December 19, 2012

Comparisons and a Target Gift Card

After reading Holly's guest post, I'm even more convinced that we should be friends in real life.  I couldn't stop laughing at number six on her list of comparisons.  PLUS she is giving away a gift card to Target, which we all know we'd love to win!

Don't you just love when you stumble across a blogger where you think: "OMG, we'd totally be friends in real life!"
That's how I feel about Katie.
So often I find myself thinking, "yeah, me too!" or "that's totally me!" when reading her posts.
And the more I read her blog, the more alike I find that we really are.
Let me give you just a couple six examples:


1. We are scarf-obsessed soul mates.


2. We will both be carded well into our 50s at this rate.
Hello, 28 going on 19.


3. We take pity on "ugly" shoes.

Mine: Moxyn // Hers: Molly

4. Our dogs' names start with the letters "Mo." And they both have crazy retriever hair and are very happy pups!


5. We are bargain shoppers. Which means 99% of our clothing comes from Old Navy and Target.


6. We have cute asses. She calls hers Norman and I call mine Beyonce Jr.

I guess I should introduce myself.
I'm Holly and I blog over at Running in Stilettos.
And if you love Katie as much as I do, then you might just tolerant/like/love me, too.
Stop by any time. My door is always open thanks to this whole Internet thing.

And because you ladies deserve some goodies for having such great taste {i.e. reading Katie's fabulous blog}, I'm giving away a $10 Target gift card and 2 months {January and February} of featured ad space {300x200} on Running in Stilettos.



Good luck, silly heads!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted after the 24th!  Thanks for entering and thank you Holly for a great post and giveaway!


  1. I would love to win! Especially for the after Christmas sales at Target :)

  2. Awesome guest post!!!

    You both are so fun!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am following you now and would love for you to follow me back :)

    Kate @ A Journey in Style

  4. Another great blog to follow!!!

    I love finding new friendships through blogging!!

    I also love a good clearance shopping trip!!!

  5. Two of my favorite ladies in one place!! Holly, you are a mess and I love it!!!

  6. What a fun post - and I totally agree, I love "meeting" bloggers that seem like they would make great friends IRL. Happy holidays!

  7. great blog,great photos

    do u want follow each other?


  8. great blog,great photos

    do u want follow each other?



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