May 6, 2013

A blogging interview and target love

I'm super excited to be blog swapping today with Lindsay from her blog Lee La La.  Lindsay's blogs was one of the blogs I read before I even had my own.  We thought it'd be fun to ask each other a few questions and share them on our blogs.  For my answers to her questions go check out her blog!  

I'm Lindsay. Life and style blogger, health enthusiast, and most importantly momma. If I don't know you already, it's so great to meet you.
I am so excited to swap spaces with Katie today for a little style q&a of sorts.

Katie: I take awhile to decide what to wear in the morning and can only imagine how that will change once a baby gets here! How much time to have to get ready in the morning?
Since becoming a momma, my morning routine is as simplistic as possible. Granted, I am blessed to work from home so I don't have to put too much into "dressing up" per say, but I still like to look put together. Maxi skirts, skinny jeans and a cute top, and accessories are gold. There are many week days when I will be seen in a fedora to avoid doing my hair...huge time saver. SO to answer your question, I say 30 minutes max.

Katie: How and did your style change once you became a mom?
My style hasn't changed too drastically since becoming a mom. I am all about age appropriate clothing but I didn't want to put myself in a box just because I was a mom. I think its important to take care of yourself after kids and still feel sexy and confident in your own skin. I may wear my shorts a little longer and save heels for special occasions, but other than that I am the same me I was before kids.

Katie: What is your go to outfit?
During the winter months (mind you I live in southern California where the seasons are mild), my go to outfit is skinny jeans, a tee, a cardigan, scarf, and some booties or combat boots. During the summer I am more opt to wear a maxi skirt with a tank, or a sundress and a fedora and some gladiator sandals.

Katie: How do you balance your time between blogging, being a mommy and everything else you do?
Time management and balance are my weak spots. I run two home based businesses and am a work from home single mom so I really have to be on purpose with my days. I usually save blogging for first thing in the morning and in the evenings after Landyn has gone to sleep, and I do my health coaching during the day when Landyn is in preschool or at nap time. I really struggle to find balance with all the social media channels that goes along with blogging, because it's easy to get consumed in it. I try my best to never let any of it take time away from my daughter. One thing that really helps me is at night before I go to bed, to plan my next day. I make a list of what I need to do in the day ahead and then categorize accordingly.

Katie: Do you ever worry or second guess about sharing your life on your blog?
When I first started blogging is October of 2009, I was super cautious about what I shared on the Internet. The more I grew into myself as a writer I noticed that my open and honest posts is what really appealed to my audience. You have no idea how many people you are impacting when you share your heart and put it out there for the world to see. I really did some self growth in the process because I was always the type of person that cared what others thought of me. Sharing my story with the world allowed me to let my guard down, be vulnerable, and embrace what makes me uniquely me. I try to be as transparent as possible on my blog.

Katie: What is your favorite thing about blogging?
There are so many aspects to blogging that bless me. Being able to journal my life in photos and words that I can revisit in later years and see growth, has to me the most rewarding. The blog world has opened my eyes to a community of women that inspire me every time I turn on my computer. I have met girls I would have never crossed paths with that have become fast friends. As individuals we are constantly growing into ourselves and I think this blog has really fine tuned what makes me tick. It's an outlet. A testament. A community.

Thank you so much for having me today. What a treat it is to be invited to Katie's space. I love meeting new friends so stop on by and say hello.  We thought it'd be fun to do a giveaway from one of our favorite places (and I'm sure yours too!).  Enter below for a chance to win a Target giftcard!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Leelala is on:


  1. Lindsay is the cutest!! love this post!


  2. What a fun feature to swap blogs! Enjoyed getting to know her. :)

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  3. she is so cute!! thanks for the introduction!

  4. I've been reading her forever as well and I'm still a huge fan! Love you both!

    Kristine -The Foley Fam {unedited}

  5. Normally, I just skim through these kinds of posts, but I LOVE your questions and Lindsay's answers (especially the one about not second-guessing things when blogging). There's so much truth in her response! :)

  6. Adore your pretty floral dress!

  7. She is so cute! Love all her looks!

  8. I love her style! Thank you for sharing!

  9. Between the two of you...I realize that I need to learn more about fashion. You both have amazing style and inspire me!


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