November 21, 2012

Savoring moments

Every year at this point I just wish time would slow down.  I greatly look forward to Thanksgiving, decorating for Christmas, holiday movies, Christmas music, wrapping presents and everything else that goes with it. 

But it always seems to go to fast.  
So this year I am going to do my very best to savor every moment and enjoy the little things like a sunny fall day to the big things like spending time with my family.  

Hoping you have a relaxing next few days and soak up all the holiday goodness in them. 
And while you're at it you should soak up some lovely new ladies and the blogs they write.  

First is Lisa from Momma's Me Time

Lisa is a blog that I've read since I first started mine.  Except having the most beautiful hair ever and being able to do awesome things with it, our blogs have a lot in common.  We both blog about DIY projects, outfits, real life and faith.  I love Lisa's blog because she shares a mix of things from fashion to what's on her heart and you will love her right away! 

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Next meet Amanda from The Lady Okie.

There are multiple reasons why I love Amanda's blog. She used to live in a suburb of Chicago but now lives in Oklahoma and blogs about life as an Okie. She is a runner and has done many half marathons but is currently training for a full marathon this Spring.  She is quite crafty and blogs about different DIY projects she makes.  Definitely a great blog to check out!

And last is Nikki from Miss B to Mrs. L

First of all let's just say that Nikki is a gorgeous bride - I love this picture! Nikki is a newlywed who loves books, the color pink, high heels and her dog.  One of my favorite things about Nikki's blog is that she writes honestly about life as a new married couple, from money, to life as a dog owner to advice and life in between!

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Hope you get a chance to go show these ladies some love! 

and hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving. 

and hopefully it's doesn't sound to cheesy to say that I am so thankful for those of you who read my blog, leave comments, email me back and forth and share your life with me too.  Because I really am!

Interested in being one of my sponsors in December?  All large ad spaces are $10 and medium are $5.  Check here for more information!


  1. I want to savor each moment as well!! Love this holiday season.

    Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!

  2. Love that scarf!! Have great time. I know you will savor each moment. ;) enjoy. Hugs.

  3. Adorable as usual. Thanks for the introduction to these lovely ladies!!

  4. Adore that dress. And the purple boot socks? I need some.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Katie!

  5. Boots and socks=my favorite, you scarf= my new obsession! It is sooo pretty :)

  6. I want to savor every moment next year as well <3 I will have my hubby, so I hope time stands still.

  7. I love your scarf too! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  8. Have a beautifully blessed thanksgiving.

  9. what a great group.


    We've got this amazing team hosting An Aloha Affair so that we can all gather and share and mingle with other beautiful creatives over the next few days. You are personally invited to join us, if you please. I'd love it if you would.


  10. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! btw... your scarf... soooooooo cute

  11. oh my gosh - is your scarf from target?! I LOVE IT!!!!!

  12. ahhh i LOVE your scarf. seriously gorgeous, katie!! and i LOVE lisa's blog!! i've been reading her blog forever :)


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