April 11, 2013

Real Community

dress: target   necklace: groopdealz   boots: dsw  

I read a lot about the blogging community and have loved others I've met and do feel like it has been and will continue to be a blessing.  BUT it cannot compare to real life community. 

I've been thinking a lot about the blessings that come from being in a community with others, as I have been feeling very blessed and encouraged lately by those who have prayed for us the last two years and are already in love with our daughter. It made me so grateful that I was in a relationship with so many others, whether my small group, my girls' night group or friends at school, throughout our whole struggle. 

There were a lot of times during those two years that I had a hard time being around others.  Each of my different social groups (church, school, friends) were all in the young kids, pregnant, baby phase and there were many times when it was a struggle to be around them, as it was a constant reminder of what I didn't have but so badly wanted.  

I remember a few times telling Chris I just wanted to move away and it just be the two of us, as that seemed easier.  For you it may not be a baby, but maybe others around you have a house you want, a job you're wishing for or a season free of life's trials.  Whatever it is, I think it's easy to want to be by yourself and distance yourself from others, as you feel like they have no idea what you are going through. Which is probably true.  But there is no way others can pray for you, encourage you and help if you don't let them in to what you are going through.  

This is not to say that I don't think it is wise and necessary to say no to things and take some breaks from things sometimes, as I did.  But I'm thankful that I had friends and family that were invested in praying for me and encouraging me, as I can't imagine going through life's struggles without real community.  And it makes going through life's joys even better!

I'm so thankful to be surrounded by real community during our struggles and to be continued to be surrounded by community during our celebrations.  



  1. It is very true that blogging community is a great support system, but a real life community is important too. You can definitely have many communities and each serve a positive purpose on your life, even if for different reasons.

    Sidenote: that outfit is adorable, and my totally non-pregnant self would wear it in a heartbeat :)

  2. I totally agree! While I hate being the only single girl left w/ all my friends married and parenting, I can't imagine not having family and friends to enjoy life with!!

  3. Thank you for writing this post. I need to definitely take your advice and let people "in." We are extremely private with the baby issue, but I know that we could use the prayers. Thank you!

  4. Great post!!

    & You are glowing girl!! I love this!! (:

  5. I agree! And I wish we had real life community at this point. With all the moving we basically are back to having no friends again, but I'm hoping through our church and small groups we can meet some people (:

  6. yayyy for all the joy in your life! My friends and family mean so much to me, I couldn't imagine going through life without them. They're always my rock and resting spot, and even my party people! Love the dress, you are just beaming!!

  7. Love this! It's so true, real life community is amazing isn't it??? PS, you look ADORABLE!


  8. I love this post! Sometimes I feel glad that Garrett and I are so far away from everyone when we are going through hard things, because it does feel like no one else understands. The majority of the time, though, I miss the community I would have back home!

  9. I love this authentic post! This is a fun hobby, but the reality is most of us won't ever meet each other. I've only been part of this blogging community for about 6 months, but even I that time I've see bloggers come and go, never to be heard from again; if we really knew the person, this wouldn't happen. Thanks for your honest words and for putting the blogging community in perspective.

  10. I completely agree! It is so much easier going through life knowing there are people who love, care and are praying for you. While no one else I know has a son like mine, I know they love him and pray for him (and me) often.

  11. You look so great pregnant! Your bump is little and adorable:)

  12. thanks for sharing usch awesome and inspirational words katie! its so true, when life gets hard you just want to crawl away. im so happy for you and your pregnancy! can't wait to see your beautiful baby girl :)

    The DayLee Journal

  13. Amen to that! The blogging community is wonderful. However, it isn't always physically possible for those who you have gotten to know and who care about you to be there for you. I am extremely grateful to those who are "physically" near me that support us each and every day. I am also thankful the the love and support of those who wish they could be, but cannot due to distance.

  14. Thank you for this post! I have been dealing a bit with this as we struggle with our own baby journey. There is definitely part of me that just wants to give up and start over somewhere else, because it is so hard to watch friend or coworker announce their pregnancies and move on to the next chapter in their lives...but I do know that real life community is important and I need to stay involved to stay positive and hopeful!

  15. Girrrrrllll.... You have nailed this topic.... When we were first married we lived in a couple really small apartments and then a three floor walk up condo.... I always felt like a fake family because we didn't have the big house and yard.... It took 7 years to buy our house and it isn't big but it's ours... It is sooooo true that you see others who don't have the trials and tribulations that you do... But they have others.... As hard as it is to not compare myself to others both in the blogging world and the " real" world I have to just keep up with myself.... I'm the measure of my success... It's hard to admit weakness to others but you're right... When you do... You find we're not so different....

  16. I agree so much! Real life community is desperately needed! I love blogging but it just doesn't compare. :-) I'm glad you've got your peeps to go through this journey with you! :-)

  17. love your blog

  18. So true! When we were first experiencing our infertility issues, we kept it to ourselves for a year, and that was so hard. As soon as we started sharing with others what was going on, it felt as though a weight was lifted from our shoulders. And it was so good to know that others were praying for us as well!

  19. How cute are you!? Totally agree- the blog life is great - but you have to have tangible relationships in your life!

    Pearls & Paws

  20. It's true, the blogging community is pretty great, but no one knows you like your friends and family in real life. You are definitely glowing! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  21. It is so great the you have such a good support system. Good friends and family are so important and so wonderful to have during times of struggle. And I am so glad they are all there to celebrate with you now! What a nice post. :)

  22. community is so important!! no matter what stage in your life, but especially now!! you are lucky to be loved by so many!

  23. Such a great post. I for one am the world's worst not to involve myself with a community of people in my real life. It's just easier to stay to myself. I definitely long for it sometimes!

  24. This is SO true. I can't agree more. I have to say that you are looking so cute with your little baby belly. I know you are so excited to meet your little girl.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  25. agreed. you're so beautiful!

  26. This is a beautiful post. I think it's important to remember the strength of the blogging community... sometimes everyone can get too caught up in the numbers and other stuff and forget the amazing benefits you can get out of it. Not to mention the need to let those close to you in your real life know what is going on and how they can help and support you.

  27. I'm glad your family and friends were there to support you during your difficult times and can now share in your joy!

    The Tiny Heart

  28. Agreed! LOVE this dress with the yellow! So cute. Happy weekend!

  29. I agree with you! I am very thankful for my friends and family who support me and what I do because truly without them I would be nowhere. Also, you look very lovely in that dress.


  30. You look great, I love the dress on you!
    And you´re definitely right that it is really important to have real friends around you!
    xx Katja

  31. I definitely agree its important to let people in to your life to be there for you and let them care about you. Four of my friends are engaged right now and getting married this summer and fall. Every time we are together all they talk about is wedding stuff. It's hard for me and I do get a little jealous, but I realize I'm not at that point in my life yet and that's okay. Love your outfit!! The dress and boots are so cute!!! You are so strong and so beautiful as a woman!! I'm so happy for you! :)


  32. You look so cute and radiant!! Love the contrast of color here!!
    BTW, following you on twitter:-) Stay n touch!!
    Have a wonderful day!
    PS. I am hosting an amazing giveaway on my blog, hope you would participate!
    Enter $40 giftcard giveaway by Lorraine Tyne

  33. Aww, what a cute post Katie! I am glad we connected through the blogging world!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  34. Cannot believe how far along you already are!!! ANd your outfits are just adorable, I have really dropped the ball these last few weeks as far as my maternity wardrobe, I am glad I stopped taking pictures because I am pretty sure if I had them to look back on I would be mortified. You, on the other hand, look AWESOME!! Love the blue dress w/the pop of yellow!

  35. Great post girl!! And super cute outfit!!


  36. I love that dress!
    I couldn't agree more. There is nothing that beats the real life community.

  37. Community is so incredibly important! Sometimes it seems easier to separate yourself than feel that pain, but I'm so glad you are on the other side of that now! Love your outfit!

  38. Well said! The blog community is fabulous but nothing beats those personal connections :) you look great! hope everything is going well!

  39. You are right I would rather be just husband & I to move. I would rather move towards other friends. I wish I could agree completely with the post bc in my situation there isn't a lot of people that is in my situation that are here in real life. So in some aspects you bet!
    I'm glad you are feeling loved!

  40. Beautiful post Katie. Because of my childhood past, I have struggled with "real" relationships since I was a teenager. I have found a lot of comfort in the blogging community though over the years, which is why I love reading blogs. However, as I continue to heal from the past I am developing an appetite for more "real" relationships. This isn't to say blogging is not "real", but obviously you know what I mean. Blogging is certainly wonderful in it's own way, but cheers to "real" community. :)

  41. What a sweet post :) It is definitely reassuring to know when people are praying for you, lifting you up in prayer, and praising God for the blessings that come your way. Community is such an integral part of life: so glad you have a great one!

  42. I completely understand and know what this feels like. It's still a daily battle to feel like I don't really belong here, because everyone around me has young kids or are having babies. But it's true...I don't know where I would be without this community around me that loves me so very much and prays for me and encourages me. Blogging friends are great, but there's something so different about the people you actually get to talk to on a regular basis and see in person often. Your story is such a blessing and encouragement to me! xoxo


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