May 26, 2013

I want . . .

dress: c/o pinkblush maternity  

this dress to last me through pregnancy. Here's the dress at 20 weeks and 32 weeks. 

to be on dancing with the stars and I want to be Derek's partner.
to eat brown cinnamon sugar pop tarts all the time and I want them to be healthy. 

to read some baby/parenting books as soon as school gets out.  Any suggestions from you moms out there?
(I do own Happiest Baby on the Block already) 

you to meet these two ladies:

Destini from The Healthy Wife.

Destini is a Canadian newlywed who loves blogging about delicious recipes like this egg frittata or cold ninja juice.  Not only does she blog about recipes, but recently started Fitness Friday Check-ins where she checks in with how her workouts and week has been going.  Being a wanna be photographer, as she says, makes her blog even more appealing with her great pictures!

Next is Sara from Social Sara.

Sara's blog is a mix of everything, which I think top my lists of favorite kinds of blogs, as she writes a little about fashion, food, travel and home decor.  My favorite kind of posts though, are ones where I get a glimpse into other's lives and I loved reading about Sara's anniversary and what she's learned from six years of marriage.  Sara is a sweet Southern girl that you will love! 

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Happy Memorial Day!



  1. Brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts are sooooo good! Love that dress!

  2. You look amazing. And yes, pop tarts should be considered a healthy food! YUM!!!

  3. When I was pregnant I ate pop tarts EVERY day...haha so yummy!! love that dress :)

  4. Gosh Pop Tarts are one of my weaknesses...the cherry frosted are heavenly!

  5. That dress is SO cute! Love how you curled your hair in the 32 week photo! And DWTS is fabulous, although I didn't watch this season for some reason. I follow Derek on Instagram (lame?) so I kept up with him that way. I would be his partner or Mark's... they always win! Have a great week!

  6. Love that your still curling your hair..looks just beautiful! I checked out the healthy wife blog too...good call on the yummy recipes! Can't wait to check them all out. Have such a wonderful Memorial Day sweet friend!

  7. Me too! I want to be on dancing with the stars!! Derek is my favorite :)

  8. That dress is awesome on you, and it looks just as cute at 32 weeks!!!


  9. i love the difference in the background of the first two photos :) Brown and then bright green :)

  10. love the dress. you look so lovely!!
    and i love those brown sugar pop tarts. i really like the hot fudge ones!! ha.

  11. Love that dress! Love DWTS! Now I need to go buy some Pop Tarts! I say read books about different parenting techniques and pick and choose what feels right to you and Chris for your family. We loosely followed the Baby Wise approach, establishing a routine with our babies, but didn't agree with making a newborn cry it out. I would also suggest reading about and/or taking a class on breastfeeding!

  12. Love that maxi!!


  13. That dress is so cute! And haha I wish pop tars were healthy too.


  14. 1.That dress is beautiful, and you look awesome in it!
    2. Pop Tarts are my fave, just found a store here in Holland that sells them, yay!!
    3. We loved 'the baby book' by dr. Sears, it's like our bible :) It covers almost everything you need to know about babies. Get it!

  15. Hello my dear!
    So nice dress!
    You re so cute!
    have a lovely day!

  16. We also loosely followed Babywise. Our kiddos slept thru the night by 12 weeks. I also liked Your Baby's First Year Week by Week.

  17. Love the dress on you!! My husband looooves those Pop-Tarts!!

  18. That dress is gorgeous on you! Those pop tarts look SO yummy, I have to try them!

    The Tiny Heart
    Group Giveaway!

  19. I love brown sugar cinnamon pop-tarts! I haven't had them in so long, but they sound really good right about now! I also love your dress! (: have a great day!

  20. that is a great color on your, love it!

    and i think i survived on those poptarts in college! so good. :)

  21. I watched 1 episode of DWTS this season...but I'm glad they won. You should try to get on and be Derek's partner :-) That'd be awesome. I'd vote for you!

  22. I love that dress! I'm sure it will fit till the end of your pregnancy.

    I've never tried those pop tarts and I'm afraid to since I will probably want to eat them all day long!

  23. if your into sleep training 12 hours sleep by 12 weeks is great!!!

    and deceptively delicious is a book about sneaking veggies into food .lol. just in case you get a picky eater. I still use tons of these recipes and my kids don't even know they are eating healthy stuff :)

    now i am going to stalk your readers comments to see what good books they offered up :)

  24. I am obsessed with that dress! So cute :)

  25. Baby 411 is one of the best practical baby books out there. It was cowritten by a pediatrician and was totally my guide book to everything baby. I definitely recommend it to every new mom out there. Baby wise does have some good info but is not generally like by pediatricians because it recommends scheduled feeding too early and often leads to infants not gaining weight like they should. It is worth reading but be sure to talk to your baby's doc about when to put her on a schedule. We did at about 5 weeks and by 6 weeks he was sleeping through the night (6 hours at a stretch). I've read and love Dr. Dobson's Bringing up Boys and I believe there is a Bringing up Girls now too (although I haven't read it personally I have found his books to be on the money parenting wise.)

  26. ahh i've been eating pop tarts like crazy! never really before! weird! Also I got some baby books referred that i haven't read yet.. Naptimes the New Happy Hour, and Sippycups aren't for Chardonnay


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