January 20, 2013

Hello Monday

Hello Monday.  I like you so much better when you don't involve going to work.

dress: Steve & Barry's   tights: kohls (?)  boots: dsw  bow necklace: ebay

Hello 9 degree weather.  I didn't even think about taking a picture outside today.

Hello new blog design.  I love you.  Thank you Aubrey!

Hello waving baby.  When I look at your picture you make my heart happier than it's ever been.

Hello candy hearts.  I like you even more as a pregnant lady.

Hello parenthood.  Thanks for airing an episode last week that didn't make me cry.  I wonder how sad you will be this week.

Hello beautiful ladies that you need to meet.

First meet Montana from Sara Montana Says

I've never met Montana in real life, but sure wish I could because I know we would be friends.  Montana is a blogger that is so easy to connect and relate to, as she shares her life on her blog.  I was especially proud when she started doing outfit posts because she is absolutely adorable.  Montana is also super talented and recently opened her shop where she sells beautiful pillows, like this one, which is my current favorite.

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Next met Whitney from Keeping up with the Cyperts.

I've known Whitney since I first started blogging and I love keeping up on her life, whether it's through Sunday confessions or stories about life as a wife.  Whitney also shares some amazing looking recipes, like these delicious looking s'more bars.  Not only does she share recipes that I could and would actually make, she shares her craftiness as well.

Finally, met Erin from Read Eat Create.

Erin's blog name gives you a pretty good idea what you're going to find on her blog, and they are all things that I love.  I'll be honest, my favorite one of those would be eating, and Erin's blog is full of delicious recipes for you to try.   Erin also has some great ideas like making monthly goals instead of New Year's resolutions, or participating in project 365, where she'll try to take a picture daily to document her life.

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Hope you had a great weekend!


Linking up to: Monday Mingle  YOLO Monday


  1. oh my geez.. i love love love your tights!!

  2. in seriously love with your new layout!! and i love whitney too :) such a beautiful picture of her! waving baby...be still my heart. just precious!

  3. I love your dress! So cute :) Parenthood is one of my can't miss shows!

  4. Oh and P.S. I love the new look :)

  5. Love the new design!!! Did you do it yourself!?

    Love those boots!

    I cant say I made it through parenthood this past week without crying!! Although at the time I cant remember what made me tear up. I think it was the moments between Julia and Victor. I cant believe next week is the season finale!

  6. YUCK to 9 degrees. NO WAY would I try outdoor pics in that!

    Love those tights!

    We have meetings tomorrow. BLAH!

  7. i love your new layout, it seriously looks fantastic!
    also this outfit is perfect.
    i love mondays without work.


  8. YAY for a new blog design! I love it! Your tights are adorable and so is that sweet little waving baby! I hope you had a great weekend Katie!

  9. Your new blog design is great!! So clean and I really like the colors. I absolutely LOVE that adorable picture of your baby waving - so cute!

  10. LOVE the new look! Love those tights! Many candy hearts have been devoured in our house lately as well.

  11. Love, love, love the new blog look! Suh-weet ultrasound pic, that is AWESOME! And THANK YOU, I agree Parenthood has left me in tears this whole season except I think even the last episode I cried1

  12. Love the new blog look! Also love that little baby wave, how cute!:)

  13. Your new layout/design looks fabulous! And what an adorable sonogram: baby love!

  14. Sweet little baby pic!

    Great new blog look!

  15. Awww love the ultrasound picture! So sweet!! Absolutely LOVE the new layout!! Love the colors!

  16. Ohhh - SO exciting that you get to see your little babe already!! In Canada we have to wait until 20 weeks to get an ultrasound. Parenthood always makes me cry too. I'm a couple seasons behind - so I'm not up to date on the latest. Happy Monday!

  17. The waving baby picture totally melted my heart...precious!

    And I LOVE your new blog design :)
    Aubs is amazing.


  18. ahhhh those tights!!! and the waving baby! so cute :)
    my friend is pregnant too and im so excited for the both of you!

    The DayLee Journal

  19. You look lovely as always :) :) Enjoy that extra day off girlfriend! I'm secretly hoping there's fewer kids at daycare tomorrow because of the holiday. PLEASE JESUS! The baby picture is precious. & as for the Parenthood episode.. it didn't make me cry either. surprisingly. Can't believe it's the season finale this week, already!

  20. you are soo cute! i love your new blog design!!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  21. The tights, the dress, the layout...all so cute! Is that dress purple??
    Enjoy your day off tomorrow!

  22. Love your dress and your tights and the new bog design. :) oh and the sweet new baby. :) Still so happy for y'all. :)
    Enjoy your Monday off, sweet lady!

  23. That picture of the baby waving... Heart melting!

  24. I love the dress... (^-^). and the new blog design :)

  25. Aubrey did my new blog design toooo! LOVE yours by the way - it looks awesome :) And agreed...Mondays are so much better when I can just sit on the couch and catch up on TV all day (or do anything except go to work )!

    The Other Side of Gray

  26. I'm loving your new blog design...it looks great! I'm jealous of everyone that has off today since I'm at work, boo!

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew Giveaway!

  27. I love, love, love your new design!!! And yay for not having to go to work today. :)

  28. Your new blog design looks great! Love those tights... and I definitely have to pick up some conversation hearts. Those things are addicting :)

  29. How great would life be if every Monday were a weekend!? Btw, is Steve&Barry's still around?! I use to love that place!!

  30. Love this outfit! And yay for no work on Mondays! And a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! :)

  31. Okay a few things...love the new blog look, cute tights, and the picture of your sweet baby? It makes my heart smile! So happy for you!!

  32. I LOVE the new blog design!!! It looks amazing. Your tights are also so fun and I love that your baby is waving :) Do you think you'll find out the sex before it's born?


  33. Hello sweet girl and new blog design!
    Your baby waving is the BEST picture EVER!
    Love it.

  34. Katie, I LOVE the new blog layout! And how cute is it that your baby is already waving to you! The little one is going to the life of the party. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  35. Guess what I'M loving? Your outfit and your new design! WAHOO!

  36. Great outfit! Loving your tights.

    I completely love days off on Mondays. They are the best!

    Adorable ultrasound!

    I'm loving your new design!

    And seriously with Parenthood! It is so hard to get through an episode with crying! Such good TV!!

    Happy Monday!!

  37. OMG!!! Your new design is glorious!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!! But what I love more is that precious baby picture!! :)

  38. Mondays are SO awesome when there is NO work! YAHOOOOOOOO!!!!!

    More Modern Modesty

  39. Love everything about this outfit- I want those tights! And your new design looks awesome!

  40. I love your tights! Our weather forecast people say tomorrow's high is 9 degrees--I am not too happy about that!

  41. I was *just* wondering how you were gonna take pics in 9 degrees. The indoors looks so cute with the pretty white curtain! You look adorable, Katie! Your blog redesign looks GREAT, by the way!

  42. Awww congrats on the baby!!! So cute. :)

    xo - Sheila

  43. ahhhh i seriously LOVE your new blog design, katie! it looks SO GREAT and is just SO YOU!


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