January 10, 2013

High Five for Friday

sweater: loft   jeans: kohls   boots: kohls

1.  I bought this sweater a week or so ago and feel as though baggy sweaters are a good choice for this beginning pregnancy, slightly awkward phase.

2.  After not cooking for quite a long time (like 6 weeks a long time) I finally made a real meal this week.

3.  I also made dessert: M &M Cookie bars.  These were SO good and really easy.  You don't even need a mixer!

4.  I'd like to blame this on some extreme pregnancy craving, but don't think I can.  I managed to eat an entire bag of cheetos in three days.  At first I would only eat a few if I finished writing a thank you note, but I can assure you I didn't have that many thank you notes to write.

5.  This one definitely takes the cake as the best blogging perk I've received so far, as I was sent a new HTC one x+ phone and I love it! It's the first time ever that Chris has been jealous of any technology I've had.

I'm sure you're so excited because that means clearer outfit pictures and I finally have a phone with a reverse camera so maybe that means I'll start taking hundreds of pictures of my face.

I'm SO happy it is Friday! Happy weekend to you!


  1. you are so adorable! comfort is key, right?? and haha i eat bags of cheetos all the time - don't judge. :) :) and sweet new phone, girl! that's AWESOME!!

  2. GLad to hear you are feeling better. Those M&M bars look delicious!!

  3. You got a phone!? Eeeeeekkkk! That is one awesome perk!

  4. Mmmm tanks for sharing the recipe!!

    How the heck did you get a new phone from blogging?

  5. Love that sweater!! Hope you're feeling better :)

  6. Ooh that awesome you got that phone!! I almost bought that sweater the other day, I loved the little pockets! Maybe you could even stuff some Cheetos in there for later :) Just kidding!

  7. Awesome about the phone! And I'm digging the baggy sweater & boots :)

  8. You look amazing! That's awesome that you got a free phone AND ate a bag of cheetos in 3 days. I'm not pregnant and I could probably eat a whole bag in 1 day LOL!

  9. Well how did you score that one? (phone) And that sweater is super uber cute!

  10. I'm loving the Loft sweater! And those M&M bars look yummy!

  11. You look great as usual!!! I want a pic tho as soon as the bump arrives :) I would kill for a new phone! Ok not kill but ya know.... And no offense but ive eaten a whole bag of cheetos myself not preggo and in one day #noshame Happy weekend beautiful!!

  12. you are so cute.. I love your blog.. I was so happy to hear about your pregnancy... you are a great blogger!!!

  13. When I was pregnant the only thing I craved was cheetos. That and once I craved a roast beef sandwich which I had never liked... and still don't. But that day, it was delicious. Crazy what your body does. You are looking great so far! Can't wait till you have a little bump going!

  14. Mmmm cheesies and m&m bars. Now I wish I was pregnant. ;) love the sweater.

  15. I do like the sweater. Was it on clearance, from the website...?

    Happy Friday!

  16. Sweet new phone!! Def a nice blogging perk :)
    I'm a fan of the baggy sweater look especially with those fringe boots, love 'em! Your meals look yummy, have fun back in the kitchen. Good thing scents/smells aren't getting you down!

  17. It is impossible to just have a handful of Cheetos! And that I'd awesome about the phone' have a great weekend .

    1. And if you couldn't tell, I got a new phone as well and I'm still figuring out how to use it!

  18. Those bars look delish. And no shame with your cheetos...those things are my weakness!

  19. aww congrats on being preganant! and i like that sweater- you can never go wrong with stripes. and that's so cool you got a phone for free- lucky duck!

  20. i'm that way with puffs. when i'm not pregnant....


  21. I WANT your boots!!!!
    Happy Friday Friend

  22. I WANT your boots!!!!
    Happy Friday Friend

  23. In your defense, those Cheetos are kind of addictive.

    Those beginning months really are awkward, because you're a little too big for regular clothes, but a little too small for maternity clothes. You look great, though!!

  24. you are entitled to eat an entire bag of cheetos, especially if they were the crunchy ones!! they are the best!
    i need to learn to be a big time blogger to get all these phone perks! share your skills girl! haha! you look super cute and i cannot wait til you start having a little belly!!

  25. thank you for posting the link for your m&M cookie bars! I must try those!

  26. Yes! baggy sweaters are key at the beginning! I started needing pregnancy shirts around the halfway mark or just before - I prob could've fit in my regular stuff, but they were just more flattering once the belly really starts to grow :) enjoy this phase - i remember wanting my belly to "pop" so badly and then when it does, you kind of miss the days when it was small and you actually fit in your clothes lol

  27. I've been drooling over your desserts on instagram...YUM! That striped top looks so cute and comfy :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. You are too cute! I laughed so hard about the cheeto thing! I feel your pain, lady!!

    Also, nice phone!! That's awesome!

  29. Those m&m bars look sooo good! I'm pretty sure I've eaten an entire bag of Cheetos in one sitting, so don't feel bad :) Happy Friday!

    The Tiny Heart
    Datevitation Giveaway!

  30. I am just now getting back to cooking this week, too. It feels so good to be cooking again, and to have an appetite again! I'm sure Luke is excited too. I don't know how we survived the 6 weeks that I was basically too sick to look at food.

  31. Congrats on your pregnancy! Yay for the new phone! Have a great day!


  32. You are so cute! Baggy sweaters ARE the way to go!! and those boots?! ah.. I LOVE THEM! Throughout the day I'll think of you and your little bean growing and just get giddy with happiness. SO blessed for you.

  33. Congratulations my dear!!!!

  34. I feel like baggy sweaters are appropriate and awesome for any time pregnant or not! Hope you have a fab weekend! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  35. i'm convinced i need Cheetos now.

    and i'm wearing a baggy sweater today, you know, to hide the fact that i shouldn't want to eat Cheetos ever.

  36. What???? A company sent you a phone? For free? Whaaaaaat? That is awesome! And girl, you should ahve seen how much I ate with when I was preggers. I swear Jack in the Box and me were BFFs!!

  37. Those M&M bars look amazing! I love your outfit! The boots look so fun!
    Hope you enjoy the new phone. That's a really nice perk and I'm sure you'll get a ton of use out of it! Have a great weekend.

  38. love your sweater..yummy food..

  39. Love the baggy sweater! I am so hoping those are still in when I'm pregnant. I think they are SO cute!

  40. Please share your M&M cookie bars, I want them oh so very bad right now! & I love your sweater!


  41. I wan't that boots hehe:) and of course I want to have a phone like that as well:).

    those cookie gave me an Idea.. I'm going to try to make some for the kids around the house. Just too bad can't eat them hehe.. doctors says no sweets :(

  42. Love the outfit- you certainly don't look like your in the awkward pregnant phase, though! Awesome that you got a new phone!

  43. Your boots are so fabulous! When are you due? I am due at the very end of June:) Cheers to the bloated looking awkward phase. You wear it beautifully:)

  44. Whoa!!!!!! New phone? Awesome! And you look adorable!


  45. Congrats on your pregnancy! What an exciting time in your life!

  46. Nothing wrong with a bag of Cheetos - Cheetos are crispy cheesy goodness!

  47. The M and M cookie bars look so amazing right now!! And I think that sweater is a perfect choice for early pregnancy--not that you even look pregnant at all, yet!

  48. Great outfit! I love your boots!
    Sara from http://liveloveandlaughwithsassa.de/


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