April 25, 2013

Happy List

dress: target   cardigan: old navy

 I can now wear maxi dresses and not be freezing.   Hallelujah!!  And I found this non-maternity dress on the clearance rack at Target for $6.

I passed my gestational diabetes test.  And the sugar overload drink, while not pleasant, wasn't as terrible as I had heard.  
My grandma got to come see my house this week.   I definitely never expected her 92 year old self to make it out here from California after not traveling for over 10 years.  

I didn't realize that 90210 started again after Christmas, when means I got to watch eight episodes in a row over the last two weeks, which makes my teen drama loving heart happy. 
I am not a big reader and can't even tell you the slim number of books I've ever purchased myself, but I bought this book today and am really excited to read it.  
Chris and I are going away tonight until Sunday to Wisconsin, the same place we stayed during our Fall trip. I can't wait for three days of relaxing and time together.  

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



  1. You look great in this maxi! So cute! I didn't think the drink for diabetics was bad either, glad you and the baby are doing well :)

  2. I don't read much either! Your Grandma is soo cute!!
    I wore a maxi skirt to work Wednesday and froze! Too early for us here!!Maybe next year! Lol

  3. Maxis look great on you! I love that your grandma traveled for the first time in 10 years to see you :)

  4. Enjoy your getaway!!! And that's so sweet your grandma made the trip out to see you (and baby bump of course!)

  5. That dress is in one of my favorite colors! Started that book, but haven't had much time to read lately. So far, I like what I read. Glad you had a good visit with your grandma. Have a great weekend!!

  6. I wore a maxi dress today for the first time and I LOVED it!

  7. So that Target clearance dress? FRIGGIN CUTE on you! And I hope you and hubby have fun on your trip!

  8. Have a great weekend! you look beautiful!

  9. I have a theory that if you are having a boy.. you fail the gestational diabetes test... this is about 95% accurate... its not 100%.. some boys pass.. but alot of the people I know who have boys have failed the test..(not like you can "fail" but you know..)

  10. The color of that maxi is such a pretty blue and fits you perfectly. Have a wonderful weekend away!

  11. Woo hoo!! Have so much fun with Chris :) how precious that your grandma came!!! Love you friend! Enjoy your weekend.. Rest up!

  12. such a perfect dress! I die over that color. you are looking so glowingly happy! I can't wait to see pics of your baby :)

    The House of Shoes

  13. Enjoy your weekend away! You look beautiful :))

  14. Have fun on your trip!! And love that dress! you know how I love a bargain ;)

  15. That blue maxi is gorgeous! You look fabulous.
    Have a great time on your trip!

  16. That photo of you and your grandma is so cute, and you look amazing!
    Have a great trip!

  17. That maxi is gorgeous on you! I love it.

  18. That's so awesome that your Grandma came out for a visit!

    You'll have to let me know how that book is!

  19. You look gorgeous in that blue maxi! Have fun on your trip. :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  20. You look adorable. Yeah for passing the glucose test, failed both of mine the first go round...the longer test is brutal! LOL Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

  21. Love that blue color of your dress...super springy :)
    And I want to read that book! I keep seeing people talking about it...let us know how it is!

    Happy weekend, girl!

  22. I remember hearing horrible things about the gestational diabetes test drink and being really nervous about it, but it really wasn't so bad! You look so adorable in this maxi. That shade of blue looks amazing on you! Have such a fun long weekend in Wisconsin!

  23. Your grandma looks amazing for 92!! So cute! Have a great weekend away! :)

  24. Sounds like a fun weekend! That blue dress is cute. I love the ruffles.

  25. have a great weekend! you look so pretty in the blue dress!

  26. you look amazing, katie! love that dress!!! and i have my gestational diabetes test next week - i'm so nervous about it! it really wasn't that bad???

  27. You will have to let me know how you like that book! It looks good! :)

    Have a great weekend! :)

    p.s. great find on the maxi dress at target!

  28. Congrats on passing the diabetes test! Hope you have a wonderful weekend away with Chris!

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 Target Giveaway!

  29. Yay! You passed! :) Have so much fun on your weekend away.

  30. Have fun this weekend! I love going away for the weekend with my husband... it's the best!

    P.S. You look adorable pregnant :)

  31. Have fun! I hope it looks just as pretty in the springtime!

  32. Hope you guys have a blast!!!


  33. Hope you guys enjoy your relaxing time away!! :)

  34. Yay for maxi dress weather! I want to be pregnant when it's warm out for that very reason! And congratulations on passing the diabetes test - I'm glad to hear the drink wasn't incredibly awful! Have so much fun this weekend!

  35. I love 90210 too, Justin hates it! but watches with me!! :) You are just glowing. I LOVE that photo of you and grams!! :) Glad that drink isn't awful and you passed!!

  36. Awww... I hope you and your man have an amazing weekend! Nate and I are getting away this weekend too. :-)

  37. That dress is perfect! LOVE it!
    And I remember drinking that drink and wondering why people made such a big deal out of it? It's not good but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever tasted!

  38. Beautiful & glowy in your fab maxi dress! Enjoy your babymoon you crazy kids!

  39. I am going to Target today to look for a pretty little dress to wear for a wedding! Love the little blue one!

  40. Oh, before anything else - 90210 is back???!!! Wow, so happy to hear. I am a little bit addicted to the series and had no idea they'd continue...
    You look absolutely gorgeous in that blue dress!

  41. Such an incredible buy for just $6!

    All in a Soiree
    Snippets of everything pretty, and sparkles of everything weddings and design!

  42. Beautiful fall colors you have in ur last picture!! Love the color of this maxi! Congrats for the test results! Having to watch ur diet in the last trimester with all the things going on can be overwhelming!! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style Delights Blog
    Enter $30 international giveaway by Chicnova

  43. The blue/aqua maxi dress is a great color on you! I love 90210 too! I heard this is their last season :(


  44. Hope you had a great time in WI this weekend! The weather was great here in Milwaukee so I'm sure it was just as nice in the Dells!

  45. Great maxi dress! I just bought my first maxi last week. They are perfect for pregnancy huh. Though I am not pregnant : O

    Ali of


  46. That's a steal on the dress! And it looks so cute on you! Very spring-like! :)

  47. What a great list lady :) So sweet that your grandma was able to make it over! You look adorbs and I bet you're dying to meet that little munchkin :)

  48. That is so nice that your grandma came to visit and I hope you had an amazing trip!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  49. How cute are you in your maxi? Love it! Yay for Gma getting to visit, thats awesome!

  50. cute maxi and i love 90210. did you see last nights?! oh man!

  51. Funny story...I had to take a glucose test, and the nurse made me think I was pregnant since she assumed I was. I was like, "Um...no. I'm hypoglycemic." Haha


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