January 27, 2013

If you knew me

If you knew me, you would know . . . 

dress, vest, leggings: old navy    boots: dsw 

. . . that boots, leggings and a cotton dress are the most comfortable outfit and I wear it at least half the time in the winter. 

. . . that Chris is the only boy I've dated, held hands with or kissed. 

. . . that I think about all the friends I've met through blogging that are still painfully waiting for a baby, and pray for them often that they will get their miracle soon. 

. . . that I will always buy the same Asic brand of shoes to work out/run in.

. . . that I set three alarms every morning because I'm worried I won't wake up, even though I've never overslept and been late to work.  

. . . that I have a tattoo of a "Jesus fish" (ichthys) on my back, which means Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior. I have no desire to take a picture of it right now, so trust me that it looks just like this: 

. . . that I recently got a brand new phone and love it!!  I love the big screen, the clear camera and that I get to give one away to one of my readers!  

Good luck! 

Hope you had a great weekend!


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  1. aww cute picture!! i entered your giveaway! i've followed you on GFC~ please visit me and follow back? i think you'll like my fashion/art posts!~

    ||||HEDONIST DRIVE||||

    JOIN my GIVEAWAY to win a FORMAL DRESS! http://hedonistdrive.blogspot.com/2013/01/birthday-giveaway-yes-please.html

  2. EEEEKKK! This is a fun giveaway!

  3. I love that old picture of you and Chris! Nice hair ;) I have the same phone, but in white, and I love it!

  4. Replies
    1. Hahaha okay.. Didn't realize I was supposed to say what I love about my phone not in a comment. Oops!
      I love that you only dated your hubs :) precious!!!!

  5. debated on tweeting about the giveaway. decided not to. I want to win. duh. :) p.s. I had no idea Chris was your only man! I love that :) I also love that you have a tattoo!!!!

  6. This is so fun! I love that picture of you and Chris. I have known my boyfriend since high school also, and I love that we have pictures like that together! :)

  7. Awesome giveaway! Love your blog!

  8. So cute that he is your only man! makes it so much more special.

  9. So cute that you and Chris have been together that long! And yes, give me leggings and boots any day!

  10. That is so sweet about you and Chris and I love that picture :)

  11. Such a sweet post. Love the pic of you and Chris!!

  12. Oh, and should mention because the similarities don't seem to end. Our oldest daughter's boyfriend of more than two years (we call him the "keeper") name is Chris!!! LOL

  13. Me too! (On the dating, kissing, holding hands with only my hubby.)I've never met anyone else who has. :)

  14. Love the pics!!!

    I soo hope I win that phone!!! It looks super cool!!!

    Love your prayers!!

  15. I love that about you and Chris.

    I'm so excited about this baby. When do you find out what you're having?!

  16. I ALWAYS worry about oversleeping even though I've never done it either. Again with the Type A/Teacher personality we share. Haha.

  17. I am very jealous and wish I looked that good in leggings & a dress. You look gorgeous!

    And that is so cute regarding you & Chris. I have liked my husband since he was in 7th & I was in 8th and he turned me down every time! :)

    regarding people you met through blogging - I agree. You are a very sweet person!! And I pray for you too!

  18. I can't believe I didn't know he was the only boy you've ever dated! How awesome is THAT? I totally worry about oversleeping too....must be a teacher thing! It's my nightmare!


  19. Oh my gosh, that picture is so sweet! What a great memory! I love your boots and would have never guessed you had a tattoo! You're so brave, I couldn't handle it! Have a great week!

  20. seriously this is so sweet you are giving away a phone! wow! and that picture of you and your husband is hilarious! LOVE it!

  21. I adore that photo of you and Chris. That is so special!!

  22. I seriously need to invest in some vests! I keep seeing them and I really like them. Just need to do it. :) You look adorable.
    Hailey @ Love, Laughter and Lipstick

  23. Cute post! I liked learning more about you!

  24. I love that picture of the two of you! Super cute!

  25. i love that you and chris have always, always been each other's! so cool! i like this post idea too! i'm having a brain fart, and i'm in the mood to list things about me ... i may do a post like this and credit back to your blog! i hope you had a wonderful weekend, and have a great week next week! :)

  26. Awww....I didn't know you and Chris went so far back!! And I agree cotton dresses w/ tights is sooooo comfy in the winter.

  27. That photo of you with the braids is amazing! I think it's so sweet that Chris is the only guy you've dated...you guys are the cutest! And I so agree with you on the leggings, boots and dress combo - so cute and comfy :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. I buy the same brand of Asics for running too! I'm on my 5th pair and I will never switch to anything different! And I love your comfy, cute combo :) Can't go wrong with a dress and boots.

  29. i need more long tunics so i can wear more boots and leggings!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  30. Love love love this post! Love your outfit:) SO cute and so comfy. I also love that you are the same as me when it comes to athletic shoes. I will never stray from my trusted nikes. Never.

  31. I always suspected there was an underlying reproductive purpose to christian summer camp. For me it was band camp.

  32. That old photo of you and Chris is so cute! Nothing is comfier than a pair of leggings.

    The Tiny Heart
    January Group Giveaway!

  33. LOVE the back in the day picture of you and your hubby. :) And THANK YOU so much for the continued prayers...your baby journey constantly gives me hope!

  34. That type of outfit is a little not quite warm enough for me in the winter, but that's because I'm always cold. My husband is my only guy, too!

  35. The best thing about having a phone is instagram! But since I don't have a smart phone, I am constantly hogging my husban'ds smart phone to use it! jeje I would LOVE to win this phone! Thanks for the link-up!

  36. Love the old photo, bring back those sweet memories.

    I stumbled upon your blog through Mama Style Link Up. Hope you can visit my blog.


  37. So sweet about you and your husband! and had no idea about your tattoo!

  38. I constantly work out in the same pair of Asics too! I have tried other sneakers and they just don't compare!

  39. Shut up!!!! Look at you and Chris...melt my heart! You guys were babies and obviously meant to be together FOREVER!!!!

  40. The best thing about having a phone is to be connected with your family and friends. Thank you for the giveaway!

  41. That's adorable that Chris has been your only man! : ) That picture of you two is adorable! I had no idea you had a tattoo, that surprised me! Jealous of your new phone, and how awesome that you get to give one away!

  42. LOVE this post :) So sweet that Chris was your first true love!

  43. okay that is the cutest thing EVER that Chris has been your only man. i seriously SWOON over that <3

  44. great little post. my husband is the only person I have ever dated too ;)

    I like how you stuck that little giveaway in there at the end : )

  45. Your go-to outfit is 50,000 times more attractive than mine;)

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