December 18, 2012

Christmas Traditions

shirt: old navy   skirt: target   tights: kohls   shoes: old navy

I was so committed to taking a new outfit picture today, I did so despite the snow/hail that was coming down.  Only to go inside and have it stop 5 minutes later.  But it was too late.  Because you know that I spend just about zero time in anything other than sweatpants when I am home. 

So you're left with a snow interrupted picture. 

Speaking of snow, we've had about zero of it and I would LOVE it to snow before Christmas, and we are running out of time!

But more than having a white Christmas, my favorite thing about this time of the year is the traditions that my family has.  When we got married, I know that Chris thought my family may be a little overboard with our yearly traditions, but now he either loves it or knows not to say anything. 

On Christmas Eve we always read the Christmas story from the Bible.  When we were little we used to dress up as one of the "characters" from the story.  There was always a fight between my sister and I about who got to be Mary, and clearly based on the two pictures I found she won more than me.

An angel is just as important though right?
Better than a sheep, which I did resort to one year.  


And I was clearly working hard at playing the manly part of Joseph. 


I'm so thankful that many family started traditions like this, and while we don't dress up anymore I think it's time for my nephew to start the tradition over!  

What is your favorite Christmas tradition?


  1. Haha, I love it- "he either loves it or knows not to say anything" I guess as long as he doesn't have to dress up :)

    So we tried to start a tradition with PFB this year (we were traveling to my parents for Christmas so we did our "family" Christmas last weekend) I can't remember the name of the book right now but Chris had a kids Sinclair Ferguson book he wanted to read every Christmas except that it totally was NOT age appropriate. It was long and we got through about 2 pages... Oh well. We'll try something again next year

  2. haha how cute!! I wish we would get some snow!!

  3. love your snow pictures!! my favorite Christmas tradition was always getting in our jammies and going to look at Christmas lights on Christmas eve!

  4. I love snow for the month of december and then after that Im so done with it :) lol cute outfit BTW

  5. haha I love your dedication! Wish it was just get a bit colder here.. snow is completely out of the question but colder weather?? That'd be nice! LOVE hearding about your traditions! We read the Christmas story out of the bible and then also ready Twas The Night Before Christmas!

    It's an Easy Life

  6. Such cute photos!! Traditions are the best. ;)

  7. Your sister dressed as Mary seriously cracks me up. And I'm still in love with your booties!

  8. Great photos and I love that shirt!

    I found your blog through the Living in Yellow giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes
    500 Follower Kate Spade Giveaway

  9. you are too cute - I'm the same once I get home its insta change mode :) and YES get the little boys going on this stat - they'll look back and appreciate it I'm sure!!

    One of our traditions (once I was old enough to know about Santa) was that my mom and I would stay up very very late Christmas Eve (until 2 or 3 am allowing my dad who worked very late at the time to sleep) wrapping all the presents and placing them under the tree. We'd then stuff the stocking and leave them outside everyones' bedroom doors thus signifying that Santa had arrived!!

    ...only downfall was one of my little sibblings would inevitably wake us up around 5 or 6 am leaving us with very few hours of sleep ;)

  10. We have so much snow here... you have have some!! My favourite Christmas tradition is opening the stockings on Christmas morning. One week away!!

  11. I love this tradition! I think I might have to start that when I have a family of my own. I'm glad Chris now loves your traditions too :)

  12. We are starting the tradition of giving each other pjs to open on Christmas Eve this year. Floyd even has some to wear!

  13. I love that tradition! Those pictures are too cute. I wish it would snow here sometime, I've never had a white Christmas before. so sad.

    Love your gingham shirt and your booties!


  14. we never really had any traditions growing up... just opening presents on xmas day, oh and putting milk and cookies out for santa haha!! i can't wait to start new traditions with my little guy!

    Sandy a la Mode

  15. It's already snowed twice here and I'm totally fine if it doesn't snow again! I hate it!

    Your gingham shirt is really cute!

    The Tiny Heart
    Dec. Group Giveaway!

  16. We do the exact same every Christmas eve. I love doing it, and we all take turns. It is one of my favorite moments every Christmas!
    PS- LOVE this outfit!!

  17. Love hearing people's family Christmas traditions! And I have that top and want to wear it with a black skirt now :)

  18. LOVE your outfit! So jealous of the snow, even if it only lasted a little bit. Also, those pictures of you as a little girl are too cute.

  19. Family traditions are the best! Especially when they are for the real reason of the season :)

  20. I just love the belt! It adds the right pop of color to your ensemble. Way to rock the denim skirt too - they are not easy to wear. Great job!

  21. Aw, I love Christmas traditions. =) And I love that outfit... jealous of your snow!

  22. You are one committed blogger to take pictures in the hail! Um, you as an angel is so cute, what a great tradition! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. That outfit is SO cute Katie! And yay for traditions...they're the best, and so is that photo of you :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. this tradition is so cute. I love it so much!!

  25. What a great outfit! I've been watching the weather forecast hoping for snow, too!

    Kate @ A Journey in Style

  26. Wishing for snow on Christmas in Texas is like wishing to win the lottery!!! You guys were adorable...such an amazing Christmas memory and tradition!!

  27. I think this is one of my favorite looks of yours, so cute and love the booties! Also these pictures are adorable and so fun you have these for the memories!


  28. You look so great!! Love the tights & booties, and I love your traditions...they are so important. Hope you get snow for Christmas!!


  29. Why oh why do I not have one of those shirts yet???
    I think your traditions are lovely, so you should dress up your nephew and niece this year :)

  30. How cute are you in the snow!!!! Love it.
    My favorite Christmas tradition is our Gingerbread house contest Christmas eve!
    We have SUCH a blast - and I ALWAYS win...clearly.

  31. I love family traditions like this! Stuff like this is what makes me excited to go home in a couple of days. Eek! And I am actually longing for snow right now. Atleast for 1 day, then it can go away :)

  32. Cute outfit and really cute family pictures!!

  33. Love the outfit as usual! And those family pics are adorable! ;) We always read the Christmas Story out of Luke and there have to be 'holly wreath' treats to eat. We just started doing an Advent calendar with our kiddo this year and read a chapter out of the Jesus Storybook Bible every evening before he gets to open his little present. So fun. ;)

  34. I want that shirt I want that shirt I want that shirt!!!! Way to go braving the hail too :) That's dedication!

  35. ahahaha! So cute!! And I would not be outside taking outfit pictures in that type of weather. I think actually I'm destined to take no more outdoor outfits pictures until probably...April. I don't take the cold well! :P

  36. The things we do for the sake of blogging...braving the wind and snow! I love your outfit and am looking for a new pair of wedge booties so I'll have to check ON. My favorite tradition is my dad's annual (excuse my crude language here) "Caught it or Shot it" Christmas eve dinner. He makes perch, walleye and deer and it is sooo yummy.


  37. SNOW!? I am still running around jacket-less here in TN! My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas Eve candle light service with my family, that we always follow up with looking at lights and drinking hot chocolate in the car!
    Happy holidays lady!


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