December 16, 2012

Some things you should know

1. My sister in law is adorable and thankfully listened to me when I told her she should start taking some outfit pictures so I could share them with you.


2. I have a miniature pet donkey named Norman.  (He lives at my parent's house).


3. I was really good at doing the splits when I was I was little.


4.  My brother, sister and I call my dad, Papa.


5.  I've always wanted to be one of the Fanta girls.  The only problem is that I can't sing, I'm not tall and I doubt they are even looking anymore.

6.  I ate my first toaster strudel today and it was delicious.  I would like to eat one. or two. every day.

7. And finally, you should get to know these ladies:


Kaylin is adorable and has a blog that will definitely make you smile.  She blogs about her cute outfits, adventures, and "adult" life which she is learning is fun at times and not so fun at other times.  Whether it's about making lists, or a new perspective you'll love getting to know Kaylin. 

blog // twitter // instagram (StayBlondeSkiLocal) 

Next is Whitney from Keeping up with the Cyperts


I've been reading Whitney's blog for awhile and I'm excited to share her with you!  Whitney's blog is a mix of everything.  From delicious recipeslife with her husband, traveling, and everything in between.  I love one of her recent Sunday Confessions post, because although we don't share a love for hairless cats, we do share a love for puppies and tv.

blog // facebook

And finally we have Bethany from Still in Louis


There are multiple reasons why you should check out Bethany's blog.
1. I'm always amazed at bloggers who find awesome things at thrift stores.  She is one of them.
(Bethany I would like to go shopping with you.)
2. She has whole posts dedicated to bloopers pictures of her kids.  They are hilarious.
3. She is an honest blogger who shares her heart and what God is teaching her.

blog // shop

Hope you have a great start to the week!


  1. Your SIL is definitely stylish. She needs a blog!
    I've missed reading and need to catch up on your blog this week!

  2. Love your face in the splits picture! And toaster strudel's are amazinggg. Apple is our favorite! Have a great week!

  3. I love the striped dress! And, we could be soul mates: loooooooooove mini donkeys {and how cute is the dog peering under his belly from the background?} ... and toaster strudels? Don't eeeeeven get me started. Too bad they have gluten. But, sometimes cheating with those things would so be worth it!

  4. Your miniature donkey is absolutely adorable, I am so jealous!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. the face in the splits picture...."this is no big deal. I do this all the time. whatever." soooo good. and pet donkey?!

  6. I love the pic of the donkey and that is soooo cool that you have one as a pet, I love animals!! haha the pic of you doing splits literally made me laugh hahha "what..i can do this all day long?" is the look you have on your face.

  7. Oh my must be a thing to be able to be SO flexible as a child. So many of my first graders last year would randomly do splits on the rug during the day! haha. It amazes me...

  8. You have a pet donkey?? I can not tell you how awesome I think that is!!

    Super impressed by that split, my friend!

  9. Annnnd now I want a toaster strudel. Haha, cute post!

  10. You have a mini donkey??? I'm coming to
    Visit for sure now!! ;) you SIL is adorable. ;) love those outfits!! And yes you need to eat toaster strudels more often!!

  11. the pic of you doing the splits made me laugh out loud!! your face is priceless. my caption : "yeah, but can you do THIS? i didn't think so..."

    also, if you're ever in st. louis, i'll totally take you with me on my usual thrifting route!!!

  12. Yay! So glad to be in this group feature!: ) And, I used to have a pet bull named Norman. He was adorable but I think your Norman may give him a run for his money! Hope you had a great weekend!

  13. Your sister in law is gorgeous!!

    I use to want to do a split when I was younger. I gave up when I finally came to terms that it was not gonna happen :) so awesome you could do them, haha!!

  14. Miss Lauren is indeed adorable so glad you shared! :) And toasted streudel! I could eat the entire box. In one sitting. Not even kidding. Yum. :) And I haven't been able to do the splits in years. But my kiddo can. :) It kind of freaks his daddy out. :)

  15. I can't believe you just had your first Toaster Strudel! You've been missing out! Haha...I love them. Also, I love the picture of you doing a split. I took gymnastics for years, and could never get my splits down, so I am super jealous! :-)

  16. Your sister in law's outfits are so pretty! I especially love her boots :) AND YUM strudels are soooo good, I love the icing part the most haha.

  17. Donkey - proves you're awesome.
    First toaster strudel? I weep for you.
    I'll definitely give these ladies a looksie...

  18. Your SIL is adorable :) cute outfits!!! She should definitely get a blog. As for the donkey.. that is hilarious & awesome.. I had no idea :) The toaster strudel reminded me of Quinny, like I said on Instagram!

    Have a wonderful Monday. Praying for you, pretty girl. && how crazy that you went to BETHEL!!!! small world, right?

  19. Such a beautiful post! Wish you a lovely week my dear! Would you like to follow each other via Bloglovin?

  20. Your sister in law is SO cute! And ohmygoodness - love that split pic of you!

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. haha, I love the splits picture! Too cute. And I haven't had a toaster strudel in YEARS, but I remember loving them too :)

  22. Your SIL totally needs to be a blogger! Those outfits are adorable!
    I'm still totally shocked by the first time toaster strudel!
    And I love that you have a donkey! So random and so cute!

  23. Norman is too cute!! And that picture of you doing the splits is hilarious - I love how you look all moody :D

  24. fabulous outfits run in your family.
    I'm jealous because they run in mine, too but that gene must have skipped me :)

    and OMG NORMAN. that is hilarious//adorable!

  25. Ohh, I want that second outfit that your SIL is wearing, ha! Too cute! Your first Toaster Strudel?! Katie! I can't believe you are just now eating your first one!! ha :)

  26. The picture of you doing a split is hilarious. The look on your face is just priceless! Your SIL is totally adorable. And I'm so glad you finally had a toaster strudel, YUM!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  27. Great fun facts! :) your sister-in-law is adorable!! and so are you:)

  28. love this Katie. Your sis in law is precious, that donkey is awesome and doing the splits is a very good talent.

  29. Your sister in law is so cute! And I want a pet donkey!!

    The Tiny Heart
    Dec. Group Giveaway!

  30. Some things you should know... I love that your relationship with your SIL seems so great! I love that tiny donkey. I love your bored face in your split picture. I love your dad's aviators. I ALSO wanted to be a fanta girl! And now I want a toaster strudle.

  31. haha love the donkey and you face in the splits I can't even do a cartwheel.sad, but true.

  32. I can't believe you have never had a toaster strudle! They are so delicious! Glad that my outfits are blog worthy :) Love you so much!

  33. Your sister in law IS cute! Love her looks! Also, I love that you have a pet mini donkey! Too cute!

  34. This post made me smile! A donkey? And splits? Your sister-in-law is super cute. Please tell hr to keep those cute outfits coming!

  35. Ha ha - you look so thrilled doing those splits! :)

  36. the picture of you doing the splits is killing me! that is so funny!!!!


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