December 30, 2012

Playing Favorites

sweater, leggings & necklace: kohls    boots: dsw   watch: groopdealz 

Joking about what child is my parent's favorite is a common conversation in my family and it's pretty much known that I am my mom's favorite.  Even though I have played the middle child syndrome card a few times.

While I don't think I have all of the typical middle child traits, like having to fight for attention, or feeling like I don't belong, I may have a few like being shy or impatient.

But I don't think I can attribute that to being a middle child, because I think my parents did a really good job of giving us equal attention and not favoring anyone when we were younger.

However, now that we've gotten older I have to say I may have earned the most favorite child.  Proof was that my mom bought me this ornament a few years ago:

It took a few years for my siblings to notice my ornament and due to their jealous feelings and my mom's need to make everything seem completely equal and fair, she had to buy them one too: 

But I'm just going to have to hold on to the fact the she bought mine first and without being asked. 

Is there a favorite in your family? 


  1. This is hilarious! My meemaw bought the same three ornaments for my mama and my aunt and my uncle. :)

  2. Haha this is so cute! So funny. Love special ornaments. Well, its only my brother and I in the fam and the age gap is pretty big. We like it though :)

  3. Love the outfit in this post! Great boots!
    I love that ornament! I'm a middle child too. :)

  4. My husband and his two siblings got the same ornaments! The middle son opened his first, and everyone thought he was the only one to get an ornament. It's the running joke that he seriously is the favorite, so we were dying laughing!

  5. I have 2 brothers. I always said, "I'm your favorite KID" and my mom would say, "You're my favorite DAUGHTER".
    I know that I'm the favorite though.
    I'm the oldest. They loved me first :)

  6. Love it! We play the favorite game a lot, too!

  7. Too funny! :) Love this striped sweater and the gorgeous color combo...almost bought a similar one today!

  8. We have these same ornaments on my mom's tree!

  9. hahahahah LOVE IT. those ornaments are hilarious. also, that purple is a gorgeous color on you!

  10. yes, me!!! haha...but all of my siblings think they're the favorite as well.

  11. Haha! You are definitely your mom's favorite if she bought you your ornament first without being asked!;)
    Love the sweater!

  12. Hahaha love this! I always have said I'm my mom's favorite :). My sisters always say it too but my mom denies it because well, she has to ;)

    But secretly we all know, haha.

    And if you got the ornament first you definitely are your mom's favorite!

  13. i'm obsessing over the big, comfy sweater look!
    And my little brother always jokes that I am my Grandma's favorite, because her & I act like girlfriends :)

    Happy New Year, girl!

  14. Haha, this is hilarious! Happy New Year, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart

  15. A few years ago, my mom went around to all four of us kids in private and asked who we thought was the favorite. Each one of us said we thought WE were the favorite! Although secretly I think I'm the real favorite :) Don't tell!

  16. Love that sweater and necklace together - so cute! Sounds like you are definitely the fave :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  17. my mom tells me all the time I was the easiest and never caused her problems. typical first born I guess :)

    my sister is a middle child//we always teased that she just complained long enough my mom did want to hear it anymore and gave in.

    cute post.

  18. Those ornaments are awesome and I love your necklace. xx

  19. I come from a family of 5 we are always joking about who is the favorite. My parents are pretty good about not divulging who their favorite is...but I will say, that I talk to my parents more than any of my other siblings. So does that mean it's me? Ha. Let's hope so.

  20. Too funny!!! We do the same thing with my parents!! I def think I am the fave!! Lol! And yes, she bought yours first!! Happy New Year, friend!!

  21. you guys sound a lot like our family. i love that she bought you all one...too cute! happy new year!

  22. That is too funny! We joke about favorites sometimes too, a consensus hasn't been reached yet though... Happy New Year :)

  23. Haha, my husband says that he is the favorite in his family because he gets away with everything! Happy New Year Katie, cheers to an amazing 2013! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  24. this outfit is so cute! i love the striped sweater :)

    i'm following you now!

  25. My parents won't admit it hit my brother (who is also a middle child) is totally my mpm's favorite! But that's ok it's a close fight between my youngest brother and me for my day's favorite :) And I LOVE that outfit!!! It's one of my favorites! No pun intended!

  26. Too funny! I joke that I'm the favorite which brings on all the "middle child" jokes from my siblings.
    P.S. Love the animal scarf and, no way can you have too many prints only too many solids!

  27. Oh I definitely think I'm the favorite in my family...but so do my brother and sister. Haha. Love that necklace!

  28. Hehe that is so cute! I've never seen those ornaments before, how funny! I am the baby of the family but I think the middle child is my moms favorite too ;)

    p.s. love your sweater!

  29. Haha, how funny! I love that she went out and bought them for your siblings too (after they asked). Love your sweater! Happy New Year :)

  30. That's so funny! My baby sister is my mom's favorite and my oldest sister is my dad's... So my second sister and I (the 3rd born) pull the neglected middle card all the time.

  31. Happy new year!!!!

    My brother is definitely my moms Favorite, it's because she has only one son and two daughters and he's the youngest!

    x Audrey


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