May 30, 2013

High Five for Friday

jeggings: Walmart    tee: old navy    wedges: shoe carnival     necklace: caroline g

1.  I am starting to feel limited in what I can wear and what is comfortable and am starting to wear the same pieces over and over like this jeggings from Walmart.  $10 was definitely money well spent!

2.  My class threw me a surprise baby shower this week.  It was wonderful!  One of the mom's made a little scrapbook/photo album and had the kids write advice for me.  I'll have to share some of them in another post next week!  

3.  As a thank you to my parent volunteers this year I made this popcorn.  I've seen many recipes like this on pinterest but managed to make it even easier than those. 

Pop two bags of popcorn and take out any kernels.  Melt one package of white almond bark and pour over popcorn.  Mix it all up.  Add a bag of M&M's.  Spread out on wax paper, pour sprinkles over it and let it hardened before breaking it up.  

It made plenty for these three bags and left me with lots to eat myself! 

4.  I am so excited because Chris and I recently found and booked our newborn photographer.  I get beyond excited when I think of all the adorable pictures she is going to take of our baby girl!  And I can't wait to use those pictures to send out baby announcements.  I love finding websites that have really simple and easy to edit cards like Signazon.  This is one of my favorite birth announcements.  

5.  Speaking of cards, I have been writing a few thank you notes already but have yet to have my main baby shower and know I will be writing a lot more! I found this cute baby shower card that I was able edit to say thank you.   I think it will be perfect for sending thank you notes after my shower!

Happy Friday! I hope you have a great weekend!



  1. That popcorn looks really yummy for my tummy.

  2. That's so sweet that your class threw you a surprise party! :-)

    Also, that popcorn looks amazing! That's going to have to be made this weekend. :-)

  3. Aww, so sweet that they threw you a surprise party! I love it! :) Also your Pinterest inspired DIY is super cute!

  4. How fun about the surprise shower! I bet their advise was so fun to read!

  5. The popcorn looks so yummy! I can't wait to read all the different types of advice you got! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  6. I love that birth announcement! I only did one with my just wasn't a popular thing to do when my girls were born. Weird how there are trends where having babies are concerned. Also, with each one we had photos taken by the hospital photographer. This is not something I recommend! Can't wait to see your baby's precious face!!

  7. Awww that's so nice that they threw you a surprise shower! And that's great about the photographer - I'm already getting excited to see pics!

  8. I may need to make that popcorn for me. So cute your class had a shower! :) You are looking awesome. Love the top.

  9. I'm jealous that you found the jeggings in black! I've looked at every Walmart I come across : (

  10. That popcorn looks so good! Pinning immediately. That was so sweet of your students to throw you a shower!

  11. That popcorn looks delicious! Where do you find white almond bark? I've never even heard of it!

    Exploring My Style

  12. Aw! Your class is so cute! That surprise shower was such an adorable idea! And that popcorn! Mmmm!

  13. You are so adorable! And that popcorn literally is making me drool. Yum!
    Isn’t That Charming.

  14. Love that bobble necklace!
    I wore the heck out of my leggings, especially in my last trimeter - it's all about comfort. :)
    I cannot wait to hear what those little ones had to say regarding their advice. I'm sure there are plenty of laughs waiting in that little book!

  15. That popcorn looks YUMMY! I made some for the 4th of July a couple of years ago... deelish!

  16. Well you still look cute even rocking your Walmart jeggings. I'm impressed you still wear wedges! Love your popcorn idea for volunteers. I'll have to remember that for next year! Today is my LAST day. Such a bittersweet day.

  17. Hi there! I am a new follower from H54F link up!! I recently had a baby girl and made my baby announcements on Shutterfly. SUPER CUTE. Be sure to stop by and check them out :)

  18. Awww sooo sweet that they had you a little surprise baby shower!!

  19. How sweet that they threw you a shower! That popcorn looks delicious! Have a great weekend, Katie :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Bracelet Giveaway!

  20. oooh that popcorn, my favorite snack ever!

  21. That popcorn looks delicious!! Love your outfit!!

  22. love you look and you popcorn idea..cute!

  23. Nothing wrong with wearing the same comfortable piece over and over again! I've been doing the same thing.

    The popcorn looks so good!

    Cute cards! Good for you for figuring out your announcements now. I had my list and labels together but didn't decide on the actual card until after the pictures were taken.

  24. So fun that threw you a shower!! And that popcorn/m&m mix looks amazing! Great green bubble pop with that striped top...I am striped obsessed this season :) Happy Friday!!!

  25. You look SO BEAUTIFUL girly girl!!! Can't wait for you to pop. Hehe.

  26. Wow a surprise baby shower, that is so incredibly sweet. I think you look beautiful,stripes are always a great choice especially with an amazing necklace.

  27. I feel ya in feeling limited with look great, though! In normal life I am kinda against wearing leggings as pants, but now that I am pregnant, look out. every day all day.

  28. I love that tee! And I want some of that popcorn! My kids and I made some similar at Christmas!

  29. I totally love the popcorn gift idea for the mom volunteers!! Thanks for sharing! And btw you make an adorable pregnant mama!

  30. chocolate covered popcorn looks delicious !!!


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