January 24, 2013

high five for friday

shirt: rue 21  pants: jcpenny  boots: dsw 

1. I got this polka dot shirt last weekend and love it. Someday I'll remember to take off my hair tie on my wrist before I take a picture.  

2.  This weekend I thought it would be a good idea to check out Goodwill to see if they had any maternity clothes.  But no such luck.  This was the kind of clothing I found. 

Maternity short overalls.  Just to make sure there isn't any confusion I didn't buy them. 
One of you thrifting masters needs to take me with you. 

3. I made my first craft for my baby last weekend.  A chevron stuffed animal elephant. And I love it. 

(I followed this tutorial.)

4. I made these chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars last night and they were SO good.  I told myself I wouldn't eat any sweets today but I don't know what I was thinking with these sitting in my fridge. 

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

5.  I have some sponsor spots open for February and would love to help grow your blog or shop! You can take 20% of any ad size for the next week!  Check out more details here and email me at katiejvale@yahoo.com

Hope you have a great weekend!



  1. Oh my goodness the elephant is adorable...and I'm sure you could have made even those overalls look cute. Hah!
    xo Annie

  2. Those cheesecake bars look divine. I'd seriously have no control!

  3. Cute shirt!
    Don't sweat the sweets...I ate an entire vegan chocolate bar today...1/2 of which is 230 calories...oops!

  4. Love that top. :) So cute. :)
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. If you ever find yourself in Louisiana, I'd love to take ya! as long as you would make some of these delicious chocolate chip cheesecake bars... :) I absolutely adore the elephant by the way!

    <3 Danielle

  6. I almost made some chocolate chip cheesecake bars tonight! They look delicious! How cute is that elephant? I love it! And as far as Goodwill goes, that it typically the kind of clothing I find when I go look.

  7. OMG. The elephant!! PRECIOUS!! Looks great! I want one, ha!

  8. cute top and CUTE new blog design. i love it... and those cookie bars!

  9. What is that sweet little elephant??? Too cute!

  10. The elephant you made is precious :) You're gonna be such a good momma!

    And side note: really glad you didn't buy those overalls lol


  11. That elephant is so adorable...and in chevron? Oh my! And your chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars look fantastic!

  12. OH MY GOODNESS that elephant is adorable!


  13. Oh Katie those overalls are you!!! :) you could probably come up with a cute outfit.
    I'm in love with that elephant!!! I love that it's chevron!!

  14. What do you mean you didn't buy those overalls?! LOL

    I love that elephant so much. So stinken cute! Have a good weekend.

  15. Just keep checking at Goodwill since they get new stuff all the time. Also check second hand places that are specifically for babies/kids. They have maternity a lot of the time. What size are you? I can see if I have anything that might work if you'd like.
    The elephant is so adorable!

  16. That's what I find when I go to Goodwill. I have no luck thrifting!

    That elephant is perfection! I love it so much!

    And that chocolate chip cheesecake bars! Get in my belly!!

  17. Those overalls were quite the find :) My best friend has found some cute maternity stuff at the baby resale stores in town. She never thought to look there before she had a kid. You might try that!

  18. Oh, you TOTALLY should have gotten those shortalls! :) I already told you on Instagram, but I will tell you again. That elephant is so adorable! And I really want to eat all of those bars! YUM!

  19. OMG those shortalls, are amazing! Please buy them!!!

    TGIF friend!


  20. I love your polka dot top! It's such a pretty color. The chevron elephant turned out amazing! i wish i was crafty.


  21. I love your polka dot top! It's such a pretty color. The chevron elephant turned out amazing! i wish i was crafty.


  22. i am in love with that elephant!! so cute :) i might just have to make one for my lil guy who's coming in june!

  23. Love the elephant! And I always have a hairband on my wrist...in fact, right now I have two. :)

  24. That's so the kind of maternity clothes I could imagine coming across at goodwill. Maternity styles have come a long, long way since, say, my Mom was pregnant with me and my little siblings. (I remember her wearing a ginormous bright blue maternity jumpsuit.) Maybe you can make friends with recently pregnant people for the express purpose of borrowing their clothes. That's what I plan to do! :P

  25. That elephant is so cute. Baby is lucky to have you for a mommy!

    Those maternity overalls.....wow!!!!

    Target actually has some really great maternity clothes!

  26. gimme those cheesecake bars!!! i could not resist!

  27. You look so cute in your polka dot top, I love the color on you. And I LOVE the elephant you made, so cute! Baby Vale is going to love it!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  28. Love that elephant! I definitely left the link for the tutorial open on my laptop so I can jump on that this weekend.

  29. how cayuttteeee that little elephant is!!! can't believe you made that when I know guaranteed we'd probably pay an arm and a leg for it in the stores! adorbs!!

    and looks like you scored the perfect maternity outfit at goodwill!!!!! lol hope you find much more!

    happy weekend!

  30. Oh my the elephant is absolutely adorable! The overalls.. not so much lol

    I'm excited to follow your blog!

  31. Whoa! #4 looks soooo amazing! I must make these... pinning now!

  32. oh that elephant is just too cute!!

  33. I love the polka dot shirt! And the chevron elephant! It's so perfect!!!

  34. Love that polka dot top on you! And those overalls are pretty awesome :D

  35. As if overalls aren't hot enough- they made them shorter...I just cannot even stand it. Maybe you could grab them and send them for my next pregnancy?

    You look gorgeous, as always!

  36. Your polka dot top is so cute! Those overalls are pretty awful. My Goodwill is really hit or miss. And the elephant is adorable for the baby.

    The Tiny Heart
    January Group Giveaway!

  37. When I saw that chevron elephant on IG I died a little bit. So adorable...just like you, little Momma!

  38. Oh my word, that elephant is adorable! I'm due with my 2nd son at the end of March, and we're doing an elephant theme. Was it easy?

  39. Love that elephant! Thanks for sharing the tutorial!! Can't wait to try it!!!

    Have a great weekend!!

  40. Hi Katie. Just catching up on your blog. Love your new design. So stinking cute! Chelsea?

  41. A new reader commented on a post of mine this week and told me about your blog (it was about my struggle with infertility) and i'm glad she did! Congratulations on your amazing blessing!

    Oh and girl, are those overalls bedazzled? H-O-T! I can just see the maternity photo shoot now! (jokes!)

  42. Oh my goodness, that little elephant is TOO cute! And I love that it is chevron too! Absolutely precious!

    Also, those maternity short-overalls... wooooow! Ha!

  43. Just found you through Aubrey Kinch's designs! LOVE IT. And Congrats on the baby on the way! Looking forward to following along!

    Your newest follower,
    Lauren @ My Polished Side Blog

  44. Umm, I want that cheesecake bar right now.

  45. I love the polka dot top too. That's an adorable elephant... I love the chevron print you used too. Can't believe you made it! It's so cute!

  46. I dare you to go back to Goodwill, buy those overalls, and style them! I'd LOVE to see that!

  47. Love the outfit!
    I'm not sure if you have like a Ross I guess its similar to Marshall's or something like that.
    But Burlington Coat Factory (does not just sell coats) has maternity things too!

  48. I have had less than ideal luck finding maternity clothes at goodwill too. There's a massive second hand charity that happens twice/year in the civic center here and they BARELY had anything- although I was able to find a couple items. Someone else suggested Craigs list to me and I searched but again it didn't really give me any great leads or results.

    It really does make you wonder what in the world do people do with their maternity clothes when they're finished having babies? There needs to be some good swap options or SOMETHING...

  49. you totally should have bought those ovearlls! ;) haha jk you look great in your top!

    The DayLee Journal"

  50. That chevron elephant is so cute! Great taste. Now if you only would have gotten those overalls ;)
    Haha...hope you're weekend is going good!

  51. Those chocolate chip cheesecake bars look amazing, YUM!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  52. okay I wish I could sew at all to make that cute elephant for my niece, she would love it. Also, overall shorts made me laugh, why did those ever get made?


  53. oh my goodness can we talk about your cute little elephant!!!?? Job well done, made with such love!

    I want those bars. now

  54. my husband says I look mad all the time too... He says I even look mad in my sleep hahaha



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