January 14, 2013

The time I cried in Old Navy

dress: francesca's   boots: target  vest: tjmaxx  necklace: kohls

I'd like to say that I have been pretty emotionally stable the majority of this pregnancy so far.  While I have shed some tears they have been at totally appropriate times, more of fear or anxiety during circumstances that happened the first two months.

Minus the one time when I walked into the kitchen to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to find out we had no bread.  Seriously disappointed I moved on to make a cheese quesadilla only to find out we had no cheese.

Tears.  Real tears.  And complete panic as those were the only two things I could think of that wouldn't make me throw up.

I am pretty sure I was way more emotional when I was on all the different drugs and hormones while we were going through our different fertility treatments.  Perhaps the most embarrassing case of irrational emotions happened in Old Navy this summer.

I went to get in line to buy a few things and unintentionally cut someone already in line.  She politely said, "Excuse me, I was here first."  To which I looked at her and started crying.

Crying because I cut her.  Yep. I have no idea what happened, but I couldn't help it.

I didn't even buy my clothes.  Turned around and left.

And on a rare occasion I'm not wearing a thing from Old Navy, on the day I do a post about Old Navy.  Maybe I shouldn't have left before buying those clothes.

So please humor me and tell me what the silliest thing you've cried over, pregnant or not.


  1. I would have cried about the food, too!
    Girl, I do silly things on a daily basis, so I don't even know where to begin...

  2. oh my gosh this is so funny and adorable :) what are you gonna do, you know? there's always another shopping day on the horizon hee hee. And baby will make all the emotions worth it!

  3. Such a cute outfit, I love the vest! I can't think of the most foolish thing I've cried over, probably would be food related though LOL!

  4. I've cried once because we were out of orange juice and I was really hungover. Em-to-the-barrassing!

    And obviously, if you didn't gather from the hangover part, I wasn't even pregnant. Haha

  5. I cried at a google chrome commercial a few months ago...just sitting on the couch and got teary.

  6. i'm sorry but picturing the old navy situation makes me crack up! very recently my boyfriend and i went to this place that has AMAZING ribs, and i was so excited all day for it. it's also quite a drive from where we live, so anyways we get there and turns out they ID us and i didn't have my passport on me (the only ID they take here if you're foreign) and they wouldn't take my drivers license so we couldn't stay for ribs. i had a bit of a sob, not gonna lie. my bf was like WHY ARE YOU CRYING? and im like "i wanted *sob* ribs *sob*". so embarrassing hahahaha

  7. I cry all. the. time. Songs on the radio...anything on tv...all the time.
    aaaand...I love your dress!

  8. ahh that striped dress! amazing :)

    that old navy story is so cute! haha
    im pretty sure i cried over something silly too. i feel like im just emotional during that special week :)

    The DayLee Journal

  9. I recently was at lunch with our parents and my children. Papa ordered for me and heard my order wrong, and when the server brought it I cried. In public, simply because my order was wrong. Oh geez. Get a grip Lauren.

  10. My fiance and I were going out to lunch and when we got in the fast food place, I realized I didn't really want it. Well after staring at the menu for FOREVER and realizing none of it sounded good.. I just started bawling. I mean like I had to go to the bathroom to hide haha. Most random thing ever!! Gotta love being a girl sometimes :)

  11. Aww poor thing! I cried during the holidays when I was putting ribbon on our Christmas tree and knocked down our First Christmas family ornament that had a photo of us and Chloe... No super glue could fix it, so I continued sobbing! It was ridiculous. And I do NOT cry. Ever, really. But that just really bummed me out!

  12. You look adorable - love the vest and stripes. :)
    And I am so not a crier. Like at all. But while I was pregnant, I was a total watering pot. It was crazy and my poor husband had no idea what to do with me. There was one time when I was so upset about something that I was crying. And I was furious that it had made me cry. And through it all I was laughing because of the ridiculousness of the situation. And I don't even remember why - it's been five years ago now. Then after my brother got married (I was three months pregnant and sang in the wedding - which in retrospect was not the greatest idea on earth) I bawled everytime one of the songs from his wedding came on the radio. Drove me nuts. :)

  13. Pretty vest! Really impressive blog, love your style. If you want check mine and we could follow each other:-)

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  14. Okay, you're adorable. I wasn't pregnant when this happened (and I still am not) but I was driving on the freeway the other day when I saw a man in a truck that was being towed behind another truck and I started bawling! I felt so bad that something had happened to his truck and that it wasn't working anymore! And then I was crying for how nice his friend was for taking the time to tow him to where ever he needed to go! And I would like to say that that was a one time thing, but I cry about things like that ALL THE TIME! So, you're far better than I am on the emotional scale (: Congratulations on getting pregnant!! Such an amazing experience!

  15. when i was pregnant with elijah (in Malawi), all i wanted was a raisin bagel with cream cheese. there is no cream cheese (or bagels!) in Malawi. BUT, one day, a british grocery store miraculously had Philadelphia cream cheese for A day and my husband bought it (for $20+) and made me a piece of toast with raisins and cream cheese on it. i completely lost it!

    it's the little things, ya know? trust me, after that baby is born, even MORE things will make you cry, ha!

  16. I cried over thinking I walked in vomit - true story. I will spare you the details but I didn't actually step in the vomit,

  17. I cry at least once in most Disney animated movies - like the beginning of Wall-E, when Mufasa dies in the Lion King, when Mulan cuts her hair and goes to war, the end of Toy Story 2. So yes, I totally watch animated movies. And yes, I have no kids. ;o)

  18. Awww...I think we've all been there a time or too. Me just last week when I quickly agreed to fly/travel by myself to be there for Katie's bid-day, only to realize that I was going ALONE for the very first time! Yes, I had a meltdown. Recovered, survived the trip.

  19. I just adore you!

    Hmmm let's see, a few months ago when we went to Vegas and my camera died. It was my birthday so I guess I have an excuse ;).

  20. When I was pregnant, my husband and I would always fight over my cravings. He wanted me to eat brussell sprouts and other healthy things, and I wanted wings. So he made homemade wings with free range chicken one night (a compromise of sorts). But he made it WAAAY too spicy. I tried to eat some and I was crying because it was so hot and then crying because all I wanted was good wings. I was a hot mess!

    When you're pregnant, it's totally okay to cry over food. Okay, I'm going to be honest, I think it's okay to cry over food when you're not pregnant, too!

  21. I have cried when the lady taking my blood told me I looked way bigger than the amount of weeks I was at the time. I cried over a craving for nuggets and sweet and sour sauce. I cried over absolutely nothing in the shower and for the life of me couldn't stop. Pregnancy sure does crazy things to you doesn't it!

  22. You already know my super-ovulatory drug induced EPIC meltdown over the caramels. The ones I dug through the garbage in search of. OYYYY! It was bad. Baaaaaad.

  23. Jesse and I had just moved into this new apartment complex. They served Sunday brunch for all of us residents so on our first Sunday there we went to check it out (it was just a bunch of crazy kids running around). We decided to grab our food and then go back to our new apartment. I opened the door with my milk in my hand and ended up spilling it all over. I then started to cry. Jesse's best friend was with us, and he looks at me all serious, and says, "Are you crying over spilled milk?" Yes. Yes, I was.

  24. I cry about everything! Usually just if it's something sad or extremely happy, but one time (several years ago!) I cried in Verizon because they refused to upgrade my broken phone a month before the upgrade date and I just got so frustrated! It was so embarrassing but they ended up giving me the phone. Haha. You are so not alone!! :)

  25. Love your vest!!!

    one summer in college i was really really sick but i was by myself in an apartment and didn't have anyone to help take care of me. i was so hungry so i decided to make some pasta. i was so weak though that when i went to drain it the pasta fell all over the floor. i just sat down and cried. I seriously cry at the most random things.

  26. ...so what did you eat??

    As I read this, I'm all teary because Scott just ate a piece of my quesadilla. My food is my food. I'm hungry, you know?


    Did the lady say anything to you??

  27. I cried when looking at triplet strollers...I hated them all and just wanted a cute one for that much money. I blamed bed rest and triple hormones. ;)

  28. It was 29 degrees before school today, and I was only wearing chambray and a crewneck, so I was really cold I was also carrying a ton of stuff, so obviously I started crying. Best response right? Seriously, it shouldn't be legal to get that cold in CA.


  29. I've totally cried over quesadillas when pregnant! lol

  30. hahahaha i'm sorry that's so funny! i know not at the time but so funny to look back on, right? thank you for sharing! haha i am a crier - i don't mean to be, but sometimes i just cry at the most random stuff.

  31. Hahahhahaa so funny! I wasn't pregnant but one time I cried because there wasn't a piece of chocolate behind my advent calendar door. I blame it on being a girl...

  32. Oh my goodness Katie...I hate to laugh...but that Old Navy story is kind of funny :) I feel like I've definitely irrationally cried...sometimes I shed a tear during Good Morning America when they talk about Robin Roberts and her health issues/recovery - that's pretty weird right? She's just so dang inspiring, what can I say. Anyway, love that dress on you!

    The Other Side of Gray

  33. Haha, oh my gosh, I wonder what the lady in Old Navy thought when you ran out?! That is so funny (I'm laughing with you, not at you!). I definitely get very emotional at times, and when I read about you trying to make a sandwich and quesadilla and not having the ingredients, I wanted to cry with you - that is THE WORST and I've definitely thrown fits over stuff like that before.

  34. Sometimes you just have one of those days where things don't go right and tears just come out. No worries! I've cried over as little stuff as arguing about what to make for dinner! :-/

  35. Haha, I wonder what the lady thought when you burst into tears and then ran away. I would have to say, I haven't had any meltdowns in public, but I do tend to cry when watching commercials on tv. That's my new thing. I cry at the tv. And then my husband just stares at me. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  36. Probably the Kay's jewelers commercial where they are proposing in different languages. Not pregnant, just emotional. (I cried HARD.) It even says it on my about me page. :)


  37. Oh my gosh, ha! that lady probably thought you were pretty insane! :p

    When I was pregnant with Fin, I walked into the kitchen, opened the freezer and started crying. I have NO idea why. David came in and asked me what was wrong & why I was crying, it just made me cry more. Laugh a little but cry more when I said that I had NO idea.

  38. Oh friend, that's rough. I haven't had anything like the Old Navy thing happen to me, but the food thing would definitely happen to me. In fact, never been pregnant, but I'm pretty sure it probably HAS happened to me. Usually things just kind of build (a little thing here, then a little there) and then one small thing happens and then the floodgates open, ha!

  39. Haha oh no! I am not one to cry in public (I'd rather do it in the privacy of my own home!)

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew Giveaway!

  40. Hormones do really weird things to our emotions, I can verify this. I can even cry at the drop of a hat, but going shopping by myself makes me cry and I will sometimes just walk around shopping with tears streaming. I have to eat but can't stop my tears, so I groceryshopcry. Hahaha

    Good to know I am not alone out there cryshopping.

  41. Ugh, I pretty much cry at the drop of a hat. I can't even think of the worst example! I know I have cried a few times when trying to buy presents for my husband, because I'm usually in some outdoorsy store and have no idea what I am looking for, and then the workers are mean to me, and I get so frustrated! It's so embarrassing!

  42. Haha!! Awww, you poor sweet girl. I was super emotional during my pregnancy, but more towards the end. When the nesting phase hit (around 34 weeks) I got all kinds of "my house is going to be PERFECT and if it's not I'm going to cry and throw fits like a 3 year old". It was pretty pathetic! But at least Bear came home to a clean house :). You look absolutely beautiful little momma!

  43. Girl - you are so cute.
    You are not alone - I cried in a similar situation - I was in the grocery store.
    Just cried at the fish counter.

  44. Girl, you and I so much alike. I get my feelings hurt so easily and cry at the drop of a hat....I can't even begin to name the silly things that have set me off. And you and ON are like me and F21!! Love it!

  45. Hahaha you poor thing! I wonder what that lady thought? I'm not a big crier, but sometimes I will start crying and then laughing at the same time. It's really weird and annoying. I have no idea where it comes from or what is happening. Then Garrett will start laughing so I literally can't breathe because I am laughing and crying so hard. Weird huh?

  46. I would have cried over the food and I'm not pregnant. Totally valid. I cry at commercials a lot. Lucky husband of mine ahhah

  47. never mess with a pregnant lady and her food! I totally get the frustration of going to make something and the ingredients aren't there!

    I'm so glad that you are expecting after the hard road you guys had, congrats :)

  48. Katie, I bet you will look back on this pregnancy and laugh at how your hormones treated you during it. Sometimes a girl needs a good cry! When the time of month is approaching for me, sometimes I get really emotional. I may watch a commercial about animals and start crying. I am sure your hormones are much worse. I'm worried what I'll be like when I'm pregnant ..

  49. eh....i cry at a lot of stuff. I cry a lot a couple of days before my you-know-what. I usually cry when I can't find clothing in my size... it's really disappointing that sometimes a large is too big and a medium is WAY TOO SMALL.....

  50. Awe Katie!! I cry everywhere!! I cried this morning cause the sweater in my planned outfit had a stain. :(

  51. I almost cried laughing reading your story! I cry at random times too don't worry it's normal... I suppose!

    <3 Danielle

  52. Oh Kaite, I'm sorry but this is just funny. (I trust you can laugh looking back on it...) just wait until the baby is actually born and you have raging post partum hormones. I swear I have never cried so much in life. The biggest breakdown (although I still say this is TOTALLY legit) is when I spilled a whole bottle of breast milk I had just pumped) Even now it makes me want ot try just thinking about it.

  53. I pretty much cry everyday, when NC State wins, when there are dogs involved - period, when my cousins play ball, when the National Anthem is sung - anything happy, sad, patriotic or out-of-the-way kindness. Most recently, I cry over my carpal tunnel, because between that and the ectopic, I'm convinced my body hates me. Hahaha.

  54. My daughter is in college now.. but I remember when I was pregnant.. ppl always told me to be careful about post partum depression... I was like,"no.. that won't be me..." it hit me like a mac truck!!! so be on the look out... if it happens.. you say," I won't always feel like this.. I won't always feel like this".. and if you breast feed.. dont' feel guilty about a bottle now and then.. like I said.. my daughter made it to college!!

  55. You are just the sweetest. I cry over food (lack thereof, mostly) on a regular basis. The worst thing is when I have a breakdown and then start my period a couple days later because my hubby always goes "oh, that explains it!!" I HATE that! ha

  56. My brothers STILL make fun of me for the time I cried because my hot dog bun fell apart when we ate at Portillo's one time. Like, I was bringing the delicious dog to my mouth, and my bun crumpled and everything fell. Started crying right in the middle of the restaurant. I want to know what that lady was thinking when you started crying! haha. Oh gosh. Hope you got some cheese ;)

  57. LOVE this outfit and love even more your stories. I'm a crier at odd situations too. ;)


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