January 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Decorations

I feel like my title would be a little more appealing if it said Valentine's Day Decor and I almost kept it, but you know how I feel about abbreviations so the long version it is.

Last year was the first time I ever decorated for Valentine's Day thanks to pinterest, and I plan on doing in now each year.

I saw a lot of cute banner ideas on pinterest (like this) and put a few of them together to make this one.  It was really pretty easy and quick.  The only part I don't like is cutting the burlap because it frays a lot! 

First I cut out my banner pieces from burlap.  Then I cut out my hearts and glued them on with a glue gun.  I used my sewing machine to sew the pendents onto a piece of twine.  That is it! 

The other things were pretty easy too, but a little more time consuming.  The vase on the right was a vase that didn't match anything in our house so I cut an old text book into squares and modge podged it to the vase. 

I took a styrofoam ball and glued candy hearts around it and then stuck a dowel rod through the bottom, filled a bucket from the Target dollar spot with sand and stuck it in.  

The red rose ball is a styrofoam ball covered in tissue paper roses:

1. Cut a piece about three to four inches long and fold it in half as you go. 
2. Start twisting your streamer into a little circle to form a rose bud. 
3. Keep twisting until you use all your piece.  Put a little dot of glue to hold it down.  Put a larger circle of glue on your styrofoam ball and place the flower on top. 
4. Keep going until the whole ball is covered. 

I just filled a mason jar with candy hearts and put the flower ball on top.

and the nice thing is I will use all of these each year!


Linking up to:

and Shine on Fridays


  1. I started decorating for Valentine's last year too. I love that banner, so cute and looks so simple to make!
    That's funny about your dislike of abbreviations. I use them al the time, I'm always too lazy to type out the whole word. :)

  2. SO cute, Katie! I love your banner...it's perfect for Valentines Day and you can totally use it for other occasions, too. Love the rose ball, too!

  3. Love that rose ball in the candy bowl Katie!! Such cute ideas.

  4. Very cute little lady :) I love it! You're so talented!! XO

  5. So cute! I've never decorated for Valentines Day, but you might have just inspired me too.

  6. So cute! That Pinterest... I said the same thing on my blog today! I never really decorated for Valentine's day but now I'm going to!

  7. I love the candy heart bouquet, all of it's adorable!

  8. I love the banner! I think that would be something fun to decorate my office at work...or even my office door! Thanks for the fun ideas!

  9. I love that you decorate for valentine's day! It's so cute.

  10. The cutest decor! May have to try it, even though I'm not as crafty as I would like

  11. Hahaha I love that you hate abbreviations too. And your decorations are adorable! I love the roses and the candy hearts together. I have never decorated for Valentines before but you are making me want to!

  12. I like the banner a lot. The only downside to burlap, aside from fraying, is that awful smell!

    Have a great Tuesday!

  13. I LOVE the banner!! i'm really impressed with your decorations and you've inspired me to make some too :)


  14. Genius!
    You're so on the ball - decorations up?? I suppose I have a 2 year old's bday to celebrate before I can even consider Valentines Day!

    What did we ever do before Pinterest? Seriously...I'm definitely copying those!

  15. Such cute cute ideas Katie! And I love that you're posting this now...Valentine's Day always seems to sneak up on me and then I never get anything decorated in time. Maybe this year will be different?! :)

  16. I love them:)
    Mine would be a bit permanent hehe:)
    I stared to paint one of our gust room black BUT I'm going to paint cherry blossom "Mural". I have seen this in my friends place and I really like it, she also did some heart thing in it and I'm going to copy that too.

  17. oh my goodness, Katie, so many great ideas. Adore this post. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo


  18. These are adorable decorations. I love the burlap banner! I can't believe Valentine's Day is only a month away. Is it just me or did it totally start to sneak up this year?

  19. I LOVE that burlap banner! What a great and simple idea!


  20. I heart everything about valentine's day ( i wrote that out just for you )

    target is my favorite place to get decor ( dollar section ) :)

    love your ideas!! love the banner!

  21. Love the decorations! The rosette tree is too cute :)

  22. you are so creative! this is so cute!

  23. Oh my goodness - SUCH cute decorations! Love love love that little banner :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  24. I love the burlap banner! Might as well take advantage of the few holidays we have this time of year and make it big!

  25. Oh my gosh! I LOVE it all! I need to haul my v-day stuff out!! :)

  26. These are the cutest valentines day decorations ever! And I love that you made all of them. I think I might try that tissue paper rose thing!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  27. Cuuutue! I like the hearts on the styrofoam ball! I put some hearts in one of our big vases over the weekend. And it's cute except that I keep eating them and it's getting less cute hahah

  28. These decorations are so cute, I should create something too!

  29. My favorite are the roses- your decor is too cute! I wish I was crafty enough to do that for the smaller holidays!

  30. these are SO CUTE, katie!! i am totally going to do some of these this year!

  31. Fun ideas! I've never decorated for Valentine's Day before, but I love the idea of candy hearts in a jar!

  32. So stink'n cute!!! I made heart garland too! I love V-day! :)


  33. Too cute! And I love anything that involves burlap!

  34. This is all sooooo cute! Love it!


  35. love love love the banner! adorable

  36. I love that burlap banner! So cute!


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