January 7, 2013

If I only went to a fancy party . . .

 dress: c/o eshakti   tights: kohls   shoes: discovery

If I went to a fancy party on New Year's I would've worn this dress.

I would have been hanging out with friends, having exciting conversations, dancing, blowing some noise makers and definitely staying up past twelve.

Maybe I should just let you think that it what I did on New Year's Eve.

But let's be honest.  I had dinner at my parents with my sister and her family, then headed to Chris' parents house.  I watched him play a few games with his niece and nephews while I laid on their couch for a little while and came home.  Only to be in bed by 11:30.

And I can't even pretend that I wasn't in my pajamas the entire time.

I'll give myself a little bit of grace to say that I was feeling extremely nauseous those days and "morning" sickness hit me the worst in the evening.  Regardless, I wasn't disappointed to spend a New Year's Eve in comfortable clothes, and quiet houses with early bedtimes.   Perhaps we're just preparing early for our New Year's Eves to come.

I'll also pretend that it wasn't terribly windy the day I took these and my hair wasn't in my face.  And that these shoes are comfortable.

But back to this dress.  I love it.  Eshakti sent it to me and I couldn't be happier.  I love the color and the details on the shoulder.  It's definitely appropriate for a fancy party or a wedding, but I think if I wore it with some boots and a sweater I could even wear it to school.

I was also really lucky because when my dress came in first, it was far too tight and they were so good about  letting me exchange it for a bigger size.  Which I am starting to wish was an option for all my other clothing, as everything is starting to feel a little tighter these days!!


  1. You look amazing! That dress was made for you!

    I think it sounds like the perfect way to welcome the new year! :)

  2. Love that dress, I also got one from eshakti that I need to post :)

  3. Sounds like a great NYE - other than feeling icky. Love the dress. It is perfect on you!!

  4. Sounds like the perfect New Year's eve minus the morning sickness, not fun! Love the dress, and it looks amazing on you.

  5. Great shoulder details on that gorge dress!

  6. Love the dress! I also spent the evening in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. I'm such a party animal!

  7. Is it bad that I thought, "NYE...what did we do...hmmm..." and I couldn't remember. Oh, yeah. We watched Weeds and went to bed around 11:45.
    The perfect night if you ask me!

    Cute, cute dress!

  8. Tighter clothes is a good thing! : )

  9. Such a cute dress: love the color and detail. So nice of them to send it to you!

  10. Such unique detail and I love the color of the dress! I can't say that my NYE was much more exciting but yet I was perfectly content:)

  11. Pretty much sums up our New Years this year too :) Love the shoulder detail!! You look great!

  12. Love that you paired it with those super great boots!


  13. Love that you paired it with those super great boots!


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. What a gorgeous dress and what an even more gorgeous MOMMA!!! I've been meaning to tell you congratulations ever since I saw your big news....I am SO SO SO happy for you, Katie! You are going to be an amazing mommy. You have been so patient and trusted in God's timing, and now it's all been worth the wait :). Absolutely dying to share in this journey with you! Hope you will do weekly bump posts. Sending prayers your way for a blessed, healthy pregnancy!

  16. that shoulder detail on that dress is beautiful!! hope that morning sickness isn't hitting you too badly

  17. Hope you start doing weekly bump posts and tons of baby updates! This is so special and exciting. Guess what? I spent my New Year's Eve in a hotel lobby waiting to finish registration... lol. it was nice though because I had my family and we all counted down in the lobby. including other registrants :)

  18. Yes that would have been a perfect New Years dress but I stayed in too, and sometimes that's just perfectly fine too!

  19. Umm...that dress is gorgeous on you! I hope you find somewhere to wear it :) And your NYE sounds perfect!

    The Other Side of Gray

  20. I love that dress! You look gorgeous! And some of the best New Years Eves are spent in pajamas :) I hope you start feeling less nauseous soon!

  21. That green color is gorgeous on you! My NYE was similar to yours...I was sleeping before the ball dropped! At least you have an excuse, haha.

    The Tiny Heart
    Datevitation Giveaway!

  22. what a STUNNING dress, katie! seriously! and girl, don't feel bad about your NYE. Mine was spend on the couch in sweats eating ice cream with my husband. LOL!

  23. You could so dress this down for school!! I love it.

  24. That dress looks so great on you! :) And girl, I definitely was in sweats on NYE, ha! So you're not alone. :)

  25. Love the shape and color on you! However, pj's sound pretty good to for new year's! ;-)

  26. That's a great dress! Love the color. I was in sweats on New Year's, falling asleep on the couch at 11:30. And I'm not even ashamed :)

  27. Beautiful dress! Love the details on the shoulder.

    Nothing wrong with having a low key NYE. We did about the same!


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