January 22, 2013

Doubling Posting

sweater: kohls   jeans: gap   scarf: giveaway from    shoes: target

I don't know what I was thinking sharing two outfits yesterday in one post because I'm now left with nothing new to share with you today. So I am here, sharing the same outfits.  But that post really had nothing to do with my outfit, so I'm going to count it as acceptable. 

And I can't imagine letting a good outfit go to waste these days, as it is getting harder in the morning to find something that I am (a) comfortable in and (b) doesn't look awkward. 

Don't be fooled by these pictures.  My pants aren't buttoned in either one. 

blazer: tjmaxx    pants: kohls   boots: dsw

I am anxiously awaiting the cute pregnancy stage and not this awkward middle stage.  It took me an embarrassing amount of time to get dressed today and sadly my outfit was far from cute or impressive. 

I don't plan on sharing one of these every week, as I am thinking there may not be big differences each week, and while it does consume my hourly thoughts I don't want this blog to be overload on pregnancy updates.  But I will share one every few weeks.  Here's last weeks: 

Hope you are having a good week so far!


Linking up to: Random Wednesday & Pleated Poppy


  1. Hey, I am the first to comment today! You look adorable in every picture (and I'm not just saying that because I'm your MOM!) I want your readers to know that if these pictures were taken yesterday or today, it is no warmer than 10 degrees outside! And I am (almost) as excited as you are that there is a baby growing in your stomach. I love you, Katie Jane!

  2. OK, looking closer, I guess these were taken last week . . oh well. It was cold then too, but warmer than 10.

  3. I love the first outfit. Grey is my favorite color & that fun scarf looks perfect :) :)
    Can't believe you're 14 weeks!!! Grow baby, grow. Are y'all finding out if it's a girl or boy? I'm thinking you'll have a boy.. don't hold me to that though.

    Anyways. You're adorable. Love the pregnancy update. Eat lots of delicious food for me since I'm counting calories.. counting calories isn't good for wanting to eat lots of delicious food. Okay I'm done now.

  4. 2 tips for getting through the awkward stage of pregnancy:1)i would wear dresses, especially those with an empire waist. 2) i used a thin belt with a flowy shirt. basically, something to give me a waist but also feel comfy and not like i had just acquired a new muffin top, ha!! the bump will come soon :)

  5. I see a bump! Omg! That gets me so excited! Happy 14 weeks!

    Def OK to double post! ;)

  6. Love the jeans in your weekly picture.

  7. Cutest bump ever! And you dress it well, girl! I wish you could dress me...I've never done an ootd post b/c who wants to see a girl in yoga pants and a ponytail? lol. Thanks for your sweet bloggy comment. xoxo

  8. I'm jealous of the way your dress jeans fit--if I find pants that fit me, they are way too long and I have to wear heels with them.

    I can't wait to see your baby bump grow!

  9. I love the second outfit! Your striped blazer is so fun. I love your pregnancy updates and I'm glad you're feeling better :)


  10. You really should feel free to do a weekly update if you please - I'd eat it right up! I love all these updates, stories, pictures, etc. and I hope and pray for you that all continues to go smoothly. :) you are adorable as an inbetweener preggo lady + are rocking the unbuttoned pants look. You'll also rock the mom jeans & toting this little tot to and from school/practice/etc. and you can't forget that!! Regardless of those things that stress you, remember to stay positive - you deserve to be happy!!

  11. Awkward my bum- you look adorable!

  12. look at that teeny little baby bump. you look adorable!

  13. I LOVE those Gap pants. What style are they??

    I would certainly like to read your bump-dates every few weeks :)

  14. You are still so small! You look gorgeous, lady ;) I love that your pants weren't buttoned, though. Haha.

  15. Just adorable! Can't wait to watch that belly grow! Congrats again lady :)

  16. You are just too cute! So excited to see that little baby grow!

  17. YES! I am starting to see a cute mini baby bump! You are looking gorgeous Katie! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. Haha, I love how you clarify that your pants aren't buttoned in either outfit! I think you look darling, and that striped blazer is awesome :)

  19. well i LOVE both outfits. i am the same way right now - pants are NOT getting buttoned and honestly all i want to do is wear sweats. share those updates, girl! i love it!!

  20. OMG I die! You look so cute! I'm so excited for you! Cheetos are my nightmare as a teacher.....I can't believe that's your craving, how ironic!!!


  21. Haha, that is so funny that Chris hopes you have steak cravings! You and your little bump are looking so cute!

    The Tiny Heart
    January Group Giveaway!

  22. HEY!!!! You can take a rubber band (like a hair tye) and loop it through the button hole and then around the button itself to be able to wear the pants longer. I wore normal jeans all throughout my first two pregnancies like that. And a lot with my 3rd.

  23. I am happy eating pb&j sandwiches all day long and I'm not pregnant (at least I don't think I am)! You look awesome! I love your little bump!

  24. I'm so so excited for you! And I think you did a great job putting these outfits together ;)


  25. Blog hopping today - both outfits look great on you and I know how you feel about a "Wasted oufit pic". Congrats and good luck!

  26. I LOVE your striped blazer - so cute! And now I'm totally craving a pb & j and some cheetohs :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  27. Ahh!! You ARE SOO CUTE!! I love you and your sweet baby!

  28. I swear there is something in the water in blog land!! So many of my friends are pregnant so close together!! Love it!! And yes, the first 20 weeks are a little awkward...but you still look presh!!

  29. You look great! I don't miss the awkward pregnancy stage either- nothing fits but maternity clothes are too big. I'm sure few would mind if you posted a weekly belly picture!

  30. I love that your pants aren't done up. ;) I am looooooving the bump dates!! ;)

  31. I am just so happy for you =) It took my husband and I a long time to get pregnant so I completely understand your excitement!


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