in the moment, I'm def working on it too!

    Ps..cute Old Navy dress!

    xo Olivia

  36. It's definitely hard to live in the moment. But one of my professors once said..."don't worry about yesterday, don't worry about what's to come tomorrow. Just worry about what is happening now, in front of you, and you'll be at peace." I've tried to live by her words since she said them, and I can tell you it has helped so much. Sometimes I forget, but I always try to go back to it.


  37. i feel ya. everyone is getting married/having kids, and i'm old as heck with no marriage/kids. flergh.
    but you look CAYUTE! (cute, as spoken with my diphthong southern accent!)

  38. love your dress! Don't forget- God is good- no matter what!


  39. Ditto. I gotta work on living in the moment too. I'm always in such a hurry, I fail to appreciate the moment I'm in and it passes right by me. Thanks for the reminder.

  40. That's so me.."this is the funniest thing I've EVER seen!" haha!! :-)

    Love this dress!!

  41. I agree.
    Living in the moment is so important - but sometimes when our minds work overtime it is hard.

    You are amazing girl.


  42. Sending you virtual hugs, Katie. God has BIG plans for you and Chris...keep the you always do...and live in the moment...that is one thing that makes life a little sweeter...enjoy all your blessings and DESSERTS! ;)

  43. i know the feeling. all of our friends are graduating this may and many of them have clear callings. we might just be sitting and waiting for that calling for a long long time. we have no answers, no where to go. it's so hard waiting on the Lord. BUT, i've never been disappointed with what He has in store for me. it's always worth the wait :)

  44. Love this message...I think it's relevant to so many people for so many reasons :) Sounds like I need to be a little more like Chris too! And I love that cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  45. Katie I so needed to hear this today. I am in the same boat as you - except with the boyfriend/marriage things. I go to wedding after wedding or baby shower after baby shower just waiting for my turn too. I need to live in the moment with you!

  46. It can definitely be hard to see others around you with the things you have wanted for so long, but I'm sure your time will come soon! I love that bird print...Thanks for linking up :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  47. What a thoughtful post. I think we all need to be reminded of that even if we aren't in the same boat.

    On another note, I adore that dress. And those tights are amazing.

  48. love this outfit! boots and tights were my obsession last fall.


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