January 9, 2013

To my husband

Let's just start out by saying that it's time I give my husband some major credit.  

December was a rougher month in the Vale household and he definitely stepped it up.  I was pretty much on bed rest for four weeks and was incapable of cleaning, cooking, getting food, all of it.  And then I'm going to add the next two weeks in there too, which weren't doctor ordered but still happened due to nauseousness and tiredness.

He even told me that he had no idea how much work I did around the house, which let's just hope he doesn't forget that now that I can do things.  Let's be honest, if he does - I will remind him.

I thought I would save this gift until Valentine's Day but decided it needed to be a "thank you for everything you've done the last month and a half" gift instead.

Enter Datevitation.

This company allows you to create custom made coupon books with over 200 date ideas to choose from.  While it would be a perfect Valentine's Day gift, you could give it for any occasion.  I loved this company even more after I watched the video of the owner proposing to his girlfriend.

Being very indecisive it took me forever to choose what 5 coupons I'd make for Chris.  I may have looked through all 200 of them.  I'll tell you ones that I didn't choose, although Chris probably wishes I did:

A coupon for skydiving together. 

Flight Lesson
Flight lessons.  

Being the cheaper and less adventurous type, I went with some of the safer versions like, 

I even offered to play chess.  See? I really really love him.

I'm glad I could add the "within reason" to that one. 

But if you are the adventurous type, there are quite a few exciting options, as well as some more "adult" ones too.  Just don't tell me you picked them because Chris would probably be jealous I didn't. 

Today you have the chance to win one of your own coupon books to customize and give to someone you love!  Enter below:

AND I get to share with you a code to take $5 off any order, which means your coupon book would be only $15!  Just use code: lauren


  1. I'm not going to lie some of the adult content was pretty great... But my favorite was probably the love texts. You send love texts every day for a week- how sweet!

    I've actually been looking at this company and was thinking about doing one for V-day so I'd love to win!!!

  2. I would love to have one of those too:) I think I have seen some at a store in china not exactly the same but with in the same content. it's called winners wishleaf no idea where they got the name but I'm pretty sure that's what was written on the cover :)

  3. They are all cute but I really like the win argument and remote control one ;) The spa and cruise would be nice too!!

  4. I'm a hopeless romantic, so all of those in that section were great :)

  5. love this gift idea! too cute! and PS... i just did some MAJOR CATCHING UP on your blog... and a giant CONGRATULATIONS is in order!!! so excited for you guys!! will keep you in my prayers as you start this journey!!

  6. Super cute idea :) && I love that picture :) SO cute!!

  7. this is so sweet. you're a lucky girl!! and Datevitation looks so cool!

  8. That is so cute! What a great idea! :)

  9. So many cute ones! The G rated person in my loves the camping one, but the adult person in me also thought some of the "adult only" stuff was fun too. Ooh la la!

  10. That is adorable! Good for him for stepping up and helping out. How nice! The book of coupons is such a great idea. Personal, fun, and inexpensive too! Glad you decided to give it as a thank you! Now for Valentine's.... ;-)

  11. I would give Scott the camping one. (Which he pretty much cashed in in July anyway when I agreed to go camping for ONE night.) I suppose I could do that again. He could give the me undivided attention one. I'm one of those who "needs" attention all the time :)

  12. You have such a good husband!!! I made one of those books for Robert too and it was so fun!


  13. Such a great idea, thanks for sharing!

  14. Such a great idea! I'm definitely going to do this for my husband. I like the 'win argument' and bungeejumping illustrations.

  15. sooo adorable:) and LOVE how amazing your husband is in your life. isn't marriage just the sweetest?

  16. I love these little books so much! I can't choose which illustration to pick! They're all very cute

  17. I am just dying at the striptease one, hahaha, so funny!

    Isn't it great when our husbands FINALLY realize how much we do!? :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  18. I've seen this coupon book idea once before, and it's just the cutest thing! I'm not sure that I could ever offer my husband a sky diving coupon, but the rest seem like a lot of fun :)

  19. My favorite has got to be the "win argument" coupon...it's so clever. I'm considering to give my boyfriend a couple of those whether I win this giveaway or not...because I'm just that nice :)


  20. Such a cute idea. Hope you're feeling better!
    xo Annie

  21. I love all the illustrations, just how happy all the stick figures look!

  22. Okay so I just went to the site and Jacob would love the strip poker. Haha we played strip speed the other night and I totally dominated. Sorry if that gives you a terrible image of your brother. Haha Love you!

  23. I love all of them! I think I like the aquarium one the best. Thanks!

  24. I love the Farmer's Market coupon (under dining in)!


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