February 12, 2013

A Car is a Car

tee: target   dress & necklace: kohls   leggings: jcpenney  boots: dsw 

One thing that I know absolutely nothing about is cars. 

Ask me to identify a car and I can tell you if it is a truck, an SUV or a normal sized car.  Along with the color. And that is about as far as I go. 

The other day I stood outside a car that was not mine, wondering why my remote was not unlocking the car.  Grey car.  Normal size.  Thought it was mine. 

Turns out, not my car. 

But the worst case of car misidentification was when Chris dropped me off at Kohls one time and was waiting in the car.  I think it was raining a little, which helps my failure to pay attention to detail a little more excusable.  

But probably not a lot. 

I ran outside, opened the door of "my car," sat in the front seat and noticed a Burger King bag in the center.  While about to say "You really went to Burger King while I was in the store?" I looked up first and noticed a man that was not my husband.  


"Oooooh.  You are not my husband.  Oops." 

Even more awkward was backing out of the front seat to see his wife waiting outside the car.  

Maybe I should at least pay attention to the details of my own cars. 

Linking up to: style sessions


  1. hahaha! too funny...i've done the same thing before too...i can NEVER remember where i park either. i can often be found walking in circles around the wal mart parking lot, pointing my clicker at random vehicles and saying curse words when the lights dont come on.

    LOVE that mustard tee! cutest preggo girl ever!

  2. haha that is to funny. At our first apartment there was an identical car to mine. It was royal blue and a hyaundai so there are many of those. I sat outside of it clicking the clicker before I realized it wasn't mine.

  3. Haha that is hilarious!! Yes you should probably learn at least your car a bit more haha! Loving the bump!! It's growing more and more each day!!!

  4. oh my gosh!too funny!! it's the adult equivalent of a child hugging the leg of a complete stranger when they think it's their mommy. so so funny!!

  5. At least you didn't come behind said man (not in a car) and squeeze his shoulders saying 'hey babe' to realize its not him and he doesn't think it's funny! Lol so did this at the soccer fields!

  6. OMG that is TOO funny! I would have died. What are the chances of doing that! Haha! I guess you learned your lesson and will probably pay more attention now.

  7. Hilarious! This has happened to me multiple times. I have both 1) gotten into a car that someone else was in. They said, "Hey!" And I said, "Um..." then ran away. 2) I got into a car that wasn't mine, and the people were sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT eating ice cream and staring at me like I was crazy. Which I am. Crazy. You are not alone!

  8. haha wow. I'm pretty bad at this too, definitely stood outside a car trying to pop the trunk over and over this week, only to realize mine did pop, just on another isle. But I've never gotten into a strangers car. That's awesome ;)

  9. Bahaha my dad did this one time and the passengers in the car he sat in thought they were being carjacked. So funny! I've definitely tried my remote dozens of times before realizing THAT silver car wasn't mine.

  10. One time I unlocked a car and started it. I looked down and my CD case was gone. I thought someone had broken into my car. Until I noticed the smell. I looked around and it was not my blue 87 Toyota Tercel, but a different blue 87 Toyota tercel. I got out and ran to my own car. Yikes!

  11. These pics are going to be so invaluable!!! Can you imagine showing your child every day they were in the womb? I am so happy for you!!!

  12. Great color combo! I'm horrible with my car too but in the sense that I never, never remember where I parked. I'm aimlessly walking the isles searching for my white car....

  13. Oh no, haha... but I've totally done that. ;)

  14. haha this story is clearly amazing!!!

    and looove the new fashion pics....oh hey baby!

  15. Bahahahahahaha........that is HYSTERICAL! My hubby and I did that once in a parking lot and same thing we got in and noticed a food bag that wasn't ours but thankfully the owner wasn;t around!!(He should really lock his car doors!) I really like the color combo in that outfit, giving me some ideas!

  16. haha that cracks me up!! love the color mixing in your outfit :)


  17. Hahahaha this made me laugh so hard! I ALWAYS forget where I parked, which is super annoying. One time in college I parked somewhere different than I normally do and after class I was walking around in the complete wrong parking lot looking for my car. I actually thought someone stole it because it was no where to be found. After awhile I just stood there because I didn't know what else to do and then finally I remembered that I had parked somewhere else that day!

  18. The tee over the dress is one of my favorite looks. So versatile!
    I can usually identify my car...if I can find it. Finding it is where my problem lies...

  19. Ha! Love this story!! And you are looking adorable! :)

  20. You look great! And I have the same car problem!


  21. hahaha! What a great and hilarious story!


  22. So funny...and embarrassing! I've "lost" my car several times, forgetting where I parked, wandering aimlessly. It happens! How are you wearing short sleeves in the snow!?

  23. This post actually made me laugh out loud. you are so cute! and I know nothing about cars either girl so you are not alone. and your so beautiful. so exciting to see your belly starting to grow :)


  24. That is the funniest story! I've talked to strangers thinking they were my husband, friend or sister but never jumped into a car thinking it was my own! The poor man must have been shocked!

    Love your outfit! How can you wear short sleeves when it's cold out? Even inside I would be freezing! The only time in the winter I could get away with short sleeves is when I was pregnant- maybe you are experiencing the internal heater? Or do you always run warm?

  25. LOL...I can't even imagine! I bet your husband never lets you live that one down. Hahahaha :)

  26. SO funny! I've done something similar! I had to go on business trips to different cities in one week and had different rental cars each time. Well the second trip, I kept trying car after car after car in a parking lot because I couldn't remember for the LIFE of me which rental car I had that day! So embarrassing but very funny now :) By the way, your baby bump is ADORABLE!!

  27. Oh my goodness - that is TOO funny! Can't believe you got in the wrong car...I would have totally done something similar :) I LOVE...LOVE this outfit Katie! The colors look great together and it's just SO cute!

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. Oh my gosh! That is hilarious. I seriously cannot imagine. They were probably SHOCKED.

  29. You look adorable. I love the spring colors working with winter still! Youre glowing lady!

    Karen Kane Giveaway!

  30. That is sooo freakin hilarious! What a great story. I've done the same thing. I've tried to unlock two different cars thinking my key was broken or something. They were my same car, but totally different colors... talk about oblivious!

  31. totally feel you on this. I know diddly squat about cars as well, and I have definitely tried to get into the wrong car too!

  32. Haha OMG so awkward! My friend did that a couple of months ago! Oops!

  33. Haha! What a great story. I can totally picture that happening!

  34. This sounds too funny and some peoples are also like this, thanks for sharing this information.

    Lone Mountain Truck Leasing

  35. That is too funny! I can only imagine how awkward that was!

  36. Haha OMG! I can never remember where I parked my car if I'm going to a big parking lot like the mall or something. Luckily I have a few stickers on the back so I always know its mine :)

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew giveaway!

  37. Hahaha, omg your story is so funny. I can't believe you actually got into the car. The best part was you were about to yell at Chris for getting burger king, hahaha.

    You are looking GORGEOUS!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  38. OMG I would have died! That is so embarrassing and funny! Hopefully they weren't too weirded out that you were in their car.
    Love these colors together and that necklace is adorable :)

  39. ok so this is so funny and not to blame everything on your sweet little baby ... but "baby brain" is a real thing ask your dr. or google it lol.

    i mean you are growing a human , you possibly also remember what car you rode in. lol

    p.s. been there done that /// i have also forgotten wear i parked the car.

  40. just stopping in from the link up and I love your blog! hope you can check mine out too! xo


  41. Hahaha!!! Oh Katie...I am the same. A car is a car to me.

  42. Haha, that's awkward! I also try to get into cars that aren't mine, why do people insist on having cars like mine?

  43. Love the story :) and I'm sure your husband was watching you to climb into the stranger's car!

    Great colors - aren't you cold with all that snow?

    Red Soles and Red Wine

  44. bahahahahahahah that story is amazing!! i don't even know what i would have done. i have done equally embarrassing stuff before, too. so don't feel bad.

    and that bump! SO CUTE!!!!

  45. Bahaha!! At least you can blame it on being pregnant. =)

    Speaking of pregnant, you are such a tiny little preggo! When I was pregnant, I was massive from day one.

    I love your colors here!

  46. You glow! I love your smile. So happy. That story made me laugh. I would die!!

  47. This story is seriously so awesome. :) And you look adorable!

  48. haha oh my gosh that's so hilarious!!! I would've been mortified! But I am definitely in the same boat as you with not knowing anything about cars makes or whatever...not something I carry around my brain ;)

  49. Happens all the time when i'm walking around town with my mum, i think she's walking next to me so i talk to her just to find out it's not my mum.

    Love your dress
    x Audrey


  50. This is hilarious! I once watched my sister get in the car that was in front of me while i was watching. And there only two cars in the driveway. And they didn't even look a like (well, besides they both had 4 doors).

  51. Hee hee! That is TOO funny! It's never happened to me but I can just imagine getting into the wrong car!


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