January 28, 2013

Happy Face

boots: dsw   skirt:  old navy   sweater: diy (tutorial here)

I'm pretty confident that I could dedicate at least a post a week about how Chris and I are different.  In so many ways we are complete opposites.

Here's yet another.

In high school there was this "joke."  I say that in quotes because while true, it didn't make me laugh.  Which maybe it should've and it would have helped me with my problem.

The joke was that I looked angry all the time.  I'd walk around the halls and my friends thought I was mad or sad or some negative emotion, because my relaxed, normal face apparently looked unhappy.

While I doubt I have a picture of me in high school, as I'm sure it was unattractive and I wouldn't keep it around, I imagine looking something like this.  Which actually just looks a little more annoyed than anything.  Apparently my mom only kept smiling pictures of us.

Chris on the other hand, walks around looking like something straight out of a cartoon, because his face was and is always smiling.  Which is why when I saw this shirt on pinterest I immediately thought of him.

I believe Chris should wear this shirt daily.

I actually used to have to remind him in pictures to have a normal smile, because his was hugely wide open, extreme smile, and just looked silly.

(I realize he isn't actually trying to smile in this picture.  But I looked for one for about 30 minutes and gave up and really wanted to include a picture.  This was the best I could do.)

I even tried it.  Walking around with this big smile.  Well it looked fake and was awkward and didn't last long.

And I'm even outnumbered in my house because I have a dog that constantly smiles too:

Yet another thing I admire about my husband.  He really his happy about 98% of the time.



  1. That is too funny! I used to be accused of being stuck up in high school because I always looked mad! And my husband makes the goofiest faces in pictures, too :).

  2. Haha even the doggy is smiling! Garrett is the same way, always happy. He doesn't physically smile constantly but he is always in a good mood. People tell me I smile alot, I don't feel like I do but oh well!

  3. Hehe that dog really does look happy! Our last dog used to smile all the time too, he even showed his teeth - it was so funny!

    Daisy Dayz
    In Pursuit of an Online Income

  4. I always look mad without trying and boyfriend points it out all the time telling me I need to change the look on my face :) I love your smiling dog, she is so cute!!

  5. Hehehe themdogmis hilarious!!! :)

  6. haha! the dog looks so happy! i love your heart sweater...what a great diy!

  7. Love the DIY heart shirt - so cute!

  8. cute cute cute! I love all the posts you do about you and Chris :)

  9. haha I love this. And that dog is too funny!

  10. i love that DIY sweater, katie!! and i TOTALLY know what you mean - except my hubby and i are the opposite of you and Christ. people always think my hubby is serious but he totally isn't!

  11. this is funny! Love how the dog got in on the action too :) Your sweater is uber cute, great job on the DIY!

  12. Funny post...love the pics! Looks like it's still cold there, even there the snow is gone. :)

  13. Love this sweater! You are too cute:)

  14. hahahaha, either way you are still adorable.
    i think i look angry too when i am relaxed. its o girl.


  15. People always said I looked angry/sad when walking around school too. I'm not sure why they said that but oh well. I love your heart sweater!!


  16. Haha I use to be told the same thing! If I'm not smiling I look like I'm angry. I've had to make it a habit to smile a lot more just because of it :).

  17. I love your heart sweater!


  18. That's why opposites attract :) Love that pic of your pup, she is so darn cute!

  19. I love your outfit, especially that skirt!

  20. Haha this is too funny because I used to get the same thing in HS...before my friends were my friends they thought I was snotty because I never smiled....oops :) I love that photo of little you and your smiley pup is the CUTEST!

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. That is so funny! My hubby and I are complete opposites too.

    The Tiny Heart
    Sephora Giveaway!

  22. I swear our husbands are so similar! Tom is happy 99% of the time, and that always make it seem like I'm just mrs. grumpy pants, but I'm really not, I swear! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  23. I agree with this! Just because you don't have a giant smile on your face all day doesn't mean you're not happy. Most times, I'm pretty happy (or, at least, not angry), but I'm not going to smile to myself. I do smile at children in the hallway. I promise. :)

    I love the skirt. I need to go to Old Navy this weekend.

  24. I love your description of your husband looking like he's from a cartoon. People that look happy like that all the time can be infectious with their happiness/attitude. But it's true, not everyone naturally has that ability to effortlessly look happy all the time.
    You look great in this post. I love the graphic sweater with the striped skirt!

  25. haha love this.the last photo is great : )

  26. Haha love the smiling doggy!

    I think sometimes my "natural normal" face can give off a not so happy look too even if I am happy.

  27. Funny!!! Nate and I are the same way... Except opposite of u guys!! Im the smiling like a fool 24/7 and Nates "normal face" looks like hes pissed lol! Of course until he starts talking :)

  28. This post cracks me up! And I LOVE your heart sweater!

  29. Smiling is my favorite too, I LOVE elf!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  30. I love your photos!! You are such an adorable kid!!

  31. Sorry - were such an adorable kid. LOL typing too fast :) Seriously though, this post cracked me up!

  32. I am the same way- totally look like I'm mad when I'm not smiling! I love that sweater- you blog is the third I have seen with one like it! I LOVe that it's a DIY!

  33. That's a good kind of husband to have. Some people just have a more relaxed "neutral" face...and I'm one of them!!

  34. My husband is exactly the same - I always have to remind him in pictures to have a "real" smile that's not overly enthusiastic. :)

  35. I'm the same as you. Even when I'm not frowning, it looks like I am. It's really annoying because people are constantly telling me to smile.

  36. Love the heart sweater. I am having a similar look next week on my blog for V-Day! Stopping by from Watch Out for the Woestmans!



  37. I love your sweater and how you paired it with a striped skirt. =) You look really beautiful. =) I'm going to have to try and make myself a sweater like yours. You make it look so easy!! =)

    P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog if you'd like to check it out. =)

  38. Absolutely LOVE the DIY shirt. Just fabulous. I also love the combo you wore. The heart sweater with the striped skirt...so cute!


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