June 11, 2013

Advice from eight year olds

sweater: old navy $6    skirt: target $10 
(both are recent purchases)

I think it's no surprise that people like to give pregnancy advice and think that when you're talking to a pregnant woman there aren't many rules of what you can and can't say.  Thankfully I haven't had many strange or awkward conversations since being pregnant. 

 The majority of the advice and questions I've been asked have come from my third graders, with the best being this story about breastfeeding.  

My class threw me a little surprise baby shower at the end of the year and one of the moms had the students write down advice for me.  It was so cute and quite funny.  Here are a few of their wise words: 

Always wear a gas mask when you change her diaper. 

Don't let your baby eat big pieces of food.  

Let your baby sleep a lot during the day and night.  If they don't sleep enough then they baby won't grow and be strong and taller. 

Put a clothespin on your nose when you change her. 

Give her lots of love. 

Don't let your baby eat food off the ground or it may find a magnet to eat.  

Don't leave the baby alone with markers.  And make sure that if you let her color you watch her at all times.  

and this one is probably my favorite:

Buy some pretty lights.  Babies like shiny or colorful things that gleam or sparkle.  
P.S. I have two baby cousins and they are difficult. 

Some of them are pretty good, right? She put it in a little photo album/scrapbook and I can't wait to read it to my daughter someday! 

I shared this last week and apologize ahead of time because I will probably share it again next week! I've never entered a "fashion" contest before but feel like this one it right up my alley, as it's about finding a good deal.  I had a hard time choosing which outfit to enter and decided on this $5 dress I found from old navy.  

If you have a second please vote for me! It's really easy as all you have to do is click on the love it button here! Thank you so much!!!



  1. Voted! I love that dress, and you can't beat $5...I found a maxi skirt (lime green...so excited) for only $7 today!

  2. I voted!!

    I also saw that target skirt in the first picture today on clearance and didn't pick it up. You make it look so cute, I totally should have! I didn't know what to wear it with.

    (Also, the Tiny Heart sent me over here!)

  3. Voted!

    ..P.S. I have two baby cousins and they are difficult. - I die. Hilarious!!

  4. Hahaha LOVE their advice! Especially the one about wearing a gas mask ;)

    And that red dress is cuuute!

  5. Love this outfit! And, all the advice from your students is priceless!! Kids are so funny...and apparently very concerned about the smell of dirty diapers :)

  6. Yay off to vote now, and I love kids' advice! It's always priceless!


  7. Your hair looks great for a rainy day!

  8. Those pieces of advice are too funny!!! So cute. Loving your heart sweater!


  9. You know I voted!! Love the advice. So cute. That skirt is adorable!! You look incredible.

  10. Voted! Such a cute dress. And, oh my...out of the mouths of babes. So funny.

  11. They're advice is so awesome!! I love kids.

  12. Voted :)....I love...love..love your dress. It's so pretty and you look so cute with your baby bump :)

  13. Of all the things on the ground, she might find a magnet?! Haha these are all so cute! I love that outfit by the way!!! Everything about it!

  14. I love the baby advice from 8 year olds! That will be fun to look back on in years to come :)

  15. I love these notes from your kids, so fun! I saw you entered the Chippmunk contest too, love that dress!

  16. Um...cutest post ever! What a fun idea...to have the kids give you advice :) And you look so cute in that sweater and striped skirt!

    The Other Side of Gray

  17. hahaha the advice is great!!! i love kids and what they say! so funny!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  18. The second dress is so cute! Can't believe you got it only for 5 bucks!

    with love, Cassandra xx

  19. Seriously, you can't beat a $5 dress, especially one with polka dots and is super cute on you. Love the advice from your kiddos... they are all very true! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  20. Ha! Those comments are hilarious. I guess you'll need to buy some clothespins :)

  21. Voted!!! And love thier advice- some of them know more than I thought. Love this!

  22. oh my, you look so pretty!!!! beuatiful!!! Great pictures as well!
    Have a fabulous time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra

  23. Totally voted!! ;) And love that we are sweater twinsies! Looove my old navy heart sweater..isn't it the most comfy thing ever? The 8 year old's advice is pretty sound...they know what they are talking about hahaha!

  24. Voted! That dress is super cute. I never have luck finding things that fit that aren't maternity. Although last week I did, it's a convertible dress from Nordstrom's. Super easy to wear I bought it in two different colors for the summer. Love the 3rd grader advice too! So cute.

  25. LOL, I LOVE this! :) You are looking cuter and cuter girl!

  26. Don't let your baby eat big pieces of food is my favorite!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  27. Aww I just found your blog...I am a third grade teacher too and just had my little girl. I loved how thoughtful and great my class was during my pregnancy...3rd graders are the best!

    P.S. you look great1

  28. great post and looks honey, i really love them!


  29. I love the advice! It's too cute! Also, I totally adore that sweater from Old Navy!

  30. Just voted! I found you from the Pleated Poppy - I love your fashion sense, you look adorable!

    Since you are dressing for two we (Toronto Mama & A Life From Scratch) would love for you to join us at What WE wore Wednesday!

    Here is the link if you'd like to link up - thanks so much! :)


  31. Oh my gosh those kids are too funny!! I love it.


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