April 8, 2013

I May Be Crazy

dress: old navy   necklace: groopdealz   leggings: jcpenney   wedges: target

I can't help but feel that pregnancy hormones have made me a little crazy.   For example last night I had a minor freak out over ridiculous things.  

I sat outside for about an hour yesterday and when I walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed, noticed an awkward square of sun burn on my chest.  Follow that by being convinced I found a gigantic stretch mark on my side.  Followed by seeing every blue vein on my stomach and chest shinning 100 times brighter than normal, making me convinced something was not okay. 

Thanks to my bright red square on my chest, possible early stretch marks and alien like veins I tried very hard not to cry.  

If I was southerner I'd use that over used phrase "bless his heart" in reference to Chris dealing me and my irrational emotions.  He quickly convinced me my stretch mark was a scratch (which I think it was), and read online that the bright veins are because my heart is working harder.  

All things that a night of sleep and a new day couldn't fix.    

Speaking of irrational things . . . Last week I spent many hours working on a pink bumper for the crib and when I was done, couldn't get over a fear that our baby was really a boy.  I blame part of it on a blog I read that morning where the girl was told she was having a girl at her 20 week appointment, then found at at her 26 week appointment it was a boy.  

Not that having a boy would be bad at all, but a boy coming home to a pink crib, summer dresses and a girl name is not quite what I want.  

Thankfully this silly fear was easily resolved as we went to one of those ultrasound places to get another look at our baby and she is still a she.  They gave us a glimpse in 3D and she was covering her sweet face most of the time.  

And even though I am fully aware I am pregnant, seeing my baby makes it so much more real and reminds me how all these hormones, changes and overwhelming feelings are SO worth it!



  1. I love your outfit!
    And don't worry about being a little "crazy." I think most women get a little hormonal :)

  2. What sweet photos! <33 She looks like she's fixing her hair in one of them :) I loved the 3d ultrasounds and I always recommend them to people--amazing experience <3

    I did cry the first time I found a stretch mark on my stomach, but later I got used to it. I really like to think about it like this: "each line will represent a moment in time--the first time {she}you heard {your}her heart beat, the first time she heard your voice, her first kick that got through to you and filled your heart with joy..." stuff like that.

    Every time I read your posts, I want to write so many things about babies... I think I'll take myself up on this inspiration. It's so heart-warming and fun to share mommy/pregnancy stories along with other people :)

    xo, friend.
    Daydreaming Realist


  3. Lol you poor thing! Keep hanging in there, it will all be worth it! : ) The 3D sonogram is cute, she's going to be a little doll!

  4. You are adorable! And I'm going to say that no one thinks twice about pregnant ladies freaking out, just comes with the territory if you ask me :) Congrats on your bundle of joy!!

    When Mine Became Ours

  5. Cute dress! The bright necklace is such a fun touch!


  6. Aww you are too cute :) hormones, not cool at all.

    At least you look gorgeous! Love your outfit!

    She is beautiful! Def not a boy :)

  7. I love that top you're wearing! I love polka dots and it's very flattering on you.

    Your baby looks SO CUTE! :D

    Mostly Lisa

  8. Love this outfit! The polka dots and that red necklace, obsessed!!! You are glowing!! Your baby girl looks precious! I'm glad you were reassured. :)


  9. LOVE her pics! I totally remember feeling your pain and swearing up and down that Maggie would come out a boy no matter what! #crazyhormones You look so great as usual! XOXOOX

  10. The 3D sonogram pictures always manage to melt my heart...still so excited for y'all :)

    And loving that red necklace, girl!


  11. Love that dress - I have the same one! Old Navy has had some great dresses lately, and they work for pregnancy too!

  12. Glad baby girl is still baby girl. Love your little freak outs. It's always funny after the fact right? :) As always, I love your outfit too.

  13. I still makes me so so happy to think that you have finally got pregnant. you will be such a great mom. and you are the most adorable pregnant lady, haha

  14. I still makes me so so happy to think that you have finally got pregnant. you will be such a great mom. and you are the most adorable pregnant lady, haha

  15. Wow, that 3D picture is amazing!! I love your polka dot dress!


  16. You would not be a normal pregnant woman if you did not have at least one freak out moment. Trust me, once she is born you will probably have many more, but then they will be about her. It's all good... :)

  17. Hang in there sweet girl! Those pregnancy hormones can really make you feel out of sorts. It won't be too much longer though and you will have your little blessing in your arms. Sending you lots of love & prayers!

  18. Oh my goodness! I'm wearing this dress tomorrow!! HA!

  19. You are not crazy- you are pregnant! I probably could have written every word of this post when I was pregnant! Hubby thought he spotted a stretch mark at 17 weeks and I freaked!!! Turned out just to be a mark from my pjs! The veins go back to normal and really no one notices them but you.

    I also was terrified that we would have a boy with a purple and pink room. We decided to not get the 3D ultrasound and take out chances. We got an ultrasound picture of our daughter's girl parts so I compared them to other ultrasound pictures online and that satisfied me that we were having a girl.

    I love that polka dot dress. I'm kicking myself for not getting it now.

  20. I think this may be my favorite outfit that you've ever posted...I love it so much!!!! Every thing about it is just perfect! Kindof obsessed with polka dots :) looks comfy, too!

    You aren't crazy...you're preggers. Use this time to act as crazy hormonal as you want :)

    That sweet face...so precious. And that hand! Oh my goodness. So tiny and adorable!

  21. You have a good excuse for acting crazy. Relish in it.

    Love your tunic, so pretty and flattering!
    Chic on the Cheap

  22. :) you are funny! But SO cute :) I'm sure whenever the day comes I'll be the same way :)

  23. Aw, well you look adorable.....whether you are sunburned or not!


  24. She was playing peek-a-boo with you!

  25. I can't even imagine how my hormones will make me act when I have a baby. Haha.. you're too adorable. And loving that necklace!

  26. Congratulations! It's always nice to know that what you think you're having, is what you're really having haha :) You look adorable! Loving your blog, I'm your newest follower! :) Happy Monday!

    xoxo Jamie

  27. ah, look at that little cutie! and don't you worry about any stretch marks / scratches, you look lovely!

  28. What an amazing post! Love!

    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!

  29. Oh, those ultra sound photo's are beautiful!
    And 'the crazies' are totally normal :)!

  30. My doctor always told me that you're more likely to get burned when you're pregnant..something about those hormones. Mainly because I got burned on my leg when I was pregnant with Charlie and I cried so hard while talking to the doctor, making sure that he was ok. I was kinda psycho....but it's all good!! :-)

  31. I love this look - the shirt dress is beautiful on you and I love this color combo :)

    Pearls & Paws

  32. Aw you poor thing...it's definitely those hormones! You look SO cute in that polka dot dress...I love it :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  33. You are not crazy at all! It is totally normal to have tons of freak outs during pregnancy. It is an awesome time, but also very overwhelming and unpredictable and scary. I know freaked out a ton (most of the time, very irrationally.) :) You look adorable and the ultrasound photos of your little girl are so sweet!

  34. Aww, it must be the darn hormones! You look adorable in the polka dot dress :)

    The Tiny Heart

  35. These hormones are ridiculous, huh?! Our poor husbands! I love that top on you! And I love seeing those little hands on the ultrasound!

  36. Oh my!!! Look at the baby, how cute!! You look adorable each day and your belly is perfect, it's perfectly round haha (if that makes sense) but your dress is very lovely as well!


  37. haha so funny. I cried everyday. everyday when i was pregnant with my son. over the silliest things. i was NUTS! lol.

    look at how sweet your baby is!!??!!!

  38. Congratulations! You look so beautiful with the adorable little bump. I love the shirtdress on you! Please stop by my site at http://mamainheels.com/2013/04/08/giveaway-signature-henri-bracelet-seen-on-celebrities/ when you have some time. I'm giving away a signature bracelet seen on celebrities by Henri Lou.


  39. i think i would have that fear too that the baby would turn out to be a boy! i don't know, i guess you never know right? i mean they're just doctors haha!

  40. Yes it will be worth it! Pre-menopause hormones - NOT SO WORTH IT!!!LOL

  41. PERFECT for your belly! I need that top as well now!

  42. Aren't the 3D sonograms the best??? I am getting more excited for you by the day...and don't worry about the freak outs...it's normal and hormones!!

  43. Yay, so exciting! You are going to have the cutest little girl and I love your necklace!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  44. I have to be honest: those 3D baby pictures always freak me out a little. haha. Glad you're still having a girl :) Love the outfit!

  45. I'm crazy too. We can be crazy friends. :) love that dress. It's perfect with your bump. Oh man that 3d ultrasound is soooooo cute.

  46. You seriously look gorgeous! I totally understand the irrational. I went to Gymboree one day in June (my son was born in July) and begged them to get out their winter clothes from the back becaus I couldn't stand the thought of my son freezing in the dead of winter because I hadn't bought him any clothes. :)

  47. I have that dress too! It's perfect for a preggo belly but I love that it's not maternity :) You look darling. And I'm with you on the emotions...all the time! :)

  48. Congrats on your pregnancy! Plus you look totally chic in that outfit. Big fan of the necklace :)

    x Gi

  49. I think that would be pretty crazy if you got all used to expecting a baby of one gender and it came out and it was the other! I don't think my husband and I will want to try and find out the gender when we have kids. But who knows, we might change our mind. My parents thought I was going to be a boy (they didn't find out either way on ultrasound, they just thought all first-borns are probably boys) and when I was born,they were ready with the name Joshua, a baseball, and boy clothes!

  50. Crazy is the new cool! That red necklace adds a nice pop of color to your outfit. And trust me I have had that gender mistake thought many of times!!

  51. love love love the dress!

    xo brie


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