January 16, 2013

Yet another reason I love blogging

As if I didn't have enough reasons I love blogging, yesterday gave me a new one.

Blogging lets you be completely validated in your craziness and find out you are far from alone in things.

Thank you for all of your comments and stories on yesterday's post.  Seriously made me feel better about an irrational emotional breakdown.  And it made me feel like I'm justified to some more too.  If you haven't, you should definitely read some of the comments.  I appreciated getting them in my email all day long today.

But I'm pretty sure my favorite thing about blogging is still the people that I have met through it.  And today I have a special lady for you.  If you don't know her already, you need to.  I have been reading Bonnie's blog for awhile, and being a teacher as well, I always enjoy her funny teaching stories like when she took 214 students to a movie or let them perform songs from the movie Les Mis (mind you she is not a music teacher).  But my favorite thing about Bonnie is that she is not afraid to say what is on her mind, like this post or this one, which certainly got a lot of people riled up.  So I'm really excited to introduce you to Bonnie . . .

Why hello there.

The name is Bonnie Blackburn Larsen and writing nonsense is my game.  Sometimes I get in trouble for what I write, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.  The husband's name is Greg and I've been told I would be a fool for letting the internet Gods know my husband's name because now they can steal our identities and invade our home, GASP!  Therefore, to protect us from cyber devils and because it seems somehow hip I have named him Hubs.  I pride myself on originality.

Don't be fooled by this picture.  I've looked this good exactly once in my life.

If you are still interested in me, (oh this sounds so romantic!) you have a couple of options from here.

Option #1: I've noticed Katie is quite the fashion blogger. She finds deals and looks super styling without sweating a drop.  Well, heck, I can be a fashion blogger too!  Keep reading where I will show you how to look hot in any situation.  Trust me, you're going to want to read up.
Option #2: Visit my blog where you may read all my rambling to your heart's content.  You might wanna check out my Best of Bon page where you can find my favorite posts.
Option #3:  While at my blog, enter yesterday's giveaway- in fact, the biggest giveaway that I have ever held on my blog.  J. Crew, Sephora, Amazon, Starbucks, and Target gift cards.  Honey, you're gonna be rich!
Option #4:  All of the above

(Pick #4!  Pick #4)

Let's dive right in, shall we?


In the above picture I am playing tennis with Hubs.  My outfit is very stylin as you can tell.

I feel bad for anybody who doesn't look one hundred percent rocking 24/7.  I have the whole fashion thing down pat so I figured it's time to share my knowledge with the blogging world.  You all are clearly in need of an expert.  For Lauren and Lauren, watch out, I'm taking over your reign as cutest fashion blogger ever!

 To copy my above outfit you will need the following:

1.  A pair of ambiguous pants.  Are they long pants?  No... not quite.  Shorts?  No, not that either.  Capris?  Too baggy for that.  WHAT IN SAM'S HILL ARE THEY?  Guess we'll never know which makes them that much cuter!  Remember, the more confused people are by your look, the cuter it is!

(Answer:  They are Hubs' shorts.  And if you think it's pretty messed up that I have the same size of waist as Hubs, you are not alone.)

2. A big, brown, bulky belt.  None of these cute, skinny belts.  No cool colors like blue or orange- you will need just a big brown clunker.  This makes your waist look bigger than normal, which as we all know, is the perfect complement to any look.

3.  A shirt that is too tight for you.  Although you can't see it in this picture, a tight grey T-shirt is the best thing to wear when participating in any physical activity.  It allows for maximum under arm sweat stains that everyone can see when you raise your arms.  Tacos=the new trend in fashion.  Try to keep up, will you?

4.  Neon shoelaces.  The whole outfit should be a very blah, somber color EXCEPT the shoelaces.  Look for a gray or black outfit and then add a bit of neon to really confuse everybody who looks at you.  In my case, I chose neon pink.  Neon green and neon blue are also great.  If you're really daring you can try polka dotted or striped shoelaces to really set you apart from the crowd.

5.  Don't forget the hair barrette clipped to your pocket and the alien looking sunglasses.  These accessories really complete the outfit.  Remember, confusion=cuteness.

There you have it, folks!  How to look like a million bucks no matter what you are up to.  I'm full of stylish advice and wisdom so make sure to visit my blog often to see all my super cute looks!  Next week I might even show you the sweats, flip flops, and bandana that I wear when I wash my car.   Spicy!

Thank you Bonnie for making us laugh! I'm so happy to have you on my blog!



  1. I needed a really good laugh today...it's been "one of those days"!! Thanks for sharing Bonnie!! I was cracking up at her outfit description!! :)

  2. What a funny girl! And I completely agree,Lauren- it is so nice knowing feelings are understood sometimes!

  3. a real funny girl:) I love the way she puts humor in her outfit.:)

  4. this is so funny haha, well worth the read! :)

    join my galaxy leggings GIVEAWAY!

  5. haha love this!!! definitely checking out her blog.


  6. I do love her blog...she is hilarious!

  7. I love her and her blog. She is a freaking riot...love that she just puts it out there....wish I had that in me.

  8. What a hilarious post! Bonnie seems awesome :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  9. She seems super fun and entertaining. Wish I could pull off luscious red lips like that!


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