February 5, 2013


scarf: DIY (tutorial here)   cardigan: gift years ago  dress: old navy  boots: kohls

ONE:  It finally looks like winter around here.  Just in time for it to be February and for me to want it to be Spring.  Bummer.  

TWO:  I told my class that I was pregnant yesterday.  One kid suggested I name my child Zorro and another asked "How did you know?"  I avoided both comments.  

THREE:  I will now shop in all sections of a clothing store.  We know I have a few things from the little girls' section and this weekend I was looking in the men's section for Chris and found this $6 shirt for me. 

FOUR:   And most importantly:  Happy birthday to my Mom!  I am well aware that my greatest blessing in life is my family and I couldn't have been luckier with the mom I was given.  I consider her one of my best friends and can rarely go a day without talking to her.  I'm so thankful to have such a wonderful, loving, amazing mom.  I LOVE YOU!!

Happy Wednesday! 



  1. Happy birthday to your mom. And I love the striped shirt you found in the men's section of all places. I would never have even thought to look there!

  2. This outfit is adorable! I love everything about it. Loving your scarf.. you did a tutorial on that, right? Definitely going to have my sister make me one :)
    What your students said is hilarious. hahahaha. awkward. :) I bet you're a wonderful teacher.
    & aren't mom's the best!! Happy Birthday to yours :)

  3. Hope your mom enjoys her birthday.

  4. hahahahhahaha to #2. I thought your zorro suggestion was hilarious until I continued reading and saw that a different kid asked how you knew. PRICELESS. YAY I love that it's getting more and more real for you as every day passes and how exciting each part is! :) and happy birthday to you Mama!

  5. Haha I love the kids' comments about you being pregnant! I'm sure you will hear many more funnies from your students over the course of your pregnancy. Too cute. And wow that's a lot of snow! It's so pretty, but I totally understand you wanting it to be spring too...I feel the same!

  6. HA! Kids say ANYTHING! Avoiding is my best skill!

  7. Haha! The things kids say. Zorro....so cute. haha.

    Love that sweatshirt, "Will fun for chocolate." :)


  8. I LOVE being your mom!! Enough said!

  9. Love all the porta potties in the background. :)

    And I bet you could start shopping in the maternity section, too. :) I love wearing clothes that make me look like I have a cute baby bump!

  10. That striped shirt is cute! And Zorro should go on your "maybe" list for names.

  11. haha zorro! and you rock that men's top !

  12. Wow, I could not get used to living in snow every day... It was 70 + degrees here today in South Texas! But it does look beautiful :) Aren't kids so silly? If I ever get pregnant, it will be hilarious to see what five and six year olds say to me, if I'm teaching still then! And Happy Birthday to your mama!

  13. Love this outfit! Zorro. Awesome! :) We had THE hardest time coming up with a name for baby #3. The running joke with our small group was that he was going to be Thor. Yeah, No. LOL!
    P.S. Happy Birthday Mom. I am impressed by the number of potties in that photo. And I will also run for chocolate. :)

  14. Happy birthday to your Momma!!!

    Guess what I found in my sewing room on the weekend?? Grey and white striped cotton!! You bet I'm gunna attempt that scarf!!!!

    Yuck to the snow - I think we have more and it's freezing here!!

  15. Your #2 reminds me of a story about one of my students. Near the end of my pregnancy with my son, this student finally noticed I was pregnant. Once he did he became obsessed with my belly button (which was then an outie and showed through many of my maternity shirts). Every time he saw me, he tried to push it back in. Ahhhhh, memories.

  16. I love your will run for chocolate sweater, that's totally me! I too shop all sections, I even steal my little brother (who's 14) clothing sometimes :)


  17. Regarding #2 - just wait till your darling little one starts asking where babies come from. My little dude knows that babies grow in mommies tummies. However he now wants to know how the baby comes out. ..... ummmm. His guess is from my belly button. .... My answer was 'that was a really good guess'. :)

  18. Question: How did you approach the "I'm pregnant" topic with the kids? I need a way to tell mine I'm leaving them in April.

    I adore the outfit.

  19. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! So great to find pregnant fellow blogger-I'm 28 weeks:)

  20. Love the hoodie about chocolate ;)
    Happy birthday to your Mom!

    And I would've loved to be there for your class announcement lol


  21. Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! I love the stripes on stripes in your outfit!


  22. so awesome! i love this.
    and happy birthday to your momma!


  23. I love the stripes you mixed in the first photo! :)

    xo, Megan
    indie flower

    Come check out my giveaway!

  24. Zorro, hahaaaaa! Gotta love the things students say!


  25. First off, I can't believe you made that scarf... so cute!! Also, congrats on being pregnant and noooo on Zorro... glad you aren't listening to him! haha :)
    I have a giveaway on my blog, that I think you would like! :)

  26. Kids ask the funniest things! Glad you ignored both comments lol. Great find on the boys shirt, I like it!

  27. That is too funny - how did you know? Good job avoiding that one! Happy birthday to your mom - that photo of you guys is too cute :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. Zorro! Zorro! Zorro! That's an awesome idea! Oh, and I am so sick of winter too. It's only been snowing here for about 2 and a half weeks, but it's been snowing constantly, and I'm sick of it!

  29. ZORRO!! best name ever. hahahaha and happy birthday to your mama!!!!

  30. Happy birthday to your mom.
    Definitely agree that Zorro should be on the table of possible baby names. :) I wonder what other crazy suggestions your class would come up with.
    In that last picture, you're wearing the "will run for chocolate" sweatshirt. Did you do the Godiva Hot Chocolate run? I was going to do their 15K in Denver this October but then it got cancelled.

  31. Happy Birthday to your mama! Love your blue and white stiped cardi and kids are so funny. My good friend told her 4 year old I had a baby in the belly and she asked "what kind of baby?" Well, hopefully a HUMAN ONE....hahaha

  32. Happy birthday to your mum

    check out my cath kidston giveaway 1stepclosereveryday.blogspot.co.uk

  33. Happy birthday to your mom!!! I completely feel you - why is it now so cold and snowy when we're sooo ready for spring?!

  34. You're mama and I share a birthday! :) Love the mens shirt! I steal my husbands clothes all the time. Love it!!

  35. Happy birthday to your mom! Also... I think Zorro has potential... ;) I mean, I'm married to the guy who wants to name our first child "Leonidas" regardless of the child's gender. Oh yeah, can't you just see it? My little girl in a tutu with pigtails and a name like Leonidas, ha!

  36. ok so mens cozy shirts and pants are great b/c they are so long! i'm 5'9 so long is nice :)

    p.s. zorro has a nice ring to it :) lol.

  37. love it all... esp. the cozy last one!

    Here are my outfits this week:


  38. 90% of the time I have to ignore my classroom comments too... yesterdays gems were

    1. "are you high miss" (dont worry the principal was in my room)
    2. "Are you ever going to get married?"


  39. Oh boy, I would have avoided that question from students too! LOL! And I wish I could shop in the kids section! happy birthday to you beautiful Momma!

  40. "kids say the darnest things"- too funny. Congratulations and good luck!

  41. Those comments from your students are hilarious. I think Zorro is a fine name - your kid won't get made fun of at all *sarcasm*.

    How comfy is that shirt you got for $6?! I'm jealous!

    Happy birthday to your mama!!

  42. Lovely first outfit! I love stripes.


  43. Happy birthday to your mom! And I don't know.. I think you should really consider the name Zorro. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  44. Love your outfit and happy birthday to your mum!

    x Audrey

  45. Happy Birthday to your lovely mom!! :)

    Cute stripes! I love your scarf.

    Found your blog via Shanna Said So! :)

    xo – Sheila
    Enter to win $25 Giftcard!

  46. You look amazing! Ha, gotta love what comes out of the mouths of babes. I have to believe Zorro was way before that child's time! LOL Happy Birthday to your sweet mom.

  47. Laughed out loud at the little comments by your students! hahaha :)

  48. Love the scarf! Gorgeous!!

    If you get a chance, please check out my latest post 'Structured Stripes' I would love to read your feedback.



    I would love for you to enter this:

    Be featured on Stylishly In Love: If you would like a chance to be featured on my fashion blog, then email me (stylishlyinlove@gmail.com) a picture of your go-to outfit for Valentine's Day. In honor of Valentine's day I will be featuring 14 bloggers. Make sure to email me by February 11th.
    Thank you.

  49. Happy B-day to your mom!

    I kind of wish it would look more like winter around here (I live in the SE) - I don't think I'll see snow at all this winter!

  50. Probably smart to ignore those two comments. Haha. And that sweatshirt looks so cute and cozy. What a steal! I'm totally shopping in the mens section from now on!


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