May 7, 2013

Dear Lauren,

tee, necklace and flip flops: old navy      pants: target

Besides my pants, everything I am wearing is from Old Navy.  I really wish I could find away for them to pay me to advertise their clothes.  

These pants are extremely comfortable but there is a major problem in that they have to tie under my belly and I felt like they were going to fall down all day long.  

Today is this sweet boy's 4th birthday.  I can't believe it was four years ago I heard his little cry on the phone right after he was born, and anxiously awaited until I could meet him a few weeks later.  I remember feeling like I couldn't imagine loving him any more, and I still feel the same way. 

You have done such an amazing job raising a tender, compassionate, smart and adorable little boy Lauren! I'm so thankful to have you as an example as I enter motherhood.  

Happy birthday to the sweetest, funniest and cutest little boy I know.  I love you more than you know Travis James!

Speaking of Travis, the other night he prayed "Thank you for the baby in Katie's belly and for the baby in Chris' belly.  We love their family."  

So while he really is smart, maybe you need to remind him only girls can have babies. 

I love you Lauren and am so happy I get to see you in a week.  



  1. You are so cute! I know I'm a few weeks ahead of you, but I feel like my belly looks like a blimp compared to yours! Lol!

  2. I hear ya on the old navy! They should sponsor my closet!!!lol!
    Happy birthday to the little guy!!

  3. That is too cute that he prayed for you!! Such a sweetie!

  4. Happy Birthday to sweet Travis!!

    I feel the same way about Old Navy....we should definitely get paid for giving them so much exposure!

  5. Aren't linen pants the best thing ever! I live in them on summer nights!

    Happy birthday little Travis!

  6. Hope the little cutie enjoyed his day.

  7. Those are your colors! The blue and red are so pretty on you! You're such a sweet aunt, happy birthday to the little guy!

  8. What a cute little guy - so sweet he is praying for you. I cracked up at the "fact" that you both have babies in your belly.

  9. He is so stinking cute! As for Old Navy, love it too, so much fun stuff at great prices :)

  10. Happy birthday Travis. What a sweetie. I love your belly. :) I'm the same with old navy!!

  11. Aw! He's such a cutie! Your belly is so cute!

  12. That blue and orange color combo is really great! What a sweet boy...I love the funny things kids say, especially when they are talking to God :)

  13. Aww, Happy Birthday to him and God bless the baby in your belly too!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  14. Aww, Happy Birthday to him and God bless the baby in your belly too!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  15. you know I'm with you on the nephew (niece) lovin'!! Wow. 30 weeks!! I say it every time, but I'm so excited for you guys!!! She'll be here in no time. Also, love your outfit Katie!

  16. Haha he'll learn the birds and the bees eventually ;) PS. I also giggle at the thought of your pants dropping...Great mental picture!

  17. Those pants look COMF!
    What a sweet little boy with the sweetest (and funniest) little prayer. :)

  18. Awww, how cute was your nephew's prayer? They say the funniest things at that age. I feel the same way about being paid by a lot of the craft stores. I swear these retailers owe their lives to bloggers!!

  19. Such a cute prayer!! And your outfit looks super comfy and cute (my favorite combo!). :)

  20. Your just too cute! I love those pants. Oh and your hair looks fabulous :)

  21. You look so cute. I love the pants. They look super comfy! And I am glad they didn't fall down! Happy Birthday to Travis! :)

  22. haha that so sweet! and I love you in blue, so pretty!

  23. Oh I wish ON would pay me too! Or least give me free clothes :) Happy birthday to Travis!

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  24. Cute! Love those white pants on you, and your hair looks great :)

  25. Aw happy birthday Travis! And you, my friend, are looking fabulous!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  26. I wish ON would pay me to advertise their clothing too. I feel like that's all I have bought lately. Surely they must have some sort of loyalty program for us!

    What a sweet nephew you have! Love his prayer.

  27. umm wow!! i can't believe how far along you are already!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  28. Yay for old navy! And 10 weeks to go! Whooooo hoooooo!


  29. He is SO adorable!!! I love his little prayer! :-)

  30. you are almost there miss cant wait to meet your little bundle!


  31. Yep, I wish Forever 21 could pay me for all the props I give them!! LOL! Maybe one day we will both be rich!! :) And that is the cutest prayer EVER!!! Sweet boy!!!

  32. I'm loving the color combo of your tee and necklace!

  33. 1. Gorgeous hair! 2. Look at that growing baby bump! Love it! 3. Seriously, we should be friends! Target and ON are my two go-to stores! Would love to spend a day shopping with you, we could even try thrifting! ;-)

  34. It's so crazy to watch people's bellies get bigger and bigger. It's almost time! P.S. I prayed for your mom last night.

  35. Just a couple of months left. You look so cute. Love the Sea Blue on you. Happy BDay to that sweet little boy!

  36. I love your new hair do! It looks really great.

  37. I think I have those same pants!! From Target YEARS ago! Anyhow I wore them like crazy when I was pregnant with PFB a couple years ago. I thought they were great summer "maternity" pants

  38. I so agree with the old navy comment. I'm pretty sure I wear something from there every day. And your nephew is so adorable!


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