November 1, 2012

High Five for Friday

 shirt: gap  skirt: target  tights: kohls  boots: gojane scarf: giveaway from The Tiny Heart

1.  I think I'm getting better at this pattern mixing thing,
and I am loving my new boots!

2.  Friday I will be celebrating my birthday!
I'm looking forward to dinner at my parents on Friday night and going out to dinner with Chris on Saturday. And hopefully a few sweet presents too!

In my effort to feed my love for teen drama, I'm continuing to watch One Tree Hill, but also the new episodes of Gossip Girl and 90210.  Let's just say that my brain is getting a little confused with who is who and what relationship is what.  
But don't worry.  That hasn't stopped me from watching them all.  

4. When I ordered the boots that I'm wearing in this outfit, I also bought a pair of booties and although they fit and are cute, the heel is a little too high for me. 

Therefore instead of returning them, I figured I'd see if anyone wanted them first. 

$15 (plus shipping)
Size 9
Let me know if you're interested!  

5. I didn't eat sweets or desserts for 6 days in a row this week.  That is an extreme accomplishment for me.
I was doing great until my mom brought over these fancy caramel apples.  
At least this is part fruit, right?

And I will definitely be eating some birthday dessert this weekend!

Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. calories don't count on your birthday, but you know that I'm sure :)

    this outfit is one of my faves as of late!! love the stripes + patterned scarf combo. come dress me!!

    Happy FRIDAY eve
    ((which day is your actual bday??!! must have missed it before!!))

  2. So much awesome in this post!

    Love your outfit! So cute! Your boots are perfection!!

    Yay for birthdays, I hope you get sweet gifts!

    Haha, seriously I'm watching so many shows on Netflix that I can't keep up anymore!

    6 days?! You completely deserved that treat! It looks yummy!!

  3. Holy caramel apple!! That looks amazing! Cute outfit too!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 6 days??? You're my hero!!! Yay for birthday weekend!! Celebrate extra for me :) xoxoxoxo

  6. Woo Hoo for your birthday. Such a darling outfit.

  7. happy almost birthday! :D And those shoes are cute! Maybe you should give them a try. :)

  8. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed birthday Katie! Love your outfit.

  9. Happy Birthday eve! I hope you have a great weekend celebrating. You deserve it and take in all the cake and fancy apples you won't bc I'm pretty sure calories don't count on your birthday!

  10. Oh I love that outfit!! My boots just got here too!! Nice work on the no treats. ;) wow. I hope you have a very super special birthday.

  11. I don't think I could live without sweets for that long. Loving that skirt!!

    Happy Birthday to you (tomorrow) my sweet friend!!

  12. Happy birthday!! Kudos for going that long without sweets!!

  13. Oh, I LOVE that outfit!! Especially the boots! Oh gosh, I don't think I could have said no to that caramel apple either!! Looks SO good!

  14. That IS an accomplishment, go girl! Happy birthday!!! :)

    LOVE those boots. I'd totally buy it if my feet weren't so teensy.

  15. I did a striped top with a floral scarf yesterday cause I saw another blogger rock it..and I loved it! I like your pattern mixing too!

  16. Happy birthday. Hope you enjoy your dinner with parents today and Chris tomorrow.
    Do you like to follow each other on GFC and bloglvoin? Let me know will love to follow you back.

  17. Love the pattern mixing! And happy early birthday :)
    I don't know which is better those 15 dollar cute ankle booties or that de-lish candied apple?! I couldn't have said no to either one!

  18. I hope you have a lovely birthday!
    6 days? without sweets? I'd probably actually die.
    That bootie heel is a little too high for me too. I need to keep it practical whilst walking around here on ice.

  19. Love that scarf :) I'm looking to add some leopard to my wardrobe! And happy almost birthday YAY! Enjoy your day, sweet girl! You deserve it!


  20. Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have an amazing weekend. I'm really impressed you went that long without eating sweets. I have such a sweet tooth! I'm definitely loving the stripes and leopard together :)


  21. You definitely have the pattern mixing thing down....stripes with leopard=perfection! Looooove your boots, too. That caramel apple is seriously making me drool...I hope you chowed down!

    I love the booties but I'm a size 6 :(

  22. Yuuuummm I'm hopeless, I eat everything!
    Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC??


    Ohhh by the way we have a great giveaway on at the moment for some Le Spec sunglasses!

  23. Love your outfit! Stripes always make me happy!

    I've been watching the new Gossip Girl too ever since one of my girlfriend's got me into it. I've never seen One Tree Hill, but I love pretty much all teen drama so I'm sure I'd love it!

  24. Happy birthday! I love leopard and stripes mixed together!

  25. Love the stripes and leopard together! I just wore something almost identical! :)

  26. 1. LOVE those boots
    2. Happy birthday!!!
    3. That apple...omygoodnesss!

  27. Happy birthday Katie!! Have fun celebrating your birthday with your parents and Chris!! hope it's wonderful!

  28. gossip girl = guilty pleasure for sure!

    happy birthday!!!!

  29. Happy birthday my beautiful friend! Hope you have a blast tonight and this weekend! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  30. Happy Birthday! I still watch all kinds of those {teen} shows! One Tree Hill, 90210, Vampire Diaries, reruns of Gilmore Girls and Buffy the Vampire Slayer :)
    Happy Friday too
    Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick

  31. Happy birthday! That caramel apple looks gooood. Have a great weekend!

  32. That caramel apple looks amazing! And I love this outfit, that scarf is adorable (congrats on the giveaway win!) and those BOOTS!!! They're awesome.

    Happy Birthday! Have fun celebrating :)

  33. Happy birthday!

    Kudos on the pattern mixing. It looks great- and you just gave me some inspiration for a future outfit!

    Stopping by from the link ups! Happy Friday!

    Understated Classics

  34. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D Ok you're outfit tops ALL of your Friday outfits. <3 this one. :) ooooh that "apple" looks good..

  35. Happy Birthday Katie!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    And great pattern mixing! Love it and those boots - wooohooo! Love them.


  36. Happy Birthday!! And OMG that apple looks INSANELY good!

    Love the stripes + animal print! Definitely a pattern mixing success :)

    Bri @ Work Clothes, I Suppose

  37. Loving the leopard with the striped top girl, you rock it! Your blog is adorable too, can't wait to explore it some more.
    XOX Angela

  38. happy birthday!! yum that apple looks good!

  39. I hope you have a fantastic birthday!!! Kudos for you for having no sweets!! I am going to try cutting out junk food!!

  40. Happy birthday!! love the outfit! Believe me if I was a size 9 i would buy those from you!

  41. First off, Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Secondly, how did you NOT eat sweets for so many days in a row? I need chocolate everday. Need it. :)

  42. Ha, it's true. All the shows it seems like everyone has dated everyone. I'm starting to get into Gossip Girl again, and this whole thing with Blair and Dan is confusing me!!! Sabrina and Dan forever!
    Oh, and your outfit is perfect! Obsessed with your boots!
    xo TJ

  43. Happy Birthday! I love all the CW shows :) One Tree Hill is my all time favorite show!!!! The hubby bought me all the seasons on dvd cuz he knows how much I love thet show. You look great!

  44. Enjoy your birthday weekend!!

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  45. Happy birthday Katie!! I hope you have a great fun filled weekend! I love your boots, I want a pair for myself!

  46. That caramel apple looks amazing!

  47. Happy happy birthday pretty lady!!! Hope it's a great one! You def have pattern mixing in the bag and way to go for no eating sweets for 6 days! I bet you'll be indulging this weekend haha!

  48. You are awesome at the pattern-mixing! Oh my gosh, we loooove Gossip Girl too.

  49. This is one of my favorite looks of yours ever and happy early birthay!


  50. That caramel apple looks crazy good!
    Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

  51. A few things:
    1. Happy Birthday!
    2. Gossip Girl, 90210, and One Tree Hill are my favorite shows. I'm currently rewatching OTH and loving every minute.
    3. Those booties are awesome! Sadly I wear an 11 or I would take them off your hands (Big Foot, I know).

  52. Happy birthday! Love your outfit!

  53. Your scarf with that shirt are way cute!! LOVE your blog, I am your newest follower from the blog hop! :)

  54. Happy birthday!! Hope it's a great day!

  55. Adorable outfit, love those boots. Happy birthday!!!
    xo Annie

  56. I love your scarf!! Also watching GG:)
    Following you on GFC!


  57. Happy Birthday! That caramel apple looks delcious!

  58. Happy belated Birthday, Katie! I hope you had a great time with your family! You did great with this pattern mixing combo, animal print and stripes are both considered so classic that they go well with everything! And please, enjoy your cake and desserts, calories don't count on your birthday weekend!


  59. Oh, happy birthday. I'm sure you had a great time celebrating! :)

  60. Okay, LOVIN the stripes with the leopard scarf. SO DANG CUTE! :)


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