November 4, 2012

Twenty Eight

jeans: kohls   boots: dsw (similar)  cardigan: ?   scarf: OmMadeWithLove

Year 28.
Another year older. 

This is where all of you who are over 30 think about how young I really am. 
and all of you who are under 25 think of how old I must be.
And this is where the phrase that I really dislike fits perfectly, "It's all relative."

Too be honest I am pretty much stuck at the age of 24.  
Mostly because I honestly answered that as my age for the three years after I turned 24, on accident.
That and I know I could pass for 19. 
I even got carded for buying Nyquill the other day.
Which makes me feel better after failing to hear one of the higher pitch sounds that "younger people" can hear, on that high frequency sound app after my birthday dinner with my family.  

On a more serious note I have high hopes for the year twenty eight. 

I have hopes for God to continue to work in mine and Chris' marriage. 

Hopes to have a baby sometime this next year. 

and if I don't get pregnant, hope that God continues to poor out his love and wisdom as I go through this journey. 

I have plans to keep learning how to be a better friend. 

and to do a better job at living in the moment and not always wishing for the next thing to happen.  

and plans to remind myself regularly of all the blessings that God has given me.  

So cheers to another year!

p.s. Thanks for making me feel loved with all the birthday wishes on Friday!

Sunday Style  What I'm Wearing
Monday Meet-up  YOLO Monday


  1. happy birthday! I think i am stuck at age 6. is that weird? Love the belt!!

  2. Happy Birthday lady! I hope your 28th year is amaaaazing! xo

  3. happy birthday katie! i'm praying that your 28th year is the most magical one yet... full of all kinds of surprises:)

  4. Yahoooo for a great birthday weekend! Here's to a great 28th!

  5. happy birthday!

    yayyy baby year:):)

  6. Happy Birthday and good luck with the baby!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  7. Happy birthday again! I hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating!

  8. I have been praying for you this week, Katie. :) I pray that God gives you the desires of your heart this year. But more than that I pray that your desires line up with His. God bless and keep you, sweet lady. :)

  9. This year is going to be a good one for you. I can just feel it!

    I hope you had a great weekend celebrating!

  10. Cheers to YOU, Katie! God is good, he will take care of you :)

    Hope you start another week off fabulously + that your bday weekend was great!

  11. Happy birthday, I'm stuck at 16. I pray that this year your life is full of magic, beautiful mess, and a plethora of triumphs.

  12. Happy Birthday, mine is today actually and I, like you have been telling people the wrong age all year. I love your boots! And happy birthday, some of our birthday hopes are the same, well the baby one for sure. Newest follower, please come visit me as well!


  13. Hi Lauren! I found you through Sunday Style! I love that scarf of yours! All the different colors mesh so well together, it's lovely! Happy Birthday!!!! I hope God grants you all the desires of your heart this year!



  14. 28 is a great year! Now, looking back, from the old age of 31 I can say that my twenties were good, but boy was it nice to get into the 30's. There's nothing to fear with getting older because you get wiser as well. Sending baby wishes your way!

  15. Yay for another year! I have a feeling it'll be a great year for you! BTW, that shirt is very flattering on you!

  16. I'm turning 28 soon too. And hoping for a baby also.

  17. Happy Birthday! I have been in my twenties, I can say the thirties are better, unitl I did my thirties and I now can say that, so far, the forties are even better than that. Life is like wine, it gets better with the years. Have a blessed one!!!

  18. Happy Birthday! Yay for god in mArriages and babies

  19. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Katieeee! Happy birthday to youuu! You look fabulous! Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  20. Love this post! Cute outfit, as usual. The "high pitch' comment made me laugh! I will be 26 in January and still always want to say 24 too, for some reason. I guess that's the age I decided I wanted to be stuck at lol. Hope you had a great weekend! : )

  21. Happy Birthday. So glad you are in the world. Love and blessings to you.

  22. Happy late birthday girl! And you really could pass for 19...I was confused when you said 28. Young at heart is all that matters :) Love your outfit, especially the boots!

  23. Happy Birthday! I didn't want to get any older than 24... but 28 was the year I got pregnant and had my little guy, so it turned out pretty great! Hope you enjoy your day:)

  24. Love the way you belted it :)
    I, too, feel like I'm about 23-24. When will that go away? Hopefully not anytime soon!

  25. ok, you look so cute! i love this outfit, seriously its perfect.
    also i know what it feels like to look young, but hey its not the worst thing!
    i hope you have a great birthday and many blessings in the upcoming year!


  26. Cute outfit, as usual! ;)

  27. happy belated birthday, pretty lady! love your outfit, and hoping each of your birthday wishes come true :)

  28. I still get carded for buying cold medicine too! haha. I hope this next year is amazing for you!!! I'm still loving that scarf :)


  29. May this new year bring everything your heart desires!

  30. You'll make a GREAT mom! I can't wait to see you get pregnant!
    -Daisy Nguyen from the PS BANANAS! fashion blog:

  31. Happy Bday! And ok, please tell me where you got that amazing chain necklace in your profile picture. I want it! Anyway, I love this very Autumn outfit. That scarf is yummy!

    The House of Shoes

  32. oh my goodness, I know how you feel. I'm about to turn twenty four and I know it's still young, but it just feels older. On a positive note, I'm totally in love with this outfit. You look beyond stunning. Adore this post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest outfit post. Thanks, love. xo

  33. Happy happy birthday Katie! Hope it was absolutely fabulous, and may all your birthday wishes come true :) Love the outfit!

    The Other Side of Gray

  34. Happy Happy Birthday Pretty Gal! Hope 28 is filled with nothing but wonderful blessings :)

  35. Happy birthday! Praying that this is a special year for you!! My birthday is just a few days after yours, and I will be 28 as well. It is a weird age, because I feel young and old at the same time, based on who you compare my age to.
    Hope your day was wonderful!

  36. Happy Birthday! I've hated every one of mine after turning 25. In just a couple of months is my 35th :(

  37. You definitely look younger than you are..which I love because I'll be 23 in January and I look 15...not kidding ;) Everyone always tell me I'll appreciate it later in life...still waiting for that lol

    Love the way you knotted that belt, girl!


  38. Happy Birthday sweetie! Hope this year is amazing for ya!

    Sandy a la Mode

  39. Happy belated birthday, Katie! Sorry I missed it on Fri! Hope year 28 is a wonderful one :) (I'm older than you and I still feel 16 sometimes, ha).

    The Tiny Heart
    Handbag Giveaway!

  40. I hope this is your best year yet!!! Hope you had a great birthday weekend!!!

  41. sounds like some really great plans! happy birthday :)

  42. Happy birthday! And you are so ambitious. Cheers to another year, and cheers to making your goals a reality. And if a baby is in your future, God blessed you!

    Happy Monday!
    Understated Classics

  43. Happy Birthday! 28 is a great age, if I say so myself ;)

  44. what a beautiful post and outfit! Happy birthday! I turn 28, next Thursday and i have mixed feelings about it but reading this was such a blessing! enjoy your day :)

    C's Evolution of Style

  45. I am totally feeling 28 to be your best year! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  46. Happy birthday to you! You look so cute :) May all your wishes come true this year!

  47. Happy Birthday! I'll be turning 28 next year but still feel like I should be 21. Where does the time go? Hope you have a great year!

  48. Well said ma'am :) you look great in your picture. Its always a good reminder to live in the moment and be happy with life as it is... not always having to look forward to the next "thing". Great reminder :) God has big things in store for you, I'm sure.

  49. Your fashion sense is really good.

  50. Yep, it's all relative, BUT you are still a youngster in my eyes! ;) One of my most favorite looks you have posted!! Happy birthday, sweet girl. This IS you YEAR!!!

  51. Happy birthday cute girl- I LOVE the outfit! Hoping for you that a baby comes your way this next year:-)

  52. Happy b-day
    nice outfit

  53. Happy Birthday! =D
    Yes, age is really relative. But, the best thing is you get another year to celebrate. As we get older, hopefully we get wiser and we don't sweat the small stuff.

    Here's to hoping the 28th year of life is one of your best years that you can look back on after many, many years! =)


  54. Happy happy birthday!!!! I will be 30 in a few months and it seems so old yet I don't feel like I act it at all!!!! Love that shirt and hope 28 is your year!

  55. Happy Birthday! Just found your blog through the YOLO link up , and you have a new follower! Hope the next year is full of blessings, and hopefully a baby! Can't wait to keep reading.

  56. Love love love this outfit! Your scarf is absolutely awesome - I'm going to try and make something like it. =) And Happy Birthday to you! Blessings to you in this next year of your life.

  57. Happy Birthday! same age as me! LOVE this scarf!!!

  58. Happy Birthday! Thanks for linking up, I love the outfit.



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