May 12, 2013


jacket: kohls      top: forever 21   jeans: ross maternity   flats: rue 21

These last few days have been quite emotional for me as I've watched my mom go through heart surgery and recovery, and seeing my dad stay right by her worried, taking care of her.  I've been emotional thinking about last Mother's Day and the fear and emotions that came with longing to be able to celebrate and then the reality and overwhelming joy that this Mother's Day I can celebrate.   

I looked at my calendar the other week and had May 9th circled.  I hadn't thought too much about that date since becoming pregnant, but know that date would have been often in my mind if I wasn't having this baby.  May 9th would have been our baby's due date if I hadn't had an early miscarriage in August. 
I think about last Mother's Day or the weeks around last August and while I trusted that God had a plan, I had no idea why he was making us wait.  

As we prepare for this baby I've had glimpses of this timing being perfect.  I know we would've figured it out, but I can't imagine if I was having a baby this weekend, the same weekend my mom was having open heart surgery.  I think about Chris' business and how he wouldn't have started it if we had a baby a year ago.  

During our struggles and pain I know I had hope that one day I would understand God's plan and why he chose this path for us, and I think I am seeing glimpses of it with the timing of things and the lessons I've learned and the person I've become.  With that being said, I've also realized that I may never fully understand why God allowed us to go through that period of pain and suffering.  I just have to trust that He knows exactly what He is doing and have faith that His plan is so much more perfect than mine. 

I feel like these small glimpses are God's way of saying to me "I knew exactly what I was doing.  Continue to trust that I will give you what you need not a day early or a day late."  



  1. Beautiful! speaks to my heart on so many measures.

  2. Isn't that such a beautiful promise? He always has a plan for us, even if we don't get it. It's exactly like you said, God is saying He knows what He's doing! I was so glad to hear your mom's surgery went well! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Beautifully said. I was just thinking the same thing the other day. I will never know why God let me have 2 miscarriages before my July due date baby was in his perfect timing but I do hold on to the face that it all is in his perfect timing.

  4. So true...His timing is perfect! It's so wonderful that you can look back and understand, at least partially, the why and the waiting.

  5. Bless your precious heart. God's timing is so amazing. Glad to hear an update about your mom!

  6. Praying your mom has a speedy full recovery - and you have a wonderful pregnancy.

  7. I love that you not only caught "glimpse" of God in action; you seem to have caught a whole snapshot!

    I hope your mom heals quickly!

  8. Beautifully said. Praying for you, and your dear mom.

  9. Happy Mother's Day:) It's hard to let go of loss and trust that something good with come out of it... but there always does seem to be some good around every bad corner. Can't wait to see this sweet little babe of yours!

  10. Amen friend. Beautifully written. God sees so much more of the picture than we do! Happy Mother's day to you! :)

  11. Ugh. I needed this today. Our baby was due mid-May, and of course, today is Mother's Day. Thanks for the reminder that He is in control and His timing is perfect, even if we don't know all the answers and the details.

  12. Many tears while reading this. Knowing that God has a plan while we are in the throes of all this is the only reason I am getting through our crazy time of unknowns.

  13. You are so eloquent in your speaking about pains past and present... Hindsight is so 20/20 and yet while your in it all the roads are winding and the light is blinding.... Your passages help reminds self that God's plan is His plan and His plan is perfect....

  14. You are so eloquent in your speaking about pains past and present... Hindsight is so 20/20 and yet while your in it all the roads are winding and the light is blinding.... Your passages help reminds self that God's plan is His plan and His plan is perfect....

  15. This post is beautiful. I hope your mom has a fast as possible recovery!

  16. So beautiful Katie, I agree so much with you, Gods timing really is perfect!
    Hope your mom recovers quickly!

  17. I love the way you said that...and it helps me have faith that things do happen for a reason :) Hope your mom is doing OK Katie, and I'm loving that lacy top - so pretty!

    The Other Side of Gray

  18. God definitely does have a plan. Sometimes we don't understand or can't imagine how, especially when we're going through a tough time. But then as things fall into place, we see that it was meant to be from the start. :) I hope your mom is recovering well. xoxo

  19. My prayers for your mom to recover soon. Take care of yourself too dear! :)
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  20. I hope your mom feels well soon. And next year around this time you will be celebrating Mothers' Day, Beautiful soon-to-be-Mommy Katie. =)

  21. i can only imagine the emotions you are feeling: both with your family and mom and now becoming one. thinking of you!

  22. Hope your mom is doing well following her surgery. This is a great reminder that everything happens for a reason!

    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  23. I so sorry to hear about your first miscarriage. I can't even imagine the pain of that. I'm with you on not understanding Gods plan all the time, but agree that it's always perfect, even if it takes a long time down the road to look back and realize it.

  24. Beautifully written Katie! I constantly need this's so easy to just look at the present moment rather than the big picture. It's just so hard when we dont' know what the future holds. I'm so glad to hear that your mom is continuing to recover and that your pregnancy is going well!

  25. Aw hun thank you for sharing something so personal with your readers. I hope your mom's surgery went well. You look glowing and I can tell you are going to be a wonderful mother. x, kat

    Love and Ace

  26. Things really do work out for the best, don't they. Hope your mom is recovering well.

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  27. Gods timing sure is amazing, isn't it? It always makes sense in hindsight!

    Hope your mom is resting and doing well!


  28. Amen, He has a plan for all of's just all in His timing. Thank you for sharing so much about your life and struggles with us...and now this new chapter of becoming a mommy soon!!! Hope you Mom is recovering....sending love and prayers her way!

  29. God is so good! Even though we can't always see it, he most definitely has amazing plans for each and every one of our lives!

  30. I love this. And I feel like I'm trying to see his plan too in my life right now. So glad you could celebrate Mother's Day this year, friend!

  31. such a inspirational post. Thank you for being real and truthful on your blog. Happy mothers day, and I hope that I will have a similar store to you next year! :)


  32. I like so much what you did here.

  33. Katie, that was so beautifully written.
    I hope Mother's Day brought your family some smiles and lots of joy.

  34. Such a sweet post. I love that you never gave up and continued to be faithful! It truly does happen on God's time, and it couldn't be more perfect.

  35. My heat goes out to you & your family. This is such a sweet post, thank you for opening up! My prayers are with your mommy my sweet friend!


  36. Oh I love this post. It is so hard to understand God's timing. I struggle w/ this on a daily basis. I always wonder why I haven't met "the one" yet and where my path will lead. You are so right that the timing for your baby is just right. Can you imagine having a baby while your mom was having heart surgery? That would have been so difficult. So glad for you that the timing is just right and makes sense now. I hope someday the timing will all make sense to me too!! :)

  37. So true! Even though we may not see it right away sometimes things happen for a reason!

  38. Thank you so much for this post. It has been on my heart a lot and really encouraged me as am currently in a time of waiting and not understanding why. I linked to your blog here this morning I hope you don't mind. Thanks so much for being brave and sharing.

  39. Awww, you look so cute!

  40. Love that lace top!



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