December 17, 2012

Not for a Moment

"Tears are falling, hearts are breaking, how we need to hear from God. You've been promised, we've been waiting. Welcome Holy Child. Welcome Holy Child."

My heart is heavy today as I think of all the families and people in Connecticut.  And thinking of them daily trying to sort through this terrible nightmare.  

And then my thoughts have been consumed with the events of this last year.
It has been a rough year and a year filled with heart ache for so many of our friends and family.

This year I watched a best friend go through finding out her mom has breast cancer, and then surgery and treatments.

Another good friend find out her dad has advanced brain cancer. 

I've experienced Chris and I's immediate family lose 3 grandparents. 

Chris and I have gone through so many hard trials through our infertility journey.  

My sister was diagnosed with Lyme's disease and was really sick for many months. 

This last year I've watched a good friend lose her dad suddenly. 

Another close friend go through a tragic and painful loss of her baby far along in her pregnancy.

It's crazy to me how Chris and I had been married for over six years and had really dealt with no major heartbreaks or trials like this.   And then looking back on this last year it feels like they kept on coming.  This year I've watched my friends grieve things that I feel should not happen to anyone.  

Sometimes it is hard to not walk around thinking about how sad and hard life is.  And how so many people are hurting.  And that sometimes life seems unfair.  I know it's hard for some to question where God is in all of this and how this can all be part of His plan. 

We sang this song in church on Sunday and I've been listening to it and reading the words over and over.  
Clinging to the truth that God will never forsake us.

You were reaching through the storm, walking on the water,
Even when I could not see.
In the middle of it all, when I thought you were a thousand miles away.
Not for a moment, did You forsake me.
After all, You are constant.
After all, You are only good.
After all, You are sovereign.
Not for a moment, will You forsake me.
You were singing in the dark, whispering Your promise.
Even when I could not hear.
I was held in Your arms, carried for a thousand miles to show,
Not for a moment did You forsake me.
And every step, every breath You are there.
Every tear, every cry, every breath.
In my hurt, at my worst, when my world falls down.
Not for a moment, will You forsake me.
Even in the dark, even when it’s hard
You will never leave me
After all
After all, You are constant.
After all, You are only good.
After all, You are sovereign.
Not for a moment, will You forsake me.
Not for a moment, will You forsake me.

The world is full of terrible things.  Hard trials.  Unbearable pain. 
But God is present and is there. 

I know that there are seasons in your life.
Seasons of joy and happiness and seasons of pain and heartbreak.
I'm thankful for such a long season of joy that Chris and I have had for most our marriage and am excited for that to happen again because I know it will.  
And I know it will for my friends that are hurting.  And for the people in Connecticut.   

We can't understand why things like this happen and that's where faith comes in.
Faith in a God that has a plan.
In a Heaven that is free from pain.
And in a God that will never forsake us.  Not for a moment.

*Thank you Cassidy for letting me share your beautiful voice.  I've listened to you sing it countless times in the last few days. 


  1. Love this. Totally exactly where my head is at today. I just started working on a post about the importance of faith. I'm hoping to finish it for later this week!

  2. this is beautiful Katie. It's hard for me to even put the words in my mouth on how I feel, this is spot on.

  3. It's amazing how words of a song can wrap around us and comfort us. Those words are powerful and uplifting. You've transferred your thoughts and God's message beautifully, thank you for sharing!

  4. What a wonderful song, thank you for sharing! And love "Welcome To Our World" by Chris Rice too: such a comfort to know that in the midst of trials and triumphs, God will never forsake us, that He is with us. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. I love this. Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I love this post Katie. And I'm sorry you've had such a tough year. Life is hard and it's not perfect, but good things are coming for you, I know it. Can't wait for 2013! :)

    xo, Yi-chia

  7. Goodness gracious, 2012 brought lots of pain and suffering. I'm thankful that 2013 is right around the corner. Hoping & praying that the new year brings new hope, happiness, & constant reminders that God is faithful to His people.
    LOVE YOU <3

  8. LOVE this post Katie. and beautiful song. I have listened to that song a lot lately.

  9. what a beautiful post Katie, brought tears to my eyes. I believe God is holding each and every child/victim in heaven and their families here on earth.

    C's Evolution of Style

  10. Katie...such a beautiful post! I have been thinking about the past year too, and it's hard not to get discouraged with all the sadness/bad news. I had never heard that song before...I will be listening to it a lot this week. Such a good reminder of what God truly is and will always be. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  11. Beautifully put. I love this song too. I've been thinking about it a lot this weekend especially. God is good. He is holding us and loving us. Even when life doesn't make sense.

  12. well said! I always find it so hard to see the blessings sometimes in our heartache! but sometime the biggest hearts ache really can lead to the biggest blessings. god is so good.!

  13. That song is a great reminder that God is constant and that things happen for reasons that man can't explain.

  14. Such a sad, yet beautiful post Katie. In all your heartache and hardship, you still find a way to be positive. You are such an inspiration. My favorite line from this post: "We can't understand why things like this happen and that's where faith comes in." Well said girl.

  15. Beautifully written!! Thank YOU for sharing my version of this song. It has been such truth in my life lately too!


  16. My heart broke the moment I heard the news about all the victims =/

  17. Beautiful post! I find it hard to believe that it is in God's plan for all this suffering to happen - might be the devils work, but then after the suffering is over, you sometimes gather some sort of understanding, but until then, you just have to believe.

  18. This year has been tough in our families too, something about 2012. Your words are beautiful, you are beautiful friend. Sorry I'm so out of touch, I think of you often in my middle of the night awakeness and I pray for you whenever I do! xoxox

  19. thank you for this post, Katie. you have such an amazing heart - so full of love and life and the Lord.

  20. What a beautiful song. These past few months have truly reminded me that this is not our home and that I will never understand the loss, loneliness and heartache in this world and I won't feel completely at peace until I am HOME in Heaven! :-) Found you through Casey! :-)

  21. BEAUTIFUL!! So heart felt and just amazing. God bless you.


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