May 16, 2013

Happy Hour

tee: old navy    jeans: ross maternity    vest: loft

I know I've written a similar post before, but here's yet another example that Chris and I may as well be in our sixties. 

When we went away to Wisconsin a few weekends ago we looked up restaurants that had happy hours.  I think for a normal couple in their late 20's, early 30's this would be a happy hour that started around 9 or 10 o'clock. 

Not for us though.  We went to a 4 - 6 happy hour and were the first to arrive.  Slightly embarrassing, we were followed by couple after couple in their sixties at the youngest.  


There were even two oxygen tanks attending.  We definitely had anyone beat by at least thirty years. 

At least the fact that we like to be home early, eat early and avoid those young, rowdy crowds will only prepare us more for our baby.  Speaking of baby preparation, rather than going to Friday night happy hour we will be going to a childbirth class.  They told us to bring pillows and blankets and I fear having to mimic labor positions and laughing awkwardly as if I'm too immature to birth a baby.   Hopefully it doesn't scare me too much either.  

Hope you have a good weekend!



  1. Haha! That's so great!! I like eating early and missing the crowds too! Plus then, you have the rest of the night to do things. I'm anxious to hear how that birthing class goes. Is it just like what you see in movies? Haha! You look gorgeous! I love the green with the belt! So cute!!

  2. Yes, get used to the early hours! LOL You look adorable.

  3. Thank you for this post!!! My hubby and I are the exact same way! I love eating super early so we can get home early and just relax! And this may be my favorite outfit so far!

  4. I always do the early happy hour!

  5. Those pictures in the restaurant are hysterical! And another great hair day! You look adorable.

  6. HAHA you guys are the cutest :)

  7. Stop being such a cute pregnant person. You're setting the bar too high for the rest of us! haha. You're still rockin' that haircut, lady!

  8. This green is such a great color on you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  9. So funny about eating with the old folks:) loving your hair and this green is great on you!

  10. Love your outfit!!! Sooo cute!!!

    I hate loud crowds! Actually I also hate crowds! Lol! So early happy hour would be great!!!

  11. Another reason we would be friends and hang out in real life! We are "old" too and I'm not ashamed! :) Another adorable outfit!

  12. My husband and I are the same way! Happy hour at 9PM? No way, I'm in my pjs by then! :)

  13. You look so adorable! Nothing wrong with getting an early start to dinner ;)

  14. hahaha! Tyler and I were just talking last night about how we aren't the typical 23 year olds... for instance, we've never had a drink & we drive around at night looking for garbage. :)
    you look great in this picture!!

    and the birthing comment... that made me laugh :) HA!

  15. One of my favorite pregnancy outfits to date.
    Love your new hair.

    And my boyfriend and I are the same way, going out is so not worth it!

  16. This is totally me and Nate too. We're in bed by 10:30 even on weekends typically. Early happy hours are the best! Good luck with your birthing class. I'm right there with you with the giggling like an immature schoolgirl. I'm afraid Nate and I will be kicked out of our class someday because it appears as though we're not taking it seriously enough.

  17. You look amazing!

    If you get a sec, check out me latest post 'Mon Chérie'. My latest craze is french sayings on sweaters.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. You look great! Hope you get a lot out of birthing class! I'm sure it'll be reassuring and have tons of information! I've heard going to those are extremely helpful, so even if there are a few awkward moments, you'll be really happy you went!

  19. You look great! Love your maternity outfits, they have really inspired me... might have to head to Ross for some jeans!

  20. I laughed just imagining you laughing during the childbirth class. I feel I would act the same way. Hope it goes well!!

  21. Oh michael and I do the same thing! haha love it!

  22. Ha! We are early birds too! Can't wait to hear how the class goes!


  23. You look beautiful with that green top belted!


  24. this is the best. when we eat dinner at our house before 5:30 we call it nursing home time. lol.

    have fun at your class.

    you look great btw. i can't believe you only have a handful of weeks to go!!?

  25. Funny- if I was looking for happy hour it would be early too, between 3-5pm. I also prefer to eat early and bet the rush. It's not just from having a child either- I was like that BC!

    I love this outfit! The green is so fun. Your hair looks great- you have definitely mastered the curling iron.

    I really enjoyed our child birth classes. They were smaller though- only 3 couples. We actually regularly get together with the other couples and babies. We learned lots at the classes, especially J.

  26. You look adorable! Love the green on you and the vest is just so cute!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  27. Great post! I love an early happy hour as well!

  28. Oh shoot, come to Portland - we do happy hour here like no one's business! And it's practically only the 20-30's crowd that's there!

  29. Girl! Your hair looks PHENOMENAL!!! :) love it! :)

  30. you look amazing dear!


  31. You have to be one of the cutest prego women EVER!

  32. Man, I'm 21 and we always shoot for the 4-6 happy hour. It feels like I'm a teenager if we're hitting up the late night deals at Applebees. And going to a drive-in movie? We don't get home till 2 in the morning, but I can guarantee I've been asleep since midnight!

  33. Nate and I ALWAYS say that we are senior citizens... we eat dinner at like 5:30!

  34. You look so beautiful!

    My husband and I recently went on a holiday and were the youngest people on the plane to our island destination by 30 years (at least!). So I can totally relate.

  35. I love this outfit on you, your bump looks so darling! I laughed so hard at the oxygen tanks comment. So funny! G and I like to be in early too!

  36. We went to TGIFridays in South Dakota and happy hour started at 9. We each had one cheap drink with dinner and were out of there by 9:45. We totally missed the point.

    Happy weekend!

  37. You look fabulous! I love your belt - it totally accentuates your cute belly!

  38. Look at you cute mama in those chic wedges! I tend toward the senior citizen lifestyle too :) Loved seeing your birthing class success on Instagram!

  39. Katie you look great! And my husband likes to eat early too.. he keeps saying he's getting old.. and he turns 30 after me!

  40. Beautiful proposal ! so cute l
    I'm following you now !


  41. Haha so funny but so true, you know you are getting older when you are actually bothered by loud young crowds...the novelty of wooting frat boys and screetchy girls has worn off huh.

    Ali of

    Dressing Ken

  42. Hahaha I love the mention of the oxygen tanks in attendance! Too funny!

  43. Hahaha!! I love happy hours. Getting home at a decent hour is key. Nothing old about it, just smart ;)

    You look SO good!

  44. ahhh this is so cute!! i LOVE that color on you, and the espadrilles with it. i emailed you today!! hope to hear from you soon :)

    xoxo linds
    my style blog :: Ruby Girl


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