January 2, 2013

Loving Lately

Loving polka dots, colored jeans and boots. 

jacket: c/o wendybox   pants: jcpenny  boots: dsw  top: old navy 

Loving that next week the Bachelor and the Biggest Loser start.

Loving the little breaks I've taken from blogging this month.  It's been nice to spend less time on my computer and lots of time with my family.  BUT I am excited to get back to a regular schedule with posts, emails and reading other blogs.

Loving delicious looking meals, like this four cheese mac & cheese.  The recipe calls for white truffle oil, which I've never used before but I would like Chris to make it so I can eat it!


Loving my influenster box.  

Quaker Oatmeal : I ate this for breakfast last week and it was really good.  I loved the dried cranberries in it.  And I felt healthy eating it!

Quikstyle brush:  This brush has microfiber bristles to help remove water and it definitely worked!

NYC Color Lipshine:  I am not a lipstick girl, so this was a perfect find.  Colored lipgloss.  

Kiss Nail Dress: I haven't used this yet, but I am excited to. It says you can just peel on the nails and they should last a week.

Face Mask: I don't know that last time I used a face mask but will definitely use this at some point/

Loving that I while I am behind with the more New Years-ish post, I will have one next week.

Happy Wednesday friends!


  1. Love the polka dot top. I finally caved and found a pair of colored pants that fit, same color, royal blue. Haven't worn them yet because I needed to find a top to go with. Will check out our Old Navy. That Mac and Cheese looks amazing! Ok, what is an influenster box? I am intrigued! Might have to try the oatmeal...tried the mixed berry, not so good! Way too sweet. Love the apple though.

  2. Those boots and that jacket are just awesome! Love them sooo much.

  3. You have lots of loves!

    The Mac and cheese looks incredible!

    I love, love, love NYC lipshine as well.

    Of course, I love your outfit!

  4. "but I would like Christ to make it so I can eat it!" Best line in the whole post. HA! Happy New Year <3

  5. ahh!!! can't wait for Bachelor!! :) Thanks for reminding me!

  6. You are too cute! I am sooo excited for The Bachelor, I'm glad you reminded me or I would have not known that it was about to start again! I don't have cable but still watch things online, so it will be nice to have something new to watch! Happy New Year! xo

  7. I need to find a polka dot shirt! That mac and cheese looks amazing!

  8. I can't wait for the bachelor to start either!!! I have never heard of that box- looks like t came with good stuff!!

  9. SO excited for the bachelor!!! and i've enjoyed my time away from the blog too but so nice to finally read and catch up on everyone's life!! love those blue jeans on you lady - so pretty!

  10. I am so excited for the Bachelor and Biggest Loser too! I love both of those shows. I am glad you have been taking breaks and spending more time with your family, it is definitely worth it!

  11. Love your outfit! I am thinking I might need to make those mac & cheese cups too!! Yum!

  12. I want to try out facial masks too.



  13. Love family time, love that shirt, & love you!!!!

  14. I'm so excited for the Bachelor, also!! It'll definitely make Mondays a little brighter :)

  15. Cut top! And that mac and cheese looks so yummy. I still haven't gotten my influenster box yet. I really want to try out that brush.

  16. That box looks so great, and I am loving your colored jeans. I finally got some (green), and I want to wear them all. the. time.

  17. I'm excited for The Bachelor too! You got some really great things in your box!

  18. Four cheese Mac & Cheese!?!? Sign me UP!

  19. I love polka dots too! Your whole look is so cute :)

  20. Love your colored denim + dots! I am looking forward to getting back in my blogging routine too!
    Happy New Year pretty lady!

  21. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! And that mac & cheese looks amazing!!!

  22. I'm *loving* that you have more snow in your yard than we do ;)

    Actually, I'm loving that jacket.
    Do you get a few more days off of work???

    Happy Thursday!

  23. Yay! I'm pretty excited about the bachelor too!

  24. Glad you've been able to enjoy your break and family time!

  25. SO excited The Bachelor starts next week...YAY! Such cute family photos and that mac and cheese has me drooling on my keyboard :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  26. oh I didn't know The Biggest Loser started next week! thanks for reminding me, I can't wait!!

  27. Cute polka dot top and ummmmm I'm a bit obsessed with mac and cheese right now so that is recipe is calling my name!! I also need to look into getting that brush. Anything to speed up my blow drying time is a plus in my book!

  28. You look so cute, love the polka dots! Um, that 4 cheese mac and cheese looks and sounds amazing!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  29. I love that photo with the sun hitting your hair! It's so pretty! And I'm so excited for The Bachelor! It never gets old for me :)

  30. it is sad how excited I am about the Bachelor! and yay for influester!

  31. Ooh I didn't realize the new Bachelor was starting next week, now I'm excited!

    The Tiny Heart

  32. you look great! that jacket is so fun! and oh man, katie - i can't tell you how much i LOVE the bachelor. sean is my fave!!

  33. hi! new follower here- I follow you on instagram and I'm finally getting a chance to follow your blog!
    I can't wait for the biggest loser to start!!

  34. Influenster is just amazing, isn't it? Looks like you got a fun box too! I am SO excited about The Bachelor and The Biggest Loser. In fact, I'm watching The Biggest Loser now! So far very good of course!


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