January 13, 2013

Weekend Highlights

dress: old navy  scarf: DIY  boots: kohls

1.  Wearing this outfit and making it to church this weekend.  After the busy holidays and being off my feet it has been too long since we've been.  

2.  A friend of ours is a manager at a nice restaurant and invited us to come eat dinner for free!  It was delicious and we even got dessert: apple bread pudding and ice cream. 

3.  We got cable this weekend and I am a little too excited about it.  I'm mostly excited about being able to watch Guilianna and Bill.  I'd list all the other reality shows I plan on watching, but would fear you will think all I plan on doing now is watching tv.  


4.  Right around being 5 weeks pregnant the idea of drinking coffee completely disgusted me.  Which is really sad, since I drank it daily.  I finally had a cup of coffee this weekend and I can't say that it was as good as I thought before, but definitely not disgusting. 

5.  Reading some of my favorite blogs.  Like one of my very favorites Shanna from because Shanna said so.

I'm pretty sure that if I could pick a family to join that I've met through blogging I would pick Shanna's.  Her family is adorable, her two girls are mini fashionistas, following in their mom's footsteps, and her marriage sets a great example.  I'm also going to honestly say that if I had to pick someone's wardrobe to steal or someone to dress me daily I'd pick Shanna.  But besides her adorable family and amazing clothes, my favorite thing about Shanna is that she is sweet, honest and no doubt you will want to be friends with her. 

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Next up is Tara from the Penniless Socialite

Tara is a girl after my own heart.   She is a queen of bargain shopping, which means we already have a lot in common.  She puts together the cutest outfits, like this pattern mixing outfit or putting together this lace skirt and flannel shirt, which I just may be copying this week.  Tara also shares about other random life happenings, like her trips, her cats or what she is loving lately. 

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And last you need to met Nadine from the Back East Blonde.

Isn't her picture adorable?  Both her and her cute puppy?  Nadine's blog is one that I recently discovered and I'm sure glad I did!  Nadine recently moved from California to the east coast and blogs about her life and adventures there.  From one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen to her "anti fairy tale" love story. And who doesn't love reading about embarrassing childhood memories and photos?

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Hope you all had a good weekend!


  1. Love your boot socks! I have got to get a pair!

    And that apple bread pudding and ice cream looks amazing!!!

  2. Glad your feeling better, I couldn't imagine not drinking coffee for weeks :/

    P.S. I love Shanna too & want her entire closet!

  3. So glad you've been able to get out and are feeling so much better! Have a good week!

  4. That dessert looks delicious! Sounds like a great weekend!

  5. I love that scarf! I'm so glad you're feeling better, and I can't wait to check out these blogs!

  6. That dessert looks seriously DELICIOUS! YUMMO!!
    You look adorable in your dress :) & I love your scarf.. so excited to see your pregnant belly!! & look in the mail tomorrow, lady! I'm thinking it's supposed to get there tomorrow!

  7. I love the boots:)

    it's weird that when I saw the cup I suddenly miss ginger tea. I am a tea drinker but ginger tea don't come too often in our table.

    I might need to get one cup today.. :)

  8. Haha, enjoy as much guilty pleasure tv as you can now because before you know you won't have much time to sit down and watch stuff. And when you do you will be so tired, you will need that coffee to get throguh any show! Love the outfit. :)))

  9. Good to see you're starting to feel better :) Would totally take some of that dessert right now....!!


  10. I'm in love with giuliana and bill! they are the cutest ever. That dessert made me hungry

  11. Love Guilianna and Bill!!! Sounds like a pretty good weekend!! Love the DIY scarf!!!

  12. YAY for cable, I couldn't live without it!

    Have a great week at work!


  13. so weird about the coffee! I would feel sad about that too. Love your pretty winter look!

  14. That scarf is so cute, I love the stripes! and YUM the apple bread pudding and ice cream looks delicious :)

  15. I hear pregnancy does that kind of stuff to you! Glad it's okay again. Congrats on getting cable, I know you won't be addicted ;)

  16. I love your winter white look, so pretty!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  17. Hi! I love your blog and am your newest follower. I was kinda hopin' that you'd pop on by my blog, check things out, and maybe follow me back if you like it!

    Have a lovely day,

  18. That apple bread pudding is making me drool :) YAY for getting cable - have fun watching, and LOVE Shanna, she's one of my faves too!

    The Other Side of Gray

  19. Lovely pics <3 <3 Thanks for sharing honey!


  20. Great outfit...I love it!

  21. That dessert looks sooo good! How nice that you got to have a free dinner! I couldn't live without cable, haha. I watch way too much tv :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Datevitation Giveaway!

  22. Love your scarf and socks! And yummm apple bread pudding sounds amazing :)

  23. You look so cute in this outfit! There's nothing wrong with watching a lot of tv.. because I do that. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  24. New follower here!
    Very cute outfit post, can't wait to see more.
    New blogger also,
    would love you to check it out

  25. Love your scarf, and those boots socks are amazing!

  26. LOVE your scarf! Cute outfit. Love Shanna too and I would love to shop her closet!!

  27. I love the white and grey!! And the snow! And yay for coffee not making you nauseous anymore - and for cable!!

  28. Love your comfy outfit! I have to agree with you about watching tv in general. I love it way too much.

  29. Apple bread pudding???? What???? OMG, I want this now! And you are looking presh...I think you might be glowing. Thanks for the feature. It's brought me great traffic!! xoxo

  30. A free dinner with a tasty dessert?? Nice!!!

    I agree with Shanna ^, you really are glowing.

  31. ok.. did i just hear right?? How much did I MISS while I was in India?? Are you pregnant?? oh Katie this makes me SO SO SO SO SO SO (add about a hundred more of those) happy!!!

  32. I hated the taste of coffee when I was early on in this pregnancy, too. About 12-14 weeks in, I could finally stomach it and actually enjoyed the taste of coffee again! Now I enjoy my usual, just decaf. :)

  33. I am so jealous- I miss having cable! And those boot socks are so cute- I need some!

  34. Love the outfit and so glad you are feeling better!
    And I have never been a coffee drinker, but I had to give up my iced tea somewhere around 15 to 20 weeks because my little guy bounced around like crazy every time I drank any little bit of caffeine. ;)

  35. katie you are so adorable! i am not a coffee person... i know, weird, right? so many people i know look at me like i have two heads when they find out i don't like coffee. but i'm glad you're feeling better!!


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