May 8, 2013

DIY Flower Lamp Shade

I am so happy to have finished this project, as it took quite awhile! It's one of those projects that you don't know if you would've started if you knew how long it took.  BUT I am so glad I did because I love it.  

I saw this pin on pinterest but there wasn't a tutorial attached to it, so I made my own.  Really easy directions, just time consuming! 

I found this lamp shade at Hobby Lobby and it was awesome because it has this paper on the outside that you peel off and the shade is sticky.  It's meant for you to put fabric around it, but worked really well because the flowers just stuck right on.  And it was only $4 (with a 40% off coupon).  

I probably used about 2 yards of fabric.  I always underestimate fabric and had to go back and get some more!   A friend gave me the base, as she wasn't using it anymore.  

First cut thin strips off fabric, about an inch thick.  They should be different lengths, as you are going to need different sided flowers to fit in your different spots.  I would just cut a few stripes at a time to see what size I wanted next.  

Take one strip and make your flower.  Start twisting the fabric, almost in a little ball and then twist and turn it around a few times.  Use your glue gun to glue in place.

Keep on twisting your fabric around the flower and glue every once in awhile.  Since the whole flower was going to be glued or stuck on the shade,, I didn't glue all too many times.

At the end glue the extra little fabric to the back.

Stick or glue onto your lamp shade.  I only made a flower or two at a time and then stuck them on as I went.  That way I could know what size flower I needed.  

And keep going for many many more hours!  All while you watch some good tv like Sister Wives or The Real World.  Quality reality tv makes it go faster. :)  

I LOVE how it turned out and despite the time, am glad I made it!


Linking up to: Saw it, Pinned It


  1. very cute thanks for tutorial I want to make my own! :)

  2. So worth the time it took looks fantastic! Love that color too!!!

  3. That came out SO well! You are so crafty!! Your little girl is going to have the prettiest room :)

  4. Beautiful! You did such a great job. Lyla has to have one of these for her room one day :)

  5. SOOOO Cute!!! I love it! Definitely worth the time it took! :)

  6. Great job!!! It's so cute. I can't wait to see your nursery!!! Good luck to your Mom. Thinking of you!

  7. Love it -- but pretty sure I would not have the patience to actually make it! :-) Also, love the canvas ultrasound pic!

  8. That was definitely worth the time! It looks beautiful!!


  9. Love how it turned out!! And easier than I thought!!
    Thinking of you and your mom tomorrow!!!

  10. I love it! It is so pretty and different and will be even more special to look at since you know you made it for your daughter!

  11. What an adorable lamp!
    I made similar rosettes for Valentine's Kissing Balls, and they turned out super cute. But, you're right, the flowers are very time consuming.

  12. Very cute! I think it's fun to have things around your house that you've made with your own two hands. Definitely makes your space YOURS, you know? :)

  13. SO Stinkin' cute!!! You did a great job!!!

  14. So cute! If I ever have a girl I'll definitely will be doing this for her nursery! You're little lady is so lucky with such a creative mama!

  15. What a CUTE DIY looks so pretty!

    The Other Side of Gray

  16. So cute Katie!!! Your little girls room is going to be so beautiful!!

  17. I adore this! and i love the color you chose!

  18. Cute! I've made a few wreaths like that and yes, it does take forever. But the end result is totally worth it :)

  19. Ah! You finally put it up! I love it!!!

  20. I loveeeeeeee this, it's adorable!


  21. That's super cute!!! I love! Also, I'm totally a fan of Sister Wives. My hubby just doesn't get it. ;-)

  22. Oh so cute and clever! Such an adorable lampshade!

  23. this is ridiculously cute!!! i want it!!


  24. Great job girl! This looks fantastic!

  25. It turned out so good! Love!

  26. What a work of love. You are going to make one terrific mom Katie!!

  27. I know rolling those flowers is really a labor of love but it turned out so pretty! That minty color is delicious!

  28. Love the lamp shade! I want to make one for my daughters room!!


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