February 14, 2013

Old and New

It feels a little strange to post about these two things in the same post.  Something so exciting and something really sad too.   

My grandpa passed away last weekend.  This last year Chris and I have gone through losing four grandparents and while they have all been really hard, they haven't all been quite as painful.  My grandpa was 93 years old.  He lived a healthy life, was married to my grandma for 62 years and lived in the same house in California that he bought for $10,000 when they got married.  He wasn't really sick or in pain, but for the last few years was ready, as he ability to do things independently continued to decrease. 

My mom had prayed that he would die before he got sick or started losing his memory and would go quickly and painlessly and that is what happened.  

The day I found out my grandpa had died I had just heard my baby's heartbeat. It was this strange realization that God gives new life and takes life too, as he brought my Grandpa home to heaven and was allowing me to experience the miracle of being pregnant. But something about that is kind of beautiful to me.  Celebrating the 93 years my Grandpa was here, and thinking about bringing this new life into the world.  

I am off to California tomorrow with my family to go to my Grandpa's funeral.  While for a sad reason, I am looking forward to loving on my Grandma, seeing my other relatives and celebrating and honoring my Grandpa's life.  

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 



  1. :-( So sorry for your loss friend. If you're going to be in lala land....let me know, not sure where in CA you're headed!!!


  2. That is such a beautiful reminder from God. I believe He was showing you His love by letting you remember the love you felt when you heard your sweet baby's heart. Hopefully, you will be comforted knowing that God was lovingly opening His arms to welcome your grandpa.

  3. Girrrrllll.. wait til you SEE it moving.. when you're like 9 months pregnant.. take a nice bath.. you can see a foot go by on your stomach.. it is the coolest thing...
    oh. and if you think its a boy.. its a boy.. whatever your heart says.. its right..

  4. I am sorry for your loss and will pray for a safe trip.
    And there will come a time when you will be ready to do anything if your precious little miracle ail just stop using your ribs for a jungle gym for two minutes. :) by about 6 1/2 months everyone in our congregation could see my guy kicking and wiggling from the stage (I was on our praise team). It was crazy. :) I decided during those nine months that my darling boy had earned any and all types of embarrassment I could come up with for the remainder of his life! Naked baby pics, the Sharing of all his bodily functions in public, and as many public hugs and kisses as i please. :) When he asks why, I will gleefully inform him that I carried him for nine months of misery and I have earned the right to do whatever I please. :-)

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss Katie. I will be praying for you and your family!

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss! I think you definitely have the right mindset in facing it; if you need to talk, vent, cry, laugh (anything, really!), I'm here! :)


  7. So sorry for you're loos, Katie... Feeling baby move = best part of pregnancy, IMO!

  8. So sorry for your loss, but it is amazing that he was 93! My grammy died a couple years ago at 91. I was always so thankful to have her for as long as I did.

  9. God bless your grandpa & have the happiest time with your family celebrating his memory & his spirit! And celebrating new life in your future son or daughter as you celebrate one that has since gone to rest <3 thinking about you during this tough time..

  10. So sorry for your loss :( Your baby will get you through this hard time and he or she doesn't even know it yet. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. I'm so sorry or your loss. Sending my prayers your way <3

  12. So sorry to hear about your loss. Sending lots of prayers up for you and lots of praise for that sweet baby bump! LOVED catching back up on your blog after a few crazy weeks!

    It's an Easy Life

  13. Sorry about your grandpa. I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest and my husband's great-grandma died. We had our ultrasound with us at the funeral. It was encouraging to all his family to have new life represented there.

  14. Thinking about you. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

  15. I'm so sorry you lost your grandpa, but I know what you mean about living a good life and celebrating that with family. That's how I felt about my grandmas funeral last year. I hope it all goes well.
    Can't wait to see if you're having a boy or girl!

  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your attitude is quite inspirational though. Safe travels!

  17. While it's a sad reason for a trip, I'm glad you'll get to see your family. I hope you all can celebrate your grandpa's life in a way he would've liked :)

  18. im so sorry for your loss. Great that you get to be there to celebrate with your family though and remember and honor his life.

  19. I'm so sorry, Katie. I love what you say about God giving and taking life, though: so true. And such a blessing that He gives us the opportunities to celebrate the lives that have poured into us and the lives that we are blessed to pour into.

  20. So sorry to hear about your grandpa Katie.I think it's so beautiful that the day he died was the first time you heard your baby's heart...there's something very special about that. Hang in there this weekend :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa! Like you said, it IS sort of beautiful that you heard your baby's heartbeat the same day. It's like your grandpa is somehow part of your new baby. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  22. So crazy how you can have something so beautiful and sad happen in one day. So sorry for your loss.

  23. So sorry for the loss of your grandpa, Katie. My grandma passed away last year (also in her 90s) and it made it easier knowing that she lived a full life. Have a safe trip to CA.

    The Tiny Heart
    JCrew giveaway!

  24. Sorry for your lost. Losing loved ones sucks. I hope the time w/ your family in CA is good despite the loss.

  25. i'm SO sorry for your loss! it's never easy to loose someone you love!! sending you hugs!


  26. Hey Katie,
    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. That is never easy. Sending prayers for a peaceful visit with your family, celebrating a full life!

  27. cool blog! <3 love the colours of your look! maybe you wanna follow each other on gfc, bloglovin (or facebook)? :D if so let me know! i always follow back :)


  28. Katie, another post of yours that brought tears and chills. I am so sorry about your Grandpa's passing. What an amazing life he seemed to have had. And thank goodness there was no suffering. And you are so right, everyday a life is created and brought Home. It's the miracle and mystery of life. Sending you big hugs! And I can't wait to hear what you are having in a few weeks. xoxo

  29. Wow such a powerful post, definitely gave me chills. I am so so so sorry about your Granddads passing. I know how hard it is to lose someone you love and so I am so sorry you and your family are all going through that right now.
    He sounds like he was an amazing man, and someone who was very loved by you and your family.

  30. aw katie- i'm so sorry for your loss. I know losing my grandma in '07 was one of the hardest things for me to deal with. Hugs to you and your family this weekend.. It'll be a beautiful weekend here in Cali for you. :)

  31. Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandpa but loved how you wrote about him in correlation with giving birth to your new little one in the way. Save travels this weekend.

    The Compass Blog

  32. I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, but the baby news is so exciting, I bet you are having a girl and I can not wait to find out - I hope you blog about it as soon as you find out!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  33. I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa. :( I was just thinking this the other day, that life is all about doors opening while others close.

  34. Praying for you, sorry for your loss.

  35. You look absolutely gorgeous -- definitely glowing!

  36. I'm so sorry for the loss. What a contrast for sure. I'm glad the baby is healthy and things are going well with the pregnancy. I hope your time with your family is a blessing, friend!

  37. So sorry for your loss. But I love your attitude, you're so inspiring. I hope your weekend goes well, and that God gives you His peace and comfort!

  38. This is a great tribute to your Grandpa. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  39. So sorry for your loss Katie; no matter how long of a wonderful life they lived, it's still hard. Hope you can enjoy your time in Cali & your little baby bump sure is precious!

  40. My condolences to you and your family. I hope that you all enjoy each other's company and share some great memories! {{HUGS}}

  41. still praying for you and your family during this time. i'm so sorry for the loss of your grandfather!

  42. so sorry to hear about your grandpa. What an interesting picture of the Lord giving and the Lord taking away life. Goodness girl, I still don't think you look pregnant! I really don't think I would know if I saw you on the street! (I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but its true) You look great! And you don't have to wait much longer to find out....


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