January 8, 2013

Six Things

There are six things you need to know about this outfit:

1. This dress was purchased in the little girls' section at Target and was under $4.

2. I've written about these shoes before and how they were $3 and that Chris thinks they are ugly.

3. My sister in law made me this scarf for Christmas and I LOVE it.  She is definitely talented.

4. I bought this flower ring at Old Navy last week and it makes me happy.

5. I wanted to wear my favorite grey tights with this outfit but ripped a whole in them with my nails when I was putting them on.

6. Speaking of nails, if you look closely my nails are nicely painted which is a very rare occasion.

Hope you are having a good week!  After not working for almost 7 weeks I am very ready for the weekend already!

Linking up to Marionberry Style trend of the month: stripes & Random Wednesday & Look what I got


  1. That's awesome. How the heck was that in the little girls' section?!

  2. The little girl section is great for steals! Great find! And that scarf is gorgeous! AND thank you for the reminder: I really need to paint my nails!

  3. The dress looks sooooo comfy! Especially in that in-between regular and maternity clothes stage. I would live in dresses right now if I could! And the scarf is beautiful -- what a great talent to have (I'm jealous of those who can knit and crochet!)

  4. I used to work in a store that sold kids clothes and I was always hunting for things that would fit me!

  5. Pregnancy looks great on you!! You look so happy. Congratulations to you an Chris on this new journey in your lives!

  6. omg! a pearl knit {?} scarf! so exciting because i make them too! i just learned how last year and i probably enjoy it more than i should. :)

  7. Only pregnant lady in history to fit into little girls clothes! You are absolutely glowing!! And your shoes are NOT ugly...quite the opposite :).

  8. Every time I see this scarf I get rather jealous.. I want it!!!! You are beautiful! Love you!

  9. that dress is so cute. i cannot believe you got it in the kids section. thats amazing.
    love that scarf!


  10. Girls section?!! Never thought to look there! Power rings are the best, they do make a girl smile. And, I'm thinking you and empire waist lines are gonna be besties over the next few months ;)

  11. A lot of my dresses are from the little girls section... #noshame Love it esp the scarf!

  12. That is so awesome that you got the dress in the little girl's section!

    You look fabulous! Loving your scarf too!

  13. Now I'm going to have to start checking out the kids' section at Target.

    Love the scarf...she really is talented!

  14. I totally checked out the little girl's clearance section yesterday but didn't happen to find anything. But you have on a very thrifty outfit today, nice! :)

    <3 danielle

  15. Ripping tights is the worst. That's why you need to keep extras on hand!

  16. I often check the kids section of stores too...especially at REI when I need new long underwear or a fleece. So much cheaper! BTW...love that scarf. I've been craving a comfy infinity scarf-if only I could knit!

  17. I like everything about this outfit specially the scarf.. I use to make scarf before and that scarf makes me want to make some again :)

  18. your sister-in-law is definitely very talented! your scarf looks great! :D

    <3, Mimi

  19. Glad I'm not the only one who occasionally buys an item from the kids' section, haha!

    I have some shoes like that and Adam hates them, so don't feel too bad ;)


  20. What?! $4??? That's awesome! I love the flower ring too!

  21. I can't move past #1. that is amazing.

  22. I love that your dress was $4 from the kids section! I need to look there more often!

  23. I just had to commiserate because I ALWAYS tear my tights while taking them on and off. So annoying! You look adorable, though. :)

  24. Why have I never thought to shop at the little girls section at target!? Genius. You look so cute! And I really like those shoes. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  25. You know I shop the girls' section in Target too...sometimes they have great stuff! Love the cozy knit scarf too!

    The Tiny Heart
    Datevitation Giveaway!

  26. $4?! I wish my butt could fit into kids clothes! I don't think those shoes are ugly...especially for the price...haha.
    Penniless Socialite
    Enter to Win Ad Space!

  27. I love this dress!! And the girls section! I had no idea adults could shop in there...definitely going to have to take a look! And this might be the inspiration I've needed to take up knitting - that scarf is AMAZING!

  28. Great deal on the dress and shoes! The scarf looks great!!


  29. I love shopping in the kids section. GREAT dress and entire outfit! I LOVE the scarf! My Mom is talented like that, not I! :)

  30. I love that your dress is from the little girls section! And the shoes are cute!

  31. wait wait wait. under $4?? what a steal! you didn't actually steal it, right...?

  32. You look adorable! Love everything about this outfit! Love Love! Glad you like the scarf! Love you!

  33. In love with your dress!

    Would you like to follow each other?! let me know on my blog :)

  34. Never would have guessed you got that in the girl's section!

  35. Hi there - new follower form the linkup! Love your blog & can't wait to read more! Hope you have a great day :)

  36. Oh that scarf is darling! It looks so warm and cozy. What a great gift, and you look darling in it!

  37. NO!!!!!! $4 in the kids section. No fair. I wish I was a little bit shorter!!! This is so cute! And tell Chris that I love the shoes and have a similar pair. What do boys know anyway???

  38. Blog hopping - what a cute dress on you!

  39. what?! i wish i could fit in the kids section! this dress is AWESOME!!!! you look so pretty!

  40. you are my new best friend because
    1) i buy my clothes in the childrens section ALL the time :) its so much cheaper haha

    2) i always rip my tights and its the saddest thing

    3. following you :)

  41. Love the dress, what a deal!!! And I never got a chance to congratulate you on your last post. I am so so happy for you!!!! It must have been so scary dealing with the bleeding, especially after going through everything else you have been through. I always thought it would get easy after IVF...I couldn't have been more wrong. Thinking of you and again so so happy for you and your family!!!

  42. You look absolutely amazing. I really like your outfit.


  43. Okay first I wish I could shop at the girls section at Target. Lucky you because that dress is super cute. And second that scarf is amazing!

  44. The Old Navy girl's section is awesome too!

  45. Ha! Love that you scored this adorable dress for such a deal. I always love it when that happens.
    And btw, congrats on your big news!! :)

    Thanks for linking up!
    xo - Marion

  46. I can't believe you got that from the little girls section for $4 - best deal ever!!! I almost bought a sweater from the little boys section last week, then decided I just didn't need it.

    LOL! Have a good one! Hope you are feeling well!

  47. Gorgeous scarf, that is talent! I've been shopping in the girls section at Target lately too. There are some gems there. :)


  48. cute! i love target and I love 3 dollar shoes! :)

  49. so awesome you found that in the girls section!

  50. Very cute dress, love the scarf too!

  51. What a deal on the dress! My husband often thinks purses and shoes I buy are hideous and then I hang my head in shame. ;)

    Glad I found you via the "Look What I Got" Link-Up!

  52. Love the dress. (And it looks like it will last through your pregnancy too!) :)

  53. love the cobalt blue! and wow, i've been shopping the mens dept for oversized sweaters but i'll be sure to stop by the girls dept too!

  54. Love your outfit! I can't believe you got that dress from the girls section! Nice deal!

    Not really a fan of the shoes but they work for you!

    Love infinity scarves! I was gifted one this Christmas and I adore it.

  55. I'm really going to have to check out the kids section at Target!


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