December 20, 2012

High Five for Friday

dress: target  tights & boots: kohls 

1. I realized that I have many pairs of colored tights but have not worn them nearly enough.  That needs to change! 

2. This article brought me to tears.  I'm guessing you have seen it already.  But if not you need to.
To see more more moments like this.

The famous rugby player who visited his biggest fan in the hospital

3.  We watched the Survivor finale this week and Jeff Probst reminded us that there have been 12 years, 25 seasons of Survivor.  And I reminded myself that I have watched every single episode of those 25 seasons.  And while I should feel slightly embarrassed, I am instead proud.    

4. My sister and her family come in Saturday!  I am SO excited to spend time with my family. Maybe I can try again to get a picture of my niece and nephew together, as I failed miserably last year. 

5. I have a few large and medium ad spaces left for January.  Email me before Christmas to get 20% either size!  More details here.

Hope you have a great weekend!  And don't forget to enter to win a Target gift card from yesterday's post!


  1. I keep wanting colored tights, but know I wouldn't wear them nearly enough either. :/

  2. I love that dress on you! I'm trying to get more wear out of my tights, too.

    Have a GREAT weekend!!

  3. Love this colored tights look! I agree, I need to expand my looks in the tights category :)

  4. I. Love. Survivor. Probst is the man.

  5. Ohhhh Survivor. Love. Who did you want to win?

  6. well aren't you just the cutest! I love that outfit :) as for Survivor.. we used to watch it as a family all the time. My favorite season was with Ethan, Big Tom, Lex... :) :) I need to catch up on the seasons for sure!
    Happy Friday, pretty lady.
    Praying for you!

  7. You look adorable!! Love the outfit!

  8. We watched survivor as a family but only for the first six seasons, I CAN NOT believe there has been 25, wow!

    Sparkles and Shoes
    500 Follower Kate Spade Giveaway

  9. I love that dress! Have fun with your family and those sweet little ones :)

  10. I watched the first season of survivor but haven't seen one since ... I'm a Big Brother kind of gal now

  11. You look adorable! Love your grey boots. :) I just ordered a grey pair from payless and cant wait for the to come in. :) And your pic of your niece and nephew is adorable. And totally par for the course when it comes to taking pics of small peoples. In fact the more you add the worse it gets. :) I hope you have a really wonderful time with your family! And Merry Christmas!

  12. Oh dear... trying to get pictures of very small children? Bless you my dear. I'll be doing the same tomorrow...

  13. even failed pics of your niece and nephew are adorable!! have a great weekend!

  14. Yay for time with family! And I love the color of those tights - they look so cute with that dress.

    Have a great weekend :)

  15. I am a lover of button up dresses so of course I am loving this one :) You've reminded me that I have a few pairs of colored tights hiding in my closet...guess I need to bust them out!

    Merry Christmas, girl!

  16. Cute polka dot dress! I've never tried colored tights but I always think they look great on everyone else!
    Enjoy your time with family!
    Merry Christmas!

  17. Love your outfit (especially the boots) and that picture of the kiddos. That's awesome.

  18. You look so cute in that outfit, love it! Hope you have a wonderful time with your family, Merry Christmas my friend! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  19. I love your outfit! And girl I proudly join you in watching every episode of Survivor the past 12 years. No shame! I love it. :)

  20. Adoring your outfit! Have you really watched every episode of Survivor? I don't think I've ever seen one. For shame, for shame.

  21. I'm proud of my tv watching accomplishments too! No shame!

  22. Love your cute polka dot dress! I have yet to invest in any colored tights...I'm not sure I can pull them off. Have a great weekend with your family!

    The Tiny Heart
    Dec. Group Giveaway!

  23. Hahahaha that last picture is CLASSIC!!!

  24. love the polka dots! and that story is too sweet. love it.

  25. I actually really like survivor but have only watched a few seasons, I am starting wonder why?! haha I need to catch up, you think it will take too long?! haha

  26. I love that article! So darn sweet. And that picture of your niece and nephew is hysterical!

  27. dont be embarrassed i know my husband has watched all seasons of the survivor, he is obsessed i know never to plan anything on wednesday night when it is on :-)

  28. Thanks for sharing the article on the moments that restored our faith in humanity this year. I think I've only seen an older version of this list. I definitely teared up too.
    Take care and happy holidays!

  29. Your outfit is pretty. I love the print of your dress and how you paried it with the colored tights.

    I'm glad I came across your blog. I'm now your newest follower via greader.:)

  30. Stopping by from H54F and I have to say I have a little black dress that I have been wanting to wear tights with and I think you have motivated me to do so! The kiddos pic is hilarious and what anyone can relate to. Good luck this year!

    XO Brooke
    Hopefully you can become my next follower :)

  31. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas Katie!!!

  32. yay for family time!! i hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend and Christmas holiday!!

  33. that picture under the tree of the little ones is just dahhhhling!!!!! lovin' it girlie!

    glad to hear you get some good ol' family time this holiday season!

    xo, Bev

  34. I have to admit I never jumped on the Survivor bandwagon until last year when Sophie Clarke won. I watched every single episode because I went to highschool with her! It was neat to see her win. Enjoy your family this season!

  35. Your outfit is fabulous. I need colored tights, I don't own any.

    I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

  36. I dont own any colored tights! I should make a purchase<3 hope you have a great weekend girlie.

  37. I love that polka dot dress on you; so cute! :)


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