May 14, 2013

Eight Years

shirt: target clearance ($4)   skirt: target    bracelet: made by me

(It's a lucky coincidence I'm wearing a shirt that says love on it for today's post!)

Today Chris and I celebrate our eight year anniversary.  Over 13 years of being together.  Some days I feel like I can't believe it's been eight years and then others I can't imagine not being married. 
I don't too often write whole posts about Chris and am feeling slightly guilty that when I do they often include his annoying habits.  But the truth is I fully believe that I am one of the luckiest woman in the world to be blessed with such an amazing husband.  
One of my favorite things about Chris is that I never doubt that he loves me.  He not only tells me all the time, but I know it's so clear to others that he loves me.  There's been so many times I've met someone he worked with or a friend who tells me right away how much Chris loves and talks about me.  
Another one of my favorite things is Chris' ability to communicate.   I appreciate that he always wants work out any issues we have and talk about anything important to me, little or big.  He's always been able to communicate his feelings, which means he's shared tears with me during our struggles, as well as tears during our joys too.  
We have both changed quite a bit since we've been married and I am so proud of the man that he has become.  I couldn't be more excited to watch him become a dad in two months.  I'm so thankful for the last eight years of marriage that we've had to work on our relationship with just the two of us, and am beyond excited and ready for this next phase of life together!  


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! I think it is the sweetest that you hear from his co-workers/friends how much he cares about you. He is a good man to be strong enough to share his love for you w/ the world. Love that.

  2. happy happy anniversary my dear! How exciting! I cannot believe that you've been together for 13 years!!

  3. happy anniversary! how sweet! I'm sure Chris will be a great dad. I fell in love with my Chris all over again and in a deeper way watching him become a daddy and love his little girls :)

  4. Happy anniversary!!! Chris sounds like an amazing husband i love all the pictures of you two. Wishing you many happy years to come!


  5. Love the "love" outfit and love the trip down memory lane in your pictures! Your wedding pictures are beautiful and Happy Happy Anniversary!!!

  6. How sweet!!! Happy Anniversary! You have a beautiful family (including the baby growing inside!)

  7. Love the outfit, and LOVE even MORE you and Chris.
    You two are simply adorable!!!

  8. Happy Anniversary!
    You're looking so pretty, mama :)

  9. Happy Anniversary!! Man, 8 years sounds like almost forever. My husband and I have been together just over 3 years and it feels like forever!

  10. Such a sweet post :)
    Happy Anniversary to both of y'all!

    And I so wish I could wear maxi look great!


  11. What a sweet post! Happy anniversary, Katie!

    The Tiny Heart
    Target Giveaway!

  12. Happy 8 years Katie! Cheers to 100 more! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  13. you guys are abslutely adorable!! happy anniversary!!

  14. Congrats Katie! I love that you and Chris have such a good marriage. Your baby is SO lucky to come into the world to parents who have a great marriage. Happy 8th anniversary!

  15. Happy Anniversary you two. This 8th year the best by far cause it is bringing you a lovely baby girl. In June, Hubby & I celebrate 8 years of Wedded Bliss.

  16. This is adorable and you guys are the cutest! Happy anniversary.


  17. You guys are the cutest - love that first photo! Happy Anniversary...hope it's filled with love :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  18. awwwwww happy anniversary! i love his note to you with the flowers ;)

  19. happy anniversary!
    eight years, that is so awesome!


  20. Happy anniversary, dear! It's so wonderful to be blessed with an amazing husband! I love the picture you recreated! :-)

  21. Happy Anniversary!


  22. happy Anniversary! You and Chris have so much to celebrate!!! xoxo

  23. 1st of all, Happy Anniversary! I just love this post! It makes me so happy to see other couples making their marriage not only survive, but thrive! And I love your outfit! I think I need a gray maxi skirt!

  24. Congrats and happy anniversary!! Here's to many more years together!

  25. i love this. <3 happy anniversary!!!!

  26. Such a sweet post! We happen to have the same anniversary, but we're just 6 years behind you guys. :) Happy anniversary!

    Jess - J's Style

  27. Happy Anniversary!

  28. Happy Anniversary. Omg this was too sweet. I hope to have a love like yours someday.


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