March 24, 2013

Round Two

scarf:  store in Lake Geneva   leggings & boots: kohls   cardigan: ? 

I started answering some of your questions in this post and figured it was time to finish the rest that were more fashion related. 

1. What would be your "go to" outfit? 

In the fall and winter it would be leggings, a dress, boots and a scarf.  Even though it's technically Spring, it's freezing outside so sadly I'm still dressing for winter.  

In the spring and summer I mostly wear skirts and dresses with sandals.   These pictures make me SO ready for warm weather!  Except I am realizing I will be 8 and 9 months pregnant and outfit picking and getting dressed won't be that fun! 

2. What time do you take your pictures? 

I usually take my picture before I leave for school.  I take my tripod on my deck and it takes less than 5 minutes.  The only downfall is that I feel like I always look tired in the morning.  But if I wait until after school my hair is usually in a messy ponytail or its dark outside.  Oh and I guess another downfall would be that all you ever see in the background is my deck and if you're lucky my backyard.  

3. How did you get your signature pose?

This question made me laugh because it's funny to me that I'd have a signature pose, but I guess I really do stand the same way each time.  I don't spend too much time trying different ways to pose, and after making these collages I clearly stick with my hands at my sides or on my hips.  

And I'd like to say Lauren in Law taught me how to pose because she has quite the skills.  

4.  How many outfits do you try on before buying one? 

I think it's safe to say that dressing room attendants hate me because I try on a lot of clothes and don't buy many.  Not sure I know a number but I rarely buy more than one or two things at a store, if that, and try on quite a few.  I have to love it, it has to be cheap and I have to have money to spend.  And yes I try on clothes even though I know I can't buy them.  

5.  How often do you go to Target? 

I know I've made plenty of jokes and comments about how often I go to Target.  In the summer I really did easily go twice a week.  I really do feel like it was some kind of stress reliever to just wander around the store.  During the school year I probably go three times a month.  Any time there is a random thing I need I choose Target just so I can go look at everything else.  

6. . Where do you find your inspiration for outfits? 

Sometimes I don't know how I would find outfits and decide what to wear if it weren't for pinterest.  I really do look at it all the time and am thankful for fashion blogs and outfits on there that give me ideas.  Now that I've had a blog for awhile I also like looking back at past outfits I've worn that I may have forgotten about if I didn't have a picture of it.  

And someday soon I'll finish the rest of the questions about my personal life and blogging related! Hope you had a good weekend!



  1. Love the long maxi skirts! I need to add a few to my summer closet. I was always afraid to wear them because I am so short haha. And another next on my list is a camera with a tripod, so my poor husband can be alleviated of his photographer duties :)

  2. I've been wanting to add in some maxi skirts to my wardrobe. Each time I look at Pinterest for outfit inspiration, I just get bummed about all the clothes I want in my closet.

  3. After reading this post, I have another question...How many scarves do you have? :)

  4. You should be able to wear most of your go-to outfits for spring/summer even with a preggo belly. I wore lots of maxi dresses and shirts that were a bit baggy/stretchy so I didn't have to buy new ones. I'd recommend at least one pair of maternity shorts though, if it tends to get over 90* often. Make sure you check Goodwill before shelling out tons of moolah! I know you'll keep being super cute while preggo :D

  5. I find "posing" so weird to do! I always have to figure out how to put my hands, which way to turn my head, etc. But I guess if I did it all the time I would get use to it. . .

    My fave outfits in winter are dresses/tights/tall boots. LOVE!!

  6. I'm the same way with really is a stress-reliever! Actually hoping to make a trip tomorrow :). And I love your signature's so cute!

  7. Great post and I have to agree walking around Target can be rather therapeutic!How tall are you? I'm only 5'2 and can never pull off maxi skirts even though I adore them!

  8. I went shopping at Old Navy this weekend and totally bought an outfit inspired by you. And this post confirmed it...dress, leggings, scarf, boots. Love it! :)

  9. girrrl, Target is my therapy place, too. It's fun running up on deals and new stuff. I heart Target. I also hart the black & white cardi in the first photo! xo.

    Daydreaming Realist

  10. I wonder if baby girl will inherit your signature pose - she might have to make her own little #ootd series ;)

  11. I wore these same boots today! :-)

    We all have our signature poses I think!

    YAY for spring break!!!


  12. You look so gorgeous in that pink & orange summer dress!! Summer, come back!!

  13. You look gorgeous, as always. I love that scarf in the first collage. Do you have a link at all?

    And I definitely agree with the maxi skirts/dresses. I am going to be wearing so many this spring/summer. :D

    Mostly Lisa

  14. That was fun to read, I always love seeing what works for different bloggers. Love the fringe boots.

  15. I definitely need a tripod too! The me-holding-a-camera shots are gettin' old ;)
    I love your outfits and style!

    xo Maria

  16. I am so ready for dresses & sandals. This prolonged cold weather is driving me insane not to mention my allergies.

  17. I am totally in the "Target is a stress reliever" group.
    Love the outfits though!

  18. You are too cute! I love your go-to outfits. And I completely agree, wandering around Target is completely stress relieving :)

  19. love that signature pose! so cute! and no shame in going to target (every day even!)

  20. Hey i love outfit for the cold weather and your spring clothing outfits as well. I wonder when will spring get here. LOL

    Check out our Rhinestone Earrings Giveaway:

    Just followed <3 Hope you can follow too.

    Thanks, Micky London

  21. Great cozy looks - thanks for sharing a little bit more about yourself! x, Kat

    Love and Ace

  22. I so admire that you take photos before work! I am too tired and don't have the time in the morning. And I go to Target ALL the time :)

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  23. I love your striped scarf! And I love your signature pose, haha. I totally go to Target maybe once a week. If I don't, I feel like I'm missing something!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  24. love the tied tee with a maxi, one of my favorite casual outfits! xox.

    undeniable style

  25. Love today's look - the scarf and cardi are so pretty. Definitely love the orange in the scarf!
    Love all your summery looks shown. I know you said you were concerned about what to wear this summer when you're 8 or 9 months pregnant but since it looks like you like looser, flowy maxi looks, you should still be able to find something like that to wear this summer! It'd probably be more comfy too!

  26. I LOVE TARGET! :) I like to call it "Tar-Geh" haha

  27. You are cute! I love target, but our closest target is about 30 minutes away. I love your outfit and you always have the best scarves!!

  28. You look so cute! I was pregnant last summer and it was actually fun coming up with stuff to wear! I wore a ton of non-maternity dresses and they were so comfy!

  29. I love this! You and I are two peas in a pod minus the baby bump! ;) Our scarves...our love for Target...our posing!! LOL!! You are too precious with your signature pose!! :)

  30. I live in maxis in the summer! They're just SO comfortable! And I try on tons of clothes but don't buy many, too! I always feel bad for the attendants that take them from me after trying them on!

  31. I love how someone pointed out your "signature pose." It's adorable. :-)

  32. girrrrrrrrrlll.. I tried your pose.. I looked like I was having a seizure.. so it is YOUR signature pose...

  33. I think the maxi skirts are my favorite! This was a great post to read :)


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